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Class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.MappingJackson2JsonView

The superclass changed from org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView to org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.AbstractJackson2View.

Added Methods
Object filterAndWrapModel(Map<String, Object>, HttpServletRequest)  
void writePrefix(JsonGenerator, Object)  
void writeSuffix(JsonGenerator, Object)  

Changed Methods
JsonEncoding getEncoding() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Return the {@code JsonEncoding} for this view.
ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Return the {@code ObjectMapper} for this view.
void prepareResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View.  
void renderMergedOutputModel(Map<String, Object>, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View.  
void setDisableCaching(boolean) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Disables caching of the generated JSON.
void setEncoding(JsonEncoding) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Set the {@code JsonEncoding} for this view.
void setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Set the {@code ObjectMapper} for this view.
void setPrettyPrint(boolean) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Whether to use the default pretty printer when writing JSON.
void setUpdateContentLength(boolean) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View. Whether to update the 'Content-Length' header of the response.
void writeContent(OutputStream, Object) Change in signature from (OutputStream, Object, String) to (OutputStream, Object).
Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractJackson2View.
Write the actual JSON content to the stream.