Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMimeMessage
org.springframework.ws.soap Provides the SOAP functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom AXis Object Model (AXIOM) support for Spring-WS' soap message infrastructure. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) support for Spring-WS soap message infrastructure. 

Uses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap

Subclasses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap
 class AbstractSoapMessage
          Abstract implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Uses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom

Subclasses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom
 class AxiomSoapMessage
          AXIOM-specific implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Uses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj

Subclasses of AbstractMimeMessage in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj
 class SaajSoapMessage
          SAAJ-specific implementation of the SoapMessage interface.

Spring Web Services Framework

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