Interface RabbitOperations

All Superinterfaces:
AmqpTemplate, Lifecycle
All Known Implementing Classes:
BatchingRabbitTemplate, RabbitTemplate, TestRabbitTemplate

public interface RabbitOperations extends AmqpTemplate, Lifecycle
Rabbit specific methods for Amqp functionality.
Mark Pollack, Mark Fisher, Gary Russell, Artem Bilan
  • Method Details

    • execute

      @Nullable <T> T execute(ChannelCallback<T> action) throws AmqpException
      Execute the callback with a channel and reliably close the channel afterwards.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the return type.
      action - the call back.
      the result from the ChannelCallback.doInRabbit(com.rabbitmq.client.Channel).
      AmqpException - if one occurs.
    • invoke

      @Nullable default <T> T invoke(RabbitOperations.OperationsCallback<T> action) throws AmqpException
      Invoke the callback and run all operations on the template argument in a dedicated thread-bound channel and reliably close the channel afterwards.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the return type.
      action - the call back.
      the result from the RabbitOperations.OperationsCallback.doInRabbit(RabbitOperations operations).
      AmqpException - if one occurs.
    • invoke

      @Nullable <T> T invoke(RabbitOperations.OperationsCallback<T> action, @Nullable com.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmCallback acks, @Nullable com.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmCallback nacks)
      Invoke operations on the same channel. If callbacks are needed, both callbacks must be supplied.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the return type.
      action - the callback.
      acks - a confirm callback for acks.
      nacks - a confirm callback for nacks.
      the result of the action method.
    • waitForConfirms

      boolean waitForConfirms(long timeout) throws AmqpException
      Delegate to the underlying dedicated channel to wait for confirms. The connection factory must be configured for publisher confirms and this method must be called within the scope of an invoke(OperationsCallback) operation. Requires CachingConnectionFactory#setPublisherConfirms(true).
      timeout - the timeout
      true if acks and no nacks are received.
      AmqpException - if one occurs.
      See Also:
      • Channel.waitForConfirms(long)
    • waitForConfirmsOrDie

      void waitForConfirmsOrDie(long timeout) throws AmqpException
      Delegate to the underlying dedicated channel to wait for confirms. The connection factory must be configured for publisher confirms and this method must be called within the scope of an invoke(OperationsCallback) operation. Requires CachingConnectionFactory#setPublisherConfirms(true).
      timeout - the timeout
      AmqpException - if one occurs.
      See Also:
      • Channel.waitForConfirmsOrDie(long)
    • getConnectionFactory

      ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
      Return the connection factory for this operations.
      the connection factory.
    • send

      default void send(String routingKey, Message message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Send a message to the default exchange with a specific routing key.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • send

      void send(String exchange, String routingKey, Message message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Send a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • correlationConvertAndSend

      void correlationConvertAndSend(Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a default routing key.
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertAndSend

      void convertAndSend(String routingKey, Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertAndSend

      void convertAndSend(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertAndSend

      void convertAndSend(Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a default routing key.
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertAndSend

      void convertAndSend(String routingKey, Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertAndSend

      void convertAndSend(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      message - a message to send.
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(String routingKey, Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(String routingKey, Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceive

      @Nullable Object convertSendAndReceive(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(Object message, CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      message - a message to send.
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one.
      AmqpException - if there is a problem.
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(String routingKey, Object message, CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable default <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, @Nullable CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(String routingKey, Object message, MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

      @Nullable <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType(String exchange, String routingKey, Object message, @Nullable MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor, @Nullable CorrelationData correlationData, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws AmqpException
      Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type.
      exchange - the name of the exchange
      routingKey - the routing key
      message - a message to send
      messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
      correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
      responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
      the response if there is one
      AmqpException - if there is a problem
    • start

      default void start()
      Specified by:
      start in interface Lifecycle
    • stop

      default void stop()
      Specified by:
      stop in interface Lifecycle
    • isRunning

      default boolean isRunning()
      Specified by:
      isRunning in interface Lifecycle