Spring Web Flow

Interface FlowExecutionStateRestorer

public interface FlowExecutionStateRestorer

A strategy used by repositories to restore transient flow execution state during execution restoration.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
 FlowExecution restoreState(FlowExecution execution, FlowDefinition definition, FlowExecutionKey key, MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> conversationScope, FlowDefinitionLocator subflowDefinitionLocator)
          Restore the transient state of the flow execution.

Method Detail


FlowExecution restoreState(FlowExecution execution,
                           FlowDefinition definition,
                           FlowExecutionKey key,
                           MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> conversationScope,
                           FlowDefinitionLocator subflowDefinitionLocator)
Restore the transient state of the flow execution.

execution - the flow execution, newly deserialized and needing restoration
definition - the root flow definition for the execution, typically not part of the serialized form
key - the flow execution key, typically not part of the serialized form
conversationScope - the execution's conversation scope, which is typically not part of the serialized form since it could be shared by multiple physical flow execution copies all sharing the same logical conversation
subflowDefinitionLocator - for locating the definitions of any subflows started by the execution
the restored flow execution

Spring Web Flow