Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.ws.transport.http

Package providing support for handling messages via HTTP.


Interface Summary
HttpTransportConstants Declares HTTP-specific transport constants.

Class Summary
AbstractHttpSenderConnection Abstract base class for WebServiceConnection implementations that send request over HTTP.
AbstractHttpWebServiceMessageSender Abstract base class for WebServiceMessageSender implementations that use HTTP.
CommonsHttpConnection Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on Jakarta Commons HttpClient.
CommonsHttpMessageSender WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses Jakarta Commons HttpClient to execute POST requests.
HttpExchangeConnection Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on the Java 6 HttpServer HttpExchange.
HttpServletConnection Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on the Servlet API.
HttpsUrlConnectionMessageSender Extension of HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender that adds support for (self-signed) HTTPS certificates.
HttpUrlConnection Implementation of the WebServiceConnection interface that uses a HttpURLConnection.
HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses standard J2SE facilities to execute POST requests, without support for HTTP authentication or advanced configuration options.
MessageDispatcherServlet Servlet for simplified dispatching of Web service messages.
WebServiceMessageReceiverHandlerAdapter Adapter to use the WebServiceMessageReceiver interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
WebServiceMessageReceiverHttpHandler HttpHandler that can be used to handle incoming HttpExchange service requests.
WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter Adapter to use the WsdlDefinition interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
XsdSchemaHandlerAdapter Adapter to use the XsdSchema interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.

Exception Summary
HttpsTransportException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the HTTP transport.
HttpTransportException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the HTTP transport.

Package org.springframework.ws.transport.http Description

Package providing support for handling messages via HTTP. Includes the MessageDispatcherServlet and WebServiceHttpHandler for server-side access, and the HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender and CommonsHttpMessageSender for client-side access.

Spring Web Services Framework

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