public class SimpleChunkProcessor<I,O> extends Object implements ChunkProcessor<I>, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
interface that handles
basic item writing and processing. Any exceptions encountered will be
Constructor and Description |
SimpleChunkProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor,
ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Check mandatory properties.
protected void |
doAfterWrite(List<O> items)
Call the listener's after write method.
protected void |
doOnWriteError(Exception e,
List<O> items) |
protected O |
doProcess(I item) |
protected void |
doWrite(List<O> items)
Surrounds the actual write call with listener callbacks.
protected Chunk<O> |
getAdjustedOutputs(Chunk<I> inputs,
Chunk<O> outputs)
Extension point for subclasses that want to adjust the outputs based on
additional saved data in the inputs.
protected int |
getFilterCount(Chunk<I> inputs,
Chunk<O> outputs)
Extension point for subclasses to calculate the filter count.
protected MulticasterBatchListener<I,O> |
getListener() |
protected void |
initializeUserData(Chunk<I> inputs)
Extension point for subclasses to allow them to memorise the contents of
the inputs, in case they are needed for accounting purposes later.
protected boolean |
isComplete(Chunk<I> inputs)
Extension point for subclasses that want to store additional data in the
void |
process(StepContribution contribution,
Chunk<I> inputs) |
void |
registerListener(StepListener listener)
Register a listener for callbacks at the appropriate stages in a process.
void |
setItemProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor) |
void |
setItemWriter(ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter) |
void |
setListeners(List<? extends StepListener> listeners)
Register some
StepListener s with the handler. |
protected Chunk<O> |
transform(StepContribution contribution,
Chunk<I> inputs) |
protected void |
write(StepContribution contribution,
Chunk<I> inputs,
Chunk<O> outputs)
Simple implementation delegates to the
doWrite(List) method and
increments the write count in the contribution. |
protected void |
writeItems(List<O> items) |
public SimpleChunkProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor, ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter)
public void setItemProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor)
- the ItemProcessor
to setpublic void setItemWriter(ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter)
- the ItemWriter
to setpublic void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
public void setListeners(List<? extends StepListener> listeners)
s with the handler. Each will get the
callbacks in the order specified at the correct stage.listeners
- public void registerListener(StepListener listener)
- a StepListener
protected MulticasterBatchListener<I,O> getListener()
protected final O doProcess(I item) throws Exception
- the input itemException
protected final void doWrite(List<O> items) throws Exception
- Exception
protected final void doAfterWrite(List<O> items)
- public final void process(StepContribution contribution, Chunk<I> inputs) throws Exception
in interface ChunkProcessor<I>
protected void initializeUserData(Chunk<I> inputs)
, getFilterCount(Chunk, Chunk)
getAdjustedOutputs(Chunk, Chunk)
might also need to be, to
ensure that the user data is handled consistently.inputs
- the inputs for the processprotected int getFilterCount(Chunk<I> inputs, Chunk<O> outputs)
- the inputs after transformationoutputs
- the outputs after transformationinitializeUserData(Chunk)
protected boolean isComplete(Chunk<I> inputs)
- the input chunkinitializeUserData(Chunk)
protected Chunk<O> getAdjustedOutputs(Chunk<I> inputs, Chunk<O> outputs)
- the inputs for the transformationoutputs
- the result of the transformationinitializeUserData(Chunk)
protected void write(StepContribution contribution, Chunk<I> inputs, Chunk<O> outputs) throws Exception
method and
increments the write count in the contribution. Subclasses can handle
more complicated scenarios, e.g.with fault tolerance. If output items are
skipped they should be removed from the inputs as well.contribution
- the current step contributioninputs
- the inputs that gave rise to the ouputsoutputs
- the outputs to writeException
- if there is a problemCopyright © 2014 Pivotal. All rights reserved.