Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.xml.stream

Provides classes that help with StAX: the Streaming API for XML.


Class Summary
AbstractStaxContentHandler Abstract base class for SAX ContentHandler implementations that use StAX as a basis.
AbstractStaxXmlReader Abstract base class for SAX XMLReader implementations that use StAX as a basis.
AbstractXmlStreamReader Abstract base class for XMLStreamReaders.
StaxEventContentHandler SAX ContentHandler that transforms callback calls to XMLEvents and writes them to a XMLEventConsumer.
StaxEventXmlReader SAX XMLReader that reads from a StAX XMLEventReader.
StaxStreamContentHandler SAX ContentHandler that writes to a XMLStreamWriter.
StaxStreamXmlReader SAX XMLReader that reads from a StAX XMLStreamReader.
XmlEventStreamReader Implementation of the XMLStreamReader interface that wraps a XMLEventReader.

Package org.springframework.xml.stream Description

Provides classes that help with StAX: the Streaming API for XML. Mostly for internal use by the framework.

Spring Web Services Framework

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