Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use WebServiceException
org.springframework.ws Provides the core functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.client Contains classes for client-side Spring-WS support, allowing for Spring-style Web service access. 
org.springframework.ws.client.support.destination Provides the DestinationProvider interface. 
org.springframework.ws.client.support.interceptor Provides the ClientInterceptor interface, and validating interceptors. 
org.springframework.ws.mime Provides MIME functionality for use the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.pox Provides the Plain Old XML (POX) functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.pox.dom Contains an implementation of the POX interfaces that is based on DOM. 
org.springframework.ws.soap Provides the SOAP functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing Provides WS-Addressing implementation classes. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom AXis Object Model (AXIOM) support for Spring-WS' soap message infrastructure. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.client Contains classes for SOAP-specific client-side Spring-WS support. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) support for Spring-WS soap message infrastructure. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.security Provides WS-Security implementation classes. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.security.wss4j Contains classes for using the Apache WSS4J WS-Security implementation within Spring-WS. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.security.xwss Contains classes for using the XML and WebServices Security WS-Security implementation within Spring-WS. 
org.springframework.ws.wsdl Provides the WSDL functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11 Contains interfaces and classes specific to WSDL 1.1. 

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws
 class NoEndpointFoundException
          Exception thrown when an endpoint cannot be resolved for an incoming message request.
 class WebServiceMessageException
          Base class for all web service message exceptions.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client
 class WebServiceClientException
          Exception thrown whenever an error occurs on the client-side.
 class WebServiceFaultException
          Thrown by SimpleFaultMessageResolver when the response message has a fault.
 class WebServiceIOException
          Exception thrown whenever an I/O error occurs on the client-side.
 class WebServiceTransformerException
          Exception thrown whenever a transformation error occurs on the client-side.
 class WebServiceTransportException
          Exception thrown whenever a transport error occurs on the client-side.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client.support.destination

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client.support.destination
 class DestinationProvisionException
          Thrown by a DestinationProvider when it cannot provide a destination.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client.support.interceptor

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.client.support.interceptor
 class WebServiceValidationException
          Exception thrown whenever a validation error occurs on the client-side.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.mime

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.mime
 class AttachmentException
          Exception thrown when a MIME attachment could not be accessed.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.pox

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.pox
 class PoxMessageException
          Specific subclass of WebServiceMessageException for Plain Old XML messages.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.pox.dom

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.pox.dom
 class DomPoxMessageException
          Specific subclass of PoxMessageException for DOM Plain Old XML messages.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap
 class SoapBodyException
          Exception thrown when a SOAP body could not be accessed.
 class SoapElementException
          Exception thrown when a SOAP element could not be accessed.
 class SoapEnvelopeException
          Exception thrown when a SOAP body could not be accessed.
 class SoapFaultException
          Exception thrown when a SOAP fault could not be accessed.
 class SoapHeaderException
          Exception thrown when a SOAP header could not be accessed.
 class SoapMessageCreationException
          Exception thrown when a web service message cannot be created.
 class SoapMessageException
          Base class for all SOAP message exceptions.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing
 class AddressingException
          Exception thrown in case on WS-Addressing errors.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom
 class AxiomAttachmentException
 class AxiomSoapBodyException
 class AxiomSoapElementException
 class AxiomSoapEnvelopeException
 class AxiomSoapFaultException
 class AxiomSoapHeaderException
 class AxiomSoapMessageCreationException
 class AxiomSoapMessageException

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.client

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.client
 class SoapFaultClientException
          Thrown by SoapFaultMessageResolver when the response message has a fault.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj
 class SaajAttachmentException
 class SaajSoapBodyException
 class SaajSoapElementException
 class SaajSoapEnvelopeException
 class SaajSoapFaultException
 class SaajSoapHeaderException
 class SaajSoapMessageCreationException
 class SaajSoapMessageException

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security
 class WsSecurityException
          Exception indicating that something went wrong during WS-Security executions.
 class WsSecurityFaultException
          Exception indicating that a WS-Security executions should result in a SOAP Fault.
 class WsSecuritySecurementException
          Exception indicating that something went wrong during the securement of a message.
 class WsSecurityValidationException
          Exception indicating that something went wrong during the validation of a message.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security.wss4j

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security.wss4j
 class Wss4jSecurityFaultException
          WSS4J-specific version of the WsSecurityFaultException.
 class Wss4jSecuritySecurementException
          WSS4J-specific version of the WsSecuritySecurementException.
 class Wss4jSecurityValidationException
          WSS4J-specific version of the WsSecurityValidationException.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security.xwss

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.soap.security.xwss
 class XwsSecurityFaultException
          XWSS-specific version of the WsSecurityFaultException.
 class XwsSecuritySecurementException
          XWSS-specific version of the WsSecuritySecurementException.
 class XwsSecurityValidationException
          XWSS-specific version of the WsSecurityValidationException.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.wsdl

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.wsdl
 class WsdlDefinitionException
          Base class for all WSDL definition exceptions.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11

Subclasses of WebServiceException in org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11
 class Wsdl4jDefinitionException
          Subclass of WsdlDefinitionException that wraps WSDLExceptions.

Spring Web Services Framework

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