Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SoapElement
org.springframework.ws.soap Provides the SOAP functionality of the Spring Web Services framework. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11 Contains interfaces specific to SOAP 1.1. 
org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12 Contains interfaces specific to SOAP 1.2. 

Uses of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap

Subinterfaces of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap
 interface SoapBody
          Represents the Body element in a SOAP message.
 interface SoapEnvelope
          Represents the Envelope element in a SOAP message.
 interface SoapFault
          Represents the Fault element in the body of a SOAP message.
 interface SoapFaultDetail
          Represents the detail element in a SOAP fault.
 interface SoapFaultDetailElement
          Represents the content for an individual SOAP detail entry in a SOAP Message.
 interface SoapHeader
          Represents the Header element in a SOAP message.
 interface SoapHeaderElement
          Represents the contents of an individual SOAP header in the a SOAP message.

Uses of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11

Subinterfaces of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap11
 interface Soap11Body
          Subinterface of SoapBody that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.
 interface Soap11Fault
          Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.
 interface Soap11Header
          Subinterface of SoapHeader that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.

Uses of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12

Subinterfaces of SoapElement in org.springframework.ws.soap.soap12
 interface Soap12Body
          Subinterface of SoapBody that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.
 interface Soap12Fault
          Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.
 interface Soap12Header
          Subinterface of SoapHeader that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.

Spring Web Services Framework

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