See: Description
Interface | Description |
ChunkProcessor<I> |
Interface defined for processing
Chunk s. |
ChunkProvider<T> |
Interface for providing
Chunk s to be processed, used by the
ChunkOrientedTasklet |
KeyGenerator |
Interface for defining keys to uniquely identify items.
Class | Description |
BatchRetryTemplate |
A special purpose retry template that deals specifically with multi-valued
stateful retry.
Chunk<W> |
Encapsulation of a list of items to be processed and possibly a list of
failed items to be skipped.
ChunkMonitor |
Manage the offset data between the last successful commit and updates made to
an input chunk.
ChunkMonitor.ChunkMonitorData | |
ChunkOrientedTasklet<I> |
Tasklet implementing variations on read-process-write item
handling. |
DefaultItemFailureHandler |
Default implementation of the
ItemListenerSupport class that
writes all exceptions via commons logging. |
FaultTolerantChunkProcessor<I,O> |
FaultTolerant implementation of the
ChunkProcessor interface, that
allows for skipping or retry of items that cause exceptions during writing. |
FaultTolerantChunkProvider<I> |
FaultTolerant implementation of the
ChunkProcessor interface, that
allows for skipping or retry of items that cause exceptions during reading or
processing. |
SimpleChunkProcessor<I,O> |
Simple implementation of the
ChunkProcessor interface that handles
basic item writing and processing. |
SimpleChunkProvider<I> |
Simple implementation of the ChunkProvider interface that does basic chunk
providing from an
ItemReader . |
SimpleRetryExceptionHandler |
ExceptionHandler that is aware of the retry context so that it can
distinguish between a fatal exception and one that can be retried. |
SkipWrapper<T> |
Wrapper for an item and its exception if it failed processing.
Exception | Description |
ForceRollbackForWriteSkipException |
Fatal exception to be thrown when a rollback must be forced, typically after
catching an exception that otherwise would not cause a rollback.
SkipOverflowException |
Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach.
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