The Spring Framework
Class ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
              extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ApplicationContextAware, Ordered, ServletContextAware, HandlerMapping

public class ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
extends AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
implements HandlerMapping

Implementation of HandlerMapping that follows a simple convention for generating URL path mappings from the class names of registered Controller and ThrowawayController beans.

For simple Controller implementations (those that handle a single request type), the convention is to take the short name of the Class, remove the 'Controller' suffix if it exists and return the remaining text, lowercased, as the mapping, with a leading /. For example:

For MultiActionControllers then a similar mapping is registered, except that all sub-paths are registed using the trailing wildcard pattern /*. For example:

For MultiActionController it is often useful to use this mapping strategy in conjunction with the InternalPathMethodNameResolver.

Thanks to Warren Oliver for suggesting the "caseSensitive", "pathPrefix" and "basePackage" properties which have been added in Spring 2.5.

Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
Controller, ThrowawayController, MultiActionController

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void detectControllers()
          Detect all the Controller and ThrowawayController beans registered in the ApplicationContext and register a URL path mapping for each one based on rules defined here.
protected  String generatePathMapping(Class beanClass)
          Generate the actual URL path for the given controller class.
protected  void initApplicationContext()
          Calls the detectControllers() method in addition to the superclass's initialization.
protected  boolean isEligibleForMapping(String beanName, Class beanClass)
          Determine whether the specified controller is excluded from this mapping.
protected  void registerController(String beanName, Class beanClass)
          Register the controller with the given name, as defined in the current application context.
protected  void registerControllers(Class controllerType)
          Register all controllers of the given type, searching the current DispatcherServlet's ApplicationContext for matching beans.
 void setBasePackage(String basePackage)
          Set the base package to be used for generating path mappings, including all subpackages underneath this packages as path elements.
 void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)
          Set whether to apply case sensitivity to the generated paths, e.g. turning the class name "BuyForm" into "buyForm".
 void setExcludedClasses(Class[] excludedClasses)
          Specify controller classes that should be excluded from this mapping.
 void setExcludedPackages(String[] excludedPackages)
          Specify Java packages that should be excluded from this mapping.
 void setPathPrefix(String prefixPath)
          Specify a prefix to prepend to the path generated from the controller name.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
buildPathExposingHandler, exposePathWithinMapping, getHandlerInternal, getHandlerMap, getRootHandler, lookupHandler, registerHandler, registerHandler, setAlwaysUseFullPath, setLazyInitHandlers, setPathMatcher, setRootHandler, setUrlDecode, setUrlPathHelper
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
adaptInterceptor, extendInterceptors, getAdaptedInterceptors, getDefaultHandler, getHandler, getHandlerExecutionChain, getOrder, initInterceptors, setDefaultHandler, setInterceptors, setOrder
Methods inherited from class
getServletContext, getTempDir, getWebApplicationContext, isContextRequired, setServletContext
Methods inherited from class
getApplicationContext, getMessageSourceAccessor, requiredContextClass, setApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping

Constructor Detail


public ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping()
Method Detail


public void setExcludedPackages(String[] excludedPackages)
Specify Java packages that should be excluded from this mapping. Any classes in such a package (or any of its subpackages) will be ignored by this HandlerMapping.

Default is to exclude the entire "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc" package, including its subpackages, since none of Spring's out-of-the-box Controller implementations is a reasonable candidate for this mapping strategy. Such controllers are typically handled by a separate HandlerMapping, e.g. a BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping, alongside this ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping for application controllers.


public void setExcludedClasses(Class[] excludedClasses)
Specify controller classes that should be excluded from this mapping. Any such classes will simply be ignored by this HandlerMapping.


public void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)
Set whether to apply case sensitivity to the generated paths, e.g. turning the class name "BuyForm" into "buyForm".

Default is "false", using pure lower case paths, e.g. turning the class name "BuyForm" into "buyform".


public void setPathPrefix(String prefixPath)
Specify a prefix to prepend to the path generated from the controller name.

Default is a plain slash ("/"). A path like "/mymodule" can be specified in order to have controller path mappings prefixed with that path, e.g. "/mymodule/buyform" instead of "/buyform" for the class name "BuyForm".


public void setBasePackage(String basePackage)
Set the base package to be used for generating path mappings, including all subpackages underneath this packages as path elements.

Default is null, using the short class name for the generated path, with the controller's package not represented in the path. Specify a base package like "com.mycompany.myapp" to include subpackages within that base package as path elements, e.g. generating the path "/mymodule/buyform" for the class name "com.mycompany.myapp.mymodule.BuyForm". Subpackage hierarchies are represented as individual path elements, e.g. "/mymodule/mysubmodule/buyform" for the class name "com.mycompany.myapp.mymodule.mysubmodule.BuyForm".


protected void initApplicationContext()
Calls the detectControllers() method in addition to the superclass's initialization.

initApplicationContext in class AbstractHandlerMapping
See Also:
AbstractHandlerMapping.extendInterceptors(java.util.List), AbstractHandlerMapping.initInterceptors()


protected void detectControllers()
                          throws BeansException
Detect all the Controller and ThrowawayController beans registered in the ApplicationContext and register a URL path mapping for each one based on rules defined here.

BeansException - if the controllers couldn't be obtained or registered
See Also:


protected void registerControllers(Class controllerType)
                            throws BeansException
Register all controllers of the given type, searching the current DispatcherServlet's ApplicationContext for matching beans.

controllerType - the type of controller to search for
BeansException - if the controllers couldn't be obtained or registered


protected boolean isEligibleForMapping(String beanName,
                                       Class beanClass)
Determine whether the specified controller is excluded from this mapping.

beanName - the name of the controller bean
beanClass - the concrete class of the controller bean
whether the specified class is excluded
See Also:
setExcludedPackages(java.lang.String[]), setExcludedClasses(java.lang.Class[])


protected void registerController(String beanName,
                                  Class beanClass)
                           throws BeansException,
Register the controller with the given name, as defined in the current application context.

beanName - the name of the controller bean
beanClass - the concrete class of the controller bean
BeansException - if the controller couldn't be registered
IllegalStateException - if there is a conflicting handler registered
See Also:


protected String generatePathMapping(Class beanClass)
Generate the actual URL path for the given controller class.

Subclasses may choose to customize the paths that are generated by overriding this method.

beanClass - the controller bean class to generate a mapping for
the URL path mapping for the given controller

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.