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1   package;
3   import;
4   import java.util.Iterator;
5   import javax.activation.DataHandler;
7   import;
8   import;
10  /**
11   * Represents a Web service message with MIME attachments. Attachments can be added as a file, an {@link
12   * InputStreamSource}, or a {@link DataHandler}.
13   *
14   * @author Arjen Poutsma
15   * @see Attachment
16   * @since 1.0.0
17   */
18  public interface MimeMessage extends WebServiceMessage {
20      /**
21       * Indicates whether this message is a XOP package.
22       *
23       * @return <code>true</code> when the constraints specified in <a href="">Identifying
24       *         XOP Documents</a> are met.
25       * @see <a href="">XOP Packages</a>
26       */
27      boolean isXopPackage();
29      /**
30       * Turns this message into a XOP package.
31       *
32       * @return <code>true</code> when the message is a XOP package
33       * @see <a href="">XOP Packages</a>
34       */
35      boolean convertToXopPackage();
37      /**
38       * Returns the {@link Attachment} with the specified content Id.
39       *
40       * @return the attachment with the specified content id; or <code>null</code> if it cannot be found
41       * @throws AttachmentException in case of errors
42       */
43      Attachment getAttachment(String contentId) throws AttachmentException;
45      /**
46       * Returns an <code>Iterator</code> over all {@link Attachment} objects that are part of this message.
47       *
48       * @return an iterator over all attachments
49       * @throws AttachmentException in case of errors
50       * @see Attachment
51       */
52      Iterator getAttachments() throws AttachmentException;
54      /**
55       * Add an attachment to the message, taking the content from a {@link File}.
56       * <p/>
57       * The content type will be determined by the name of the given content file. Do not use this for temporary files
58       * with arbitrary filenames (possibly ending in ".tmp" or the like)!
59       *
60       * @param contentId the content Id of the attachment
61       * @param file      the file  to take the content from
62       * @return the added attachment
63       * @throws AttachmentException in case of errors
64       */
65      Attachment addAttachment(String contentId, File file) throws AttachmentException;
67      /**
68       * Add an attachment to the message, taking the content from an {@link InputStreamSource}.
69       * <p/>
70       * Note that the stream returned by the source needs to be a <em>fresh one on each call</em>, as underlying
71       * implementations can invoke {@link InputStreamSource#getInputStream()} multiple times.
72       *
73       * @param contentId         the content Id of the attachment
74       * @param inputStreamSource the resource to take the content from (all of Spring's Resource implementations can be
75       *                          passed in here)
76       * @param contentType       the content type to use for the element
77       * @return the added attachment
78       * @throws AttachmentException in case of errors
79       * @see
80       */
81      Attachment addAttachment(String contentId, InputStreamSource inputStreamSource, String contentType);
83      /**
84       * Add an attachment to the message, taking the content from a {@link DataHandler}.
85       *
86       * @param dataHandler the data handler to take the content from
87       * @return the added attachment
88       * @throws AttachmentException in case of errors
89       */
90      Attachment addAttachment(String contentId, DataHandler dataHandler);
91  }