Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans

Package providing integration of XMLBeans with Springs O/X Mapping support.


Class Summary
XmlBeansMarshaller Implementation of the Marshaller interface for XMLBeans.
XmlBeansUtils Generic utility methods for working with XMLBeans.
XmlOptionsFactoryBean Factory bean that configures an XMLBeans XmlOptions object and provides it as a bean reference.

Exception Summary
XmlBeansMarshallingFailureException XMLBeans-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
XmlBeansSystemException XMLBeans-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for XMLBeans exceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
XmlBeansUnmarshallingFailureException XMLBeans-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.
XmlBeansValidationFailureException XMLBeans-specific subclass of ValidationFailureException.

Package org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans Description

Package providing integration of XMLBeans with Springs O/X Mapping support.

Spring Web Services Framework

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