Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
org.springframework.ws.client Contains classes for client-side Spring-WS support, allowing for Spring-style Web service access. 
org.springframework.ws.soap Provides the SOAP functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom AXis Object Model (AXIOM) support for Spring-WS' soap message infrastructure. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) support for Spring-WS soap message infrastructure. 

Uses of FaultAwareWebServiceMessage in org.springframework.ws.client

Methods in org.springframework.ws.client that return FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
 FaultAwareWebServiceMessage WebServiceFaultException.getWebServiceMessage()
          Returns the fault message.

Constructors in org.springframework.ws.client with parameters of type FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
WebServiceFaultException(FaultAwareWebServiceMessage faultMessage)
          Create a new instance of the WebServiceFaultException class.

Uses of FaultAwareWebServiceMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap

Subinterfaces of FaultAwareWebServiceMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap
 interface SoapMessage
          Represents an abstraction for SOAP messages, providing access to a SOAP Envelope.

Classes in org.springframework.ws.soap that implement FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
 class AbstractSoapMessage
          Abstract implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Uses of FaultAwareWebServiceMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom

Classes in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom that implement FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
 class AxiomSoapMessage
          AXIOM-specific implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Uses of FaultAwareWebServiceMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj

Classes in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj that implement FaultAwareWebServiceMessage
 class SaajSoapMessage
          SAAJ-specific implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Spring Web Services Framework

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