Interface TargetSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource, AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource, AbstractLazyInitTargetSource, AbstractPoolingTargetSource, AbstractPrototypeBasedTargetSource, CommonsPoolTargetSource, EmptyTargetSource, HotSwappableTargetSource, JndiObjectTargetSource, LazyInitTargetSource, PrototypeTargetSource, SingletonTargetSource, ThreadLocalTargetSource

public interface TargetSource

A TargetSource is used to obtain the current "target" of an AOP invocation, which will be invoked via reflection if no around advice chooses to end the interceptor chain itself.

If a TargetSource is "static", it will always return the same target, allowing optimizations in the AOP framework. Dynamic target sources can support pooling, hot swapping, etc.

Application developers don't usually need to work with TargetSources directly: This is an AOP framework interface.

Rod Johnson

Method Summary
 Object getTarget()
          Return a target instance.
 Class getTargetClass()
          Return the type of targets returned by this TargetSource.
 boolean isStatic()
          Will all calls to getTarget() return the same object?
 void releaseTarget(Object target)
          Release the given target object obtained from the getTarget() method.

Method Detail


Class getTargetClass()
Return the type of targets returned by this TargetSource. Can return null, although certain usages of a TargetSource might just work with a predetermined target class.


boolean isStatic()
Will all calls to getTarget() return the same object? In that case, there will be no need to invoke releaseTarget, and the AOP framework can cache the return value of getTarget().

whether the target is immutable
See Also:


Object getTarget()
                 throws Exception
Return a target instance. Invoked immediately before the AOP framework calls the "target" of an AOP method invocation.

the target object, whicch contains the joinpoint
Exception - if the target object can't be resolved


void releaseTarget(Object target)
                   throws Exception
Release the given target object obtained from the getTarget() method.

target - object obtained from a call to getTarget()
Exception - if the object can't be released
See Also:

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