Apache Mina SFTP Server Events

The ApacheMinaSftpEventListener, added in version 5.2, listens for certain Apache Mina SFTP server events and publishes them as ApplicationEvent s which can be received by any ApplicationListener bean, @EventListener bean method, or Event Inbound Channel Adapter.

Currently, supported events are:

  • SessionOpenedEvent - a client session was opened

  • DirectoryCreatedEvent - a directory was created

  • FileWrittenEvent - a file was written to

  • PathMovedEvent - a file or directory was renamed

  • PathRemovedEvent - a file or directory was removed

  • SessionClosedEvent - the client has disconnected

Each of these is a subclass of ApacheMinaSftpEvent; you can configure a single listener to receive all the event types. The source property of each event is a ServerSession, from which you can obtain information such as the client address; a convenient getSession() method is provided on the abstract event.

To configure the server with the listener (which must be a Spring bean), simply add it to the SftpSubsystemFactory:

server = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer();
SftpSubsystemFactory sftpFactory = new SftpSubsystemFactory();

To consume these events using a Spring Integration event adapter:

public ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer eventsAdapter() {
    ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer producer =
        new ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer();
    return producer;