Class SchedulerFactoryBean

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, FactoryBean<Scheduler>, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, Lifecycle, Phased, ResourceLoaderAware, SmartLifecycle

FactoryBean that creates and configures a Quartz Scheduler, manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context, and exposes the Scheduler as bean reference for dependency injection.

Allows registration of JobDetails, Calendars and Triggers, automatically starting the scheduler on initialization and shutting it down on destruction. In scenarios that just require static registration of jobs at startup, there is no need to access the Scheduler instance itself in application code.

For dynamic registration of jobs at runtime, use a bean reference to this SchedulerFactoryBean to get direct access to the Quartz Scheduler (org.quartz.Scheduler). This allows you to create new jobs and triggers, and also to control and monitor the entire Scheduler.

Note that Quartz instantiates a new Job for each execution, in contrast to Timer which uses a TimerTask instance that is shared between repeated executions. Just JobDetail descriptors are shared.

When using persistent jobs, it is strongly recommended to perform all operations on the Scheduler within Spring-managed (or plain JTA) transactions. Else, database locking will not properly work and might even break. (See setDataSource javadoc for details.)

The preferred way to achieve transactional execution is to demarcate declarative transactions at the business facade level, which will automatically apply to Scheduler operations performed within those scopes. Alternatively, you may add transactional advice for the Scheduler itself.

Compatible with Quartz 2.1.4 and higher, as of Spring 4.1.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String PROP_THREAD_COUNT
      The thread count property.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT
      The default thread count.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SchedulerFactoryBean

      public SchedulerFactoryBean()
  • Method Details

    • getConfigTimeResourceLoader

      @Nullable public static ResourceLoader getConfigTimeResourceLoader()
      Return the ResourceLoader for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler, to be used by ResourceLoaderClassLoadHelper.

      This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available during configuration.

      See Also:
    • getConfigTimeTaskExecutor

      @Nullable public static Executor getConfigTimeTaskExecutor()
      Return the Executor for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler, to be used by LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool.

      This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available during configuration.

      See Also:
    • getConfigTimeDataSource

      @Nullable public static DataSource getConfigTimeDataSource()
      Return the DataSource for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler, to be used by LocalDataSourceJobStore.

      This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available during configuration.

      See Also:
    • getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource

      @Nullable public static DataSource getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource()
      Return the non-transactional DataSource for the currently configured Quartz Scheduler, to be used by LocalDataSourceJobStore.

      This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding Scheduler, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available during configuration.

      See Also:
    • setSchedulerFactory

      public void setSchedulerFactory(SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory)
      Set an external Quartz SchedulerFactory instance to use.

      Default is an internal StdSchedulerFactory instance. If this method is called, it overrides any class specified through setSchedulerFactoryClass(java.lang.Class<? extends org.quartz.SchedulerFactory>) as well as any settings specified through setConfigLocation(, setQuartzProperties(java.util.Properties), setTaskExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor) or setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource).

      NOTE: With an externally provided SchedulerFactory instance, local settings such as setConfigLocation( or setQuartzProperties(java.util.Properties) will be ignored here in SchedulerFactoryBean, expecting the external SchedulerFactory instance to get initialized on its own.

      See Also:
    • setSchedulerFactoryClass

      public void setSchedulerFactoryClass(Class<? extends SchedulerFactory> schedulerFactoryClass)
      Set the Quartz SchedulerFactory implementation to use.

      Default is the StdSchedulerFactory class, reading in the standard from quartz.jar. For applying custom Quartz properties, specify "configLocation" and/or "quartzProperties" etc on this local SchedulerFactoryBean instance.

      See Also:
    • setSchedulerName

      public void setSchedulerName(String schedulerName)
      Set the name of the Scheduler to create via the SchedulerFactory, as an alternative to the org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName property.

      If not specified, the name will be taken from Quartz properties (org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName), or from the declared SchedulerFactoryBean bean name as a fallback.

      See Also:
    • setConfigLocation

      public void setConfigLocation(Resource configLocation)
      Set the location of the Quartz properties config file, for example as classpath resource "".

      Note: Can be omitted when all necessary properties are specified locally via this bean, or when relying on Quartz' default configuration.

      See Also:
    • setQuartzProperties

      public void setQuartzProperties(Properties quartzProperties)
      Set Quartz properties, like "org.quartz.threadPool.class".

      Can be used to override values in a Quartz properties config file, or to specify all necessary properties locally.

      See Also:
    • setTaskExecutor

      public void setTaskExecutor(Executor taskExecutor)
      Set a Spring-managed Executor to use as Quartz backend. Exposed as thread pool through the Quartz SPI.

      Can be used to assign a local JDK ThreadPoolExecutor or a CommonJ WorkManager as Quartz backend, to avoid Quartz's manual thread creation.

      By default, a Quartz SimpleThreadPool will be used, configured through the corresponding Quartz properties.

      See Also:
    • setDataSource

      public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
      Set the default DataSource to be used by the Scheduler.

      Note: If this is set, the Quartz settings should not define a job store "dataSource" to avoid meaningless double configuration. Also, do not define a "org.quartz.jobStore.class" property at all. (You may explicitly define Spring's LocalDataSourceJobStore but that's the default when using this method anyway.)

      A Spring-specific subclass of Quartz' JobStoreCMT will be used. It is therefore strongly recommended to perform all operations on the Scheduler within Spring-managed (or plain JTA) transactions. Else, database locking will not properly work and might even break (for example, if trying to obtain a lock on Oracle without a transaction).

      Supports both transactional and non-transactional DataSource access. With a non-XA DataSource and local Spring transactions, a single DataSource argument is sufficient. In case of an XA DataSource and global JTA transactions, SchedulerFactoryBean's "nonTransactionalDataSource" property should be set, passing in a non-XA DataSource that will not participate in global transactions.

      See Also:
    • setNonTransactionalDataSource

      public void setNonTransactionalDataSource(DataSource nonTransactionalDataSource)
      Set the DataSource to be used for non-transactional access.

      This is only necessary if the default DataSource is an XA DataSource that will always participate in transactions: A non-XA version of that DataSource should be specified as "nonTransactionalDataSource" in such a scenario.

      This is not relevant with a local DataSource instance and Spring transactions. Specifying a single default DataSource as "dataSource" is sufficient there.

      See Also:
    • setSchedulerContextAsMap

      public void setSchedulerContextAsMap(Map<String,?> schedulerContextAsMap)
      Register objects in the Scheduler context via a given Map. These objects will be available to any Job that runs in this Scheduler.

      Note: When using persistent Jobs whose JobDetail will be kept in the database, do not put Spring-managed beans or an ApplicationContext reference into the JobDataMap but rather into the SchedulerContext.

      schedulerContextAsMap - a Map with String keys and any objects as values (for example Spring-managed beans)
      See Also:
    • setApplicationContextSchedulerContextKey

      public void setApplicationContextSchedulerContextKey(String applicationContextSchedulerContextKey)
      Set the key of an ApplicationContext reference to expose in the SchedulerContext, for example "applicationContext". Default is none. Only applicable when running in a Spring ApplicationContext.

      Note: When using persistent Jobs whose JobDetail will be kept in the database, do not put an ApplicationContext reference into the JobDataMap but rather into the SchedulerContext.

      In case of a QuartzJobBean, the reference will be applied to the Job instance as bean property. An "applicationContext" attribute will correspond to a "setApplicationContext" method in that scenario.

      Note that BeanFactory callback interfaces like ApplicationContextAware are not automatically applied to Quartz Job instances, because Quartz itself is responsible for the lifecycle of its Jobs.

      See Also:
    • setJobFactory

      public void setJobFactory(JobFactory jobFactory)
      Set the Quartz JobFactory to use for this Scheduler.

      Default is Spring's AdaptableJobFactory, which supports Runnable objects as well as standard Quartz Job instances. Note that this default only applies to a local Scheduler, not to a RemoteScheduler (where setting a custom JobFactory is not supported by Quartz).

      Specify an instance of Spring's SpringBeanJobFactory here (typically as an inner bean definition) to automatically populate a job's bean properties from the specified job data map and scheduler context.

      See Also:
    • setAutoStartup

      public void setAutoStartup(boolean autoStartup)
      Set whether to automatically start the scheduler after initialization.

      Default is "true"; set this to "false" to allow for manual startup.

    • isAutoStartup

      public boolean isAutoStartup()
      Return whether this scheduler is configured for auto-startup. If "true", the scheduler will start after the context is refreshed and after the start delay, if any.
      Specified by:
      isAutoStartup in interface SmartLifecycle
      See Also:
    • setPhase

      public void setPhase(int phase)
      Specify the phase in which this scheduler should be started and stopped. The startup order proceeds from lowest to highest, and the shutdown order is the reverse of that. By default this value is Integer.MAX_VALUE meaning that this scheduler starts as late as possible and stops as soon as possible.
    • getPhase

      public int getPhase()
      Return the phase in which this scheduler will be started and stopped.
      Specified by:
      getPhase in interface Phased
      Specified by:
      getPhase in interface SmartLifecycle
      See Also:
    • setStartupDelay

      public void setStartupDelay(int startupDelay)
      Set the number of seconds to wait after initialization before starting the scheduler asynchronously. Default is 0, meaning immediate synchronous startup on initialization of this bean.

      Setting this to 10 or 20 seconds makes sense if no jobs should be run before the entire application has started up.

    • setExposeSchedulerInRepository

      public void setExposeSchedulerInRepository(boolean exposeSchedulerInRepository)
      Set whether to expose the Spring-managed Scheduler instance in the Quartz SchedulerRepository. Default is "false", since the Spring-managed Scheduler is usually exclusively intended for access within the Spring context.

      Switch this flag to "true" in order to expose the Scheduler globally. This is not recommended unless you have an existing Spring application that relies on this behavior. Note that such global exposure was the accidental default in earlier Spring versions; this has been fixed as of Spring 2.5.6.

    • setWaitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown

      public void setWaitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown(boolean waitForJobsToCompleteOnShutdown)
      Set whether to wait for running jobs to complete on shutdown.

      Default is "false". Switch this to "true" if you prefer fully completed jobs at the expense of a longer shutdown phase.

      See Also:
    • setBeanName

      public void setBeanName(String name)
      Description copied from interface: BeanNameAware
      Set the name of the bean in the bean factory that created this bean.

      Invoked after population of normal bean properties but before an init callback such as InitializingBean.afterPropertiesSet() or a custom init-method.

      Specified by:
      setBeanName in interface BeanNameAware
      name - the name of the bean in the factory. Note that this name is the actual bean name used in the factory, which may differ from the originally specified name: in particular for inner bean names, the actual bean name might have been made unique through appending "#..." suffixes. Use the BeanFactoryUtils.originalBeanName(String) method to extract the original bean name (without suffix), if desired.
    • setApplicationContext

      public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
      Description copied from interface: ApplicationContextAware
      Set the ApplicationContext that this object runs in. Normally this call will be used to initialize the object.

      Invoked after population of normal bean properties but before an init callback such as InitializingBean.afterPropertiesSet() or a custom init-method. Invoked after ResourceLoaderAware.setResourceLoader(, ApplicationEventPublisherAware.setApplicationEventPublisher(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher) and MessageSourceAware, if applicable.

      Specified by:
      setApplicationContext in interface ApplicationContextAware
      applicationContext - the ApplicationContext object to be used by this object
      See Also:
    • afterPropertiesSet

      public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
      Invoked by the containing BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties and satisfied BeanFactoryAware, ApplicationContextAware etc.

      This method allows the bean instance to perform validation of its overall configuration and final initialization when all bean properties have been set.

      Specified by:
      afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
      Exception - in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential property) or if initialization fails for any other reason
    • createScheduler

      protected Scheduler createScheduler(SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory, @Nullable String schedulerName) throws SchedulerException
      Create the Scheduler instance for the given factory and scheduler name. Called by afterPropertiesSet().

      The default implementation invokes SchedulerFactory's getScheduler method. Can be overridden for custom Scheduler creation.

      schedulerFactory - the factory to create the Scheduler with
      schedulerName - the name of the scheduler to create
      the Scheduler instance
      SchedulerException - if thrown by Quartz methods
      See Also:
    • startScheduler

      protected void startScheduler(Scheduler scheduler, int startupDelay) throws SchedulerException
      Start the Quartz Scheduler, respecting the "startupDelay" setting.
      scheduler - the Scheduler to start
      startupDelay - the number of seconds to wait before starting the Scheduler asynchronously
    • getScheduler

      public Scheduler getScheduler()
      Description copied from class: SchedulerAccessor
      Template method that determines the Scheduler to operate on. To be implemented by subclasses.
      Specified by:
      getScheduler in class SchedulerAccessor
    • getObject

      @Nullable public Scheduler getObject()
      Description copied from interface: FactoryBean
      Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by this factory.

      As with a BeanFactory, this allows support for both the Singleton and Prototype design patterns.

      If this FactoryBean is not fully initialized yet at the time of the call (for example because it is involved in a circular reference), throw a corresponding FactoryBeanNotInitializedException.

      FactoryBeans are allowed to return null objects. The bean factory will consider this as a normal value to be used and will not throw a FactoryBeanNotInitializedException in this case. However, FactoryBean implementations are encouraged to throw FactoryBeanNotInitializedException themselves, as appropriate.

      Specified by:
      getObject in interface FactoryBean<Scheduler>
      an instance of the bean (can be null)
      See Also:
    • getObjectType

      public Class<? extends Scheduler> getObjectType()
      Description copied from interface: FactoryBean
      Return the type of object that this FactoryBean creates, or null if not known in advance.

      This allows one to check for specific types of beans without instantiating objects, for example on autowiring.

      In the case of implementations that create a singleton object, this method should try to avoid singleton creation as far as possible; it should rather estimate the type in advance. For prototypes, returning a meaningful type here is advisable too.

      This method can be called before this FactoryBean has been fully initialized. It must not rely on state created during initialization; of course, it can still use such state if available.

      NOTE: Autowiring will simply ignore FactoryBeans that return null here. Therefore, it is highly recommended to implement this method properly, using the current state of the FactoryBean.

      Specified by:
      getObjectType in interface FactoryBean<Scheduler>
      the type of object that this FactoryBean creates, or null if not known at the time of the call
      See Also:
    • isSingleton

      public boolean isSingleton()
      Description copied from interface: FactoryBean
      Is the object managed by this factory a singleton? That is, will FactoryBean.getObject() always return the same object (a reference that can be cached)?

      NOTE: If a FactoryBean indicates that it holds a singleton object, the object returned from getObject() might get cached by the owning BeanFactory. Hence, do not return true unless the FactoryBean always exposes the same reference.

      The singleton status of the FactoryBean itself will generally be provided by the owning BeanFactory; usually, it has to be defined as singleton there.

      NOTE: This method returning false does not necessarily indicate that returned objects are independent instances. An implementation of the extended SmartFactoryBean interface may explicitly indicate independent instances through its SmartFactoryBean.isPrototype() method. Plain FactoryBean implementations which do not implement this extended interface are simply assumed to always return independent instances if the isSingleton() implementation returns false.

      The default implementation returns true, since a FactoryBean typically manages a singleton instance.

      Specified by:
      isSingleton in interface FactoryBean<Scheduler>
      whether the exposed object is a singleton
      See Also:
    • start

      public void start() throws SchedulingException
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Start this component.

      Should not throw an exception if the component is already running.

      In the case of a container, this will propagate the start signal to all components that apply.

      Specified by:
      start in interface Lifecycle
      See Also:
    • stop

      public void stop() throws SchedulingException
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Stop this component, typically in a synchronous fashion, such that the component is fully stopped upon return of this method. Consider implementing SmartLifecycle and its stop(Runnable) variant when asynchronous stop behavior is necessary.

      Note that this stop notification is not guaranteed to come before destruction: On regular shutdown, Lifecycle beans will first receive a stop notification before the general destruction callbacks are being propagated; however, on hot refresh during a context's lifetime or on aborted refresh attempts, a given bean's destroy method will be called without any consideration of stop signals upfront.

      Should not throw an exception if the component is not running (not started yet).

      In the case of a container, this will propagate the stop signal to all components that apply.

      Specified by:
      stop in interface Lifecycle
      See Also:
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning() throws SchedulingException
      Description copied from interface: Lifecycle
      Check whether this component is currently running.

      In the case of a container, this will return true only if all components that apply are currently running.

      Specified by:
      isRunning in interface Lifecycle
      whether the component is currently running
    • destroy

      public void destroy() throws SchedulerException
      Shut down the Quartz scheduler on bean factory shutdown, stopping all scheduled jobs.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface DisposableBean