Interface BeanNameAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractExcelView, AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView, AbstractJasperReportsView, AbstractPdfView, AbstractTemplateView, AbstractUrlBasedView, AbstractView, AbstractXsltView, CronTriggerBean, DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, EhCacheFactoryBean, FieldRetrievingFactoryBean, FilterDefinitionFactoryBean, FreeMarkerView, InternalResourceView, JasperReportsCsvView, JasperReportsHtmlView, JasperReportsMultiFormatView, JasperReportsPdfView, JasperReportsXlsView, JobDetailBean, JstlView, MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean, PreferencesPlaceholderConfigurer, PropertyPathFactoryBean, PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, RedirectView, ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, ServletForwardingController, ServletWrappingController, SimpleTriggerBean, TilesJstlView, TilesView, TypeDefinitionBean, VelocityLayoutView, VelocityToolboxView, VelocityView

public interface BeanNameAware

Interface to be implemented by beans that want to be aware of their bean name in a bean factory.

For a list of all bean lifecycle methods, see the BeanFactory javadocs.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, BeanFactory

Method Summary
 void setBeanName(String name)
          Set the name of the bean in the bean factory that created this bean.

Method Detail


void setBeanName(String name)
Set the name of the bean in the bean factory that created this bean.

Invoked after population of normal bean properties but before an init callback like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method.

name - the name of the bean in the factory

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