Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SoapFault
org.springframework.ws.soap Provides the SOAP functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.client Contains classes for SOAP-specific client-side Spring-WS support. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint Provides EndpointAdapter, EndpointMapping, and EndpointExceptionResolver implementations for SOAP. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11 Contains interfaces specific to SOAP 1.1. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12 Contains interfaces specific to SOAP 1.2. 

Uses of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap

Methods in org.springframework.ws.soap that return SoapFault
 SoapFault SoapBody.addClientOrSenderFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Adds a Client/Sender fault to the body.
 SoapFault SoapBody.addMustUnderstandFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Adds a MustUnderstand fault to the body.
 SoapFault SoapBody.addServerOrReceiverFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Adds a Server/Receiver fault to the body.
 SoapFault SoapBody.addVersionMismatchFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Adds a VersionMismatch fault to the body.
 SoapFault SoapBody.getFault()
          Returns the SoapFault of this body.

Uses of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.client

Methods in org.springframework.ws.soap.client that return SoapFault
 SoapFault SoapFaultClientException.getSoapFault()
          Returns the SoapFault.

Uses of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint

Methods in org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint with parameters of type SoapFault
protected  void SimpleSoapExceptionResolver.customizeFault(MessageContext messageContext, Object endpoint, Exception ex, SoapFault fault)
          Empty template method to allow subclasses an opportunity to customize the given SoapFault.
protected  void AbstractSoapFaultDefinitionExceptionResolver.customizeFault(Object endpoint, Exception ex, SoapFault fault)
          Customize the SoapFault created by this resolver.

Uses of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11

Subinterfaces of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11
 interface Soap11Fault
          Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.

Uses of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12

Subinterfaces of SoapFault in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12
 interface Soap12Fault
          Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.

Spring Web Services Framework

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