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org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this, and additions are shown like this.
If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The new HTML tags are shown in the differences. If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.
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Class RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks

RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks is a custom JUnit 4.5+ Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling afterTestMethod() on the supplied TestContextManager. @see #evaluate() @see RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks @author Sam Brannen @since 3.0
Class RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks, constructor RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks(Statement, Object, Method, TestContextManager)

Constructs a new RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks statement. @param next the next Statement in the execution chain @param testInstance the current test instance (never null) @param testMethod the test method which has just been executed on the test instance @param testContextManager the TestContextManager upon which to call afterTestMethod()
Class RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks, void evaluate()

Invokes the next Statement in the execution chain (typically an instance of RunAfters), catching any exceptions thrown, and then calls TestContextManager.afterTestMethod(Object, Method, Throwable) with the first caught exception (if any). If the call to afterTestMethod() throws an exception, it will also be tracked. Multiple exceptions will be combined into a MultipleFailureException.