The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyAccessException
org.springframework.beans This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. 
org.springframework.validation Provides data binding and validation functionality, for usage in business and/or UI layers. 

Uses of PropertyAccessException in org.springframework.beans

Subclasses of PropertyAccessException in org.springframework.beans
 class MethodInvocationException
          Thrown when a bean property getter or setter method throws an exception, analogous to an InvocationTargetException.
 class TypeMismatchException
          Exception thrown on a type mismatch when trying to set a bean property.

Methods in org.springframework.beans that return PropertyAccessException
 PropertyAccessException PropertyBatchUpdateException.getPropertyAccessException(String propertyName)
          Return the exception for this field, or null if there isn't one.
 PropertyAccessException[] PropertyBatchUpdateException.getPropertyAccessExceptions()
          Return an array of the propertyAccessExceptions stored in this object.

Constructors in org.springframework.beans with parameters of type PropertyAccessException
PropertyBatchUpdateException(PropertyAccessException[] propertyAccessExceptions)
          Create a new PropertyBatchUpdateException.

Uses of PropertyAccessException in org.springframework.validation

Methods in org.springframework.validation with parameters of type PropertyAccessException
 void DefaultBindingErrorProcessor.processPropertyAccessException(PropertyAccessException ex, BindingResult bindingResult)
 void BindingErrorProcessor.processPropertyAccessException(PropertyAccessException ex, BindingResult bindingResult)
          Translate the given PropertyAccessException to an appropriate error registered on the given Errors instance.

The Spring Framework

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