Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot

Support for repositories that take flow execution snapshots to support backtracking.


Interface Summary
FlowExecutionSnapshotFactory A factory for creating different FlowExecutionSnapshot implementations.

Class Summary
AbstractSnapshottingFlowExecutionRepository Base class for repositories that take flow execution snapshots using a FlowExecutionSnapshotFactory.
FlowExecutionSnapshot A snapshot that can be used to restore a FlowExecution using a FlowExecutionSnapshotFactory.
SerializedFlowExecutionSnapshot A snapshot implementation that is based on standard Java serialization, created by a SerializedFlowExecutionSnapshotFactory.
SerializedFlowExecutionSnapshotFactory A factory that creates new instances of flow execution snapshots based on standard Java serialization.
SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotFactory A factory that creates new flow execution snapshot instances that simply wraps an underlying flow execution instance.

Exception Summary
SnapshotCreationException Thrown when a continuation snapshot could not be taken of flow execution state.
SnapshotNotFoundException Thrown when a flow execution snapshot cannot be found This usually occurs when the client references a snapshot that has since been removed.
SnapshotUnmarshalException Thrown when a FlowExecutionContinuation could not be deserialized into a FlowExecution.

Package org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot Description

Support for repositories that take flow execution snapshots to support backtracking.

Spring Web Flow