See: Description
Package | Description |
org.springframework.batch.integration.x |
Package for Batch integration extensions.
org.springframework.integration.x.gemfire |
Package for Gemfire integration extensions.
org.springframework.integration.x.http |
Package for batch integration classes.
org.springframework.integration.x.splunk |
Package for Splunk integration extensions.
org.springframework.integration.x.twitter |
Package for twitter integration extensions.
| |
Package for core metrics.
| |
Package for metrics integration.
| |
Package for in-memory metrics.
| |
Package for metrics' options metadata.
| |
Package for Redis based metrics support.
| |
Package with core abstractions for Machine Learning Support.
org.springframework.xd.batch |
Package for XD batch database support.
org.springframework.xd.batch.hsqldb.server |
Package for HSQL database server.
org.springframework.xd.batch.item.hadoop |
Package for batch item writer for hadoop.
org.springframework.xd.batch.item.jdbc |
Package for JDBC item provider.
org.springframework.xd.dirt |
Base package for DIRT (Distributed Integration RunTime).
| |
Package for DIRT analytics support.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.cluster |
Package for DIRT cluster.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.container.initializer |
Package for container context initializer classes.
| |
Package for container metadata store.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.core |
Package for DIRT core classes.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.event |
Package for DIRT events.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.bus |
Package for DIRT classes that integrate with
MessageBus . |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.bus.converter |
Package for DIRT classes that provide message converters used to/from
MessageBus . |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.bus.serializer |
Package for DIRT classes that provide serialization/deserialization to/from
MessageBus . |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.bus.serializer.kryo |
Contains classes that provide kryo serialization support to/from
MessageBus . |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.rabbit |
This package contains an implementation of the
MessageBus for RabbitMQ. |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.integration.redis |
This package contains an implementation of the
MessageBus for Redis. |
org.springframework.xd.dirt.jdbc.util |
Package for DIRT JDBC util classes.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.job |
Provides classes that support spring batch admin for DIRT jobs.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.module |
Base package for DIRT module.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.module.jmx |
Package for DIRT module that provides JMX support.
| |
Package for module meta data.
| |
Package for DIRT module support.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.modules.metadata |
Package for DIRT modules options' metadata.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.plugins |
Base Package for Spring XD plugins.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.plugins.job |
Contains classes that support Spring Batch for Job plugins.
| |
Contains classes for improved Spring Batch support.
| |
Contains classes that support listeners for DIRT job lifecycle events.
| |
Package for Stream plugins.
| |
Provides a REST API for interacting with the XD runtime.
| |
Provides a REST API for XD metrics.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.server |
Base package for DIRT server.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.server.options |
Package for DIRT server options.
| |
Base package for processing DeploymentUnit (Stream/Job).
| |
Package for code completion provider for Stream/Job and their module names/options when used in Shell.
| |
Base package for processing DeploymentUnit(Stream/Job) DSL.
| |
Package for DeploymentUnit(Stream/Job)'s Zookeeper based repositories.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.test |
Package for DIRT test classes.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.process |
Package for processing chain test support.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.sink |
Package for test support sink that binds to named channel.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.source |
Package for test support source that binds to named channel.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.util |
Package for DIRT utils.
org.springframework.xd.dirt.zookeeper |
Package for DIRT Zookeeper support.
org.springframework.xd.distributed.util |
Package for distributed test utility classes.
org.springframework.xd.gemfire |
Package for gemfire extensions.
org.springframework.xd.gemfire.server |
Contains a simple driver application to run a Gemfire server.
org.springframework.xd.hadoop.fs |
Package for hadoop FS related classes.
org.springframework.xd.http |
Package for http extensions.
org.springframework.xd.integration.fixtures |
Base package for integration fixtures.
org.springframework.xd.integration.hadoop |
Base package for Hadoop/HDFS support.
org.springframework.xd.integration.hadoop.config |
Provides classes for configuration - parsers, namespace handlers, factory beans.
org.springframework.xd.integration.hadoop.outbound |
Provides classes supporting outbound endpoints.
org.springframework.xd.integration.hadoop.partition |
Package for HDFS Partitioning support.
org.springframework.xd.integration.reactor.config |
Package for Reactor integration configurations.
| |
Package for Reactor integration for network-aware server.
org.springframework.xd.integration.reactor.syslog |
Package for Reactor integration for syslog.
org.springframework.xd.integration.throughput |
Package for throughput sampler extensions.
org.springframework.xd.integration.util |
Package for integration test utility.
org.springframework.xd.integration.util.jmxresult |
Package for processing integration tests' JMX result.
org.springframework.xd.jdbc |
Package for JDBC extensions.
org.springframework.xd.mail |
Package for Mail module extensions.
org.springframework.xd.module |
Root package of the Module support.
org.springframework.xd.module.core |
Contains the Module core classes.
org.springframework.xd.module.options |
Contains the
ModuleOption related classes. |
org.springframework.xd.module.options.mixins |
A set of reusable mixins for defining module options metadata.
org.springframework.xd.module.options.spi |
SPI for Module Options.
org.springframework.xd.module.options.types |
Contains custom module option types.
| |
Contains support classes for the Module support
org.springframework.xd.mongodb |
Package for mongodb extensions.
| |
Defines the various REST client operation interfaces.
| |
Contains REST client operation implementations.
| |
Contains support classes for the Rest client, e.g.
| |
Contains the resources managed by the REST API.
| |
Package for Rest domain metrics classes.
| |
Package for rest domain support classes.
| |
Package for common rest domain util classes.
| |
Package for core Spring XD Shell classes.
| |
Package for various Spring XD Shell commands.
| |
Provides support classes for the various shell commands.
| |
Contains Shell converter classes.
| |
Package for Hadoop Shell command classes.
| |
Contains utilities for rendering textual contents (example: text tables), to the console.
org.springframework.xd.splunk |
Package for Splunk extensions.
| |
Package for analytics repository.
org.springframework.xd.tcp |
Package for TCP extensions.
org.springframework.xd.test |
Contains test support classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.fixtures |
Contains integration test fixtures classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.fixtures.util |
Contains test fixture utility classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.generator |
utilities to generate load on a server
org.springframework.xd.test.hadoop |
Contains HDFS test support classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.mqtt |
Contains MQTT test support classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.rabbit |
Contains Rabbit test support classes.
org.springframework.xd.test.redis |
Contains Redis support classes.
org.springframework.xd.tuple |
Base package for tuple classes.
org.springframework.xd.tuple.batch |
Contains tuple batch classes.
org.springframework.xd.tuple.integration |
Contains classes that supports tuple integration such as tuple transformers etc.,
org.springframework.xd.tuple.processor |
Contains tuple processor classes.
org.springframework.xd.tuple.spel |
Contains tuple SpEL accessor classes.
org.springframework.xd.yarn |