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Class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders

Added Fields
String ACCEPT_ENCODING The HTTP {@code Accept-Encoding} header field name.
String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE The HTTP {@code Accept-Language} header field name.
String ACCEPT_RANGES The HTTP {@code Accept-Ranges} header field name.
String AGE The HTTP {@code Age} header field name.
String AUTHORIZATION The HTTP {@code Authorization} header field name.
String CONTENT_ENCODING The HTTP {@code Content-Encoding} header field name.
String CONTENT_LANGUAGE The HTTP {@code Content-Language} header field name.
String CONTENT_LOCATION The HTTP {@code Content-Location} header field name.
String CONTENT_RANGE The HTTP {@code Content-Range} header field name.
String COOKIE The HTTP {@code Cookie} header field name.
String EXPECT The HTTP {@code Expect} header field name.
String FROM The HTTP {@code From} header field name.
String HOST The HTTP {@code Host} header field name.
String IF_MATCH The HTTP {@code If-Match} header field name.
String IF_RANGE The HTTP {@code If-Range} header field name.
String IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE The HTTP {@code If-Unmodified-Since} header field name.
String LINK The HTTP {@code Link} header field name.
String MAX_FORWARDS The HTTP {@code Max-Forwards} header field name.
String PROXY_AUTHENTICATE The HTTP {@code Proxy-Authenticate} header field name.
String PROXY_AUTHORIZATION The HTTP {@code Proxy-Authorization} header field name.
String RANGE The HTTP {@code Range} header field name.
String REFERER The HTTP {@code Referer} header field name.
String RETRY_AFTER The HTTP {@code Retry-After} header field name.
String SERVER The HTTP {@code Server} header field name.
String SET_COOKIE The HTTP {@code Set-Cookie} header field name.
String SET_COOKIE2 The HTTP {@code Set-Cookie2} header field name.
String TE The HTTP {@code TE} header field name.
String TRAILER The HTTP {@code Trailer} header field name.
String TRANSFER_ENCODING The HTTP {@code Transfer-Encoding} header field name.
String USER_AGENT The HTTP {@code User-Agent} header field name.
String VARY The HTTP {@code Vary} header field name.
String VIA The HTTP {@code Via} header field name.
String WARNING The HTTP {@code Warning} header field name.
String WWW_AUTHENTICATE The HTTP {@code WWW-Authenticate} header field name.