Spring Web Flow

Class FlowExecutorImpl

  extended by org.springframework.webflow.executor.FlowExecutorImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FlowExecutorImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements FlowExecutor

The default implementation of the central facade for driving the execution of flows within an application.

This object is responsible for creating and launching new flow executions as requested by clients, as well as resuming existing, paused executions (that were waiting to be resumed in response to a user event).

This object is a facade or entry point into the Spring Web Flow execution system and makes the overall system easier to use. The name executor was chosen as executors drive executions.

Commonly used configurable properties

name description default
definitionLocator The service locator responsible for loading flow definitions to execute. None
executionFactory The factory responsible for creating new flow executions. None
executionRepository The repository responsible for managing flow execution persistence. None

Keith Donald, Erwin Vervaet, Colin Sampaleanu
See Also:
FlowDefinitionLocator, FlowExecutionFactory, FlowExecutionRepository

Constructor Summary
FlowExecutorImpl(FlowDefinitionLocator definitionLocator, FlowExecutionFactory executionFactory, FlowExecutionRepository executionRepository)
          Create a new flow executor.
Method Summary
 FlowDefinitionLocator getDefinitionLocator()
          Returns the locator to load flow definitions to execute.
 FlowExecutionFactory getExecutionFactory()
          Returns the abstract factory used to create new executions of a flow.
 FlowExecutionRepository getExecutionRepository()
          Returns the repository used to save, update, and load existing flow executions to/from a persistent store.
 FlowExecutionResult launchExecution(java.lang.String flowId, MutableAttributeMap<?> input, ExternalContext context)
          Launch a new execution of the flow with the provided id.
 FlowExecutionResult resumeExecution(java.lang.String flowExecutionKey, ExternalContext context)
          Resume the flow execution with the provided execution key.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FlowExecutorImpl(FlowDefinitionLocator definitionLocator,
                        FlowExecutionFactory executionFactory,
                        FlowExecutionRepository executionRepository)
Create a new flow executor.

definitionLocator - the locator for accessing flow definitions to execute
executionFactory - the factory for creating executions of flow definitions
executionRepository - the repository for persisting paused flow executions
Method Detail


public FlowDefinitionLocator getDefinitionLocator()
Returns the locator to load flow definitions to execute.


public FlowExecutionFactory getExecutionFactory()
Returns the abstract factory used to create new executions of a flow.


public FlowExecutionRepository getExecutionRepository()
Returns the repository used to save, update, and load existing flow executions to/from a persistent store.


public FlowExecutionResult launchExecution(java.lang.String flowId,
                                           MutableAttributeMap<?> input,
                                           ExternalContext context)
                                    throws FlowException
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutor
Launch a new execution of the flow with the provided id.

Specified by:
launchExecution in interface FlowExecutor
flowId - the flow definition identifier; should be unique among all top-level flow definitions (required).
input - input to pass to the new execution on startup (optional)
context - access to the calling environment (required)


public FlowExecutionResult resumeExecution(java.lang.String flowExecutionKey,
                                           ExternalContext context)
                                    throws FlowException
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutor
Resume the flow execution with the provided execution key.

Specified by:
resumeExecution in interface FlowExecutor
flowExecutionKey - the key of a paused execution of the flow definition
context - access to the calling environment

Spring Web Flow