Package | Description |
org.springframework.batch.core.resource | |
org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context | |
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item |
Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach.
org.springframework.batch.repeat |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat concerns.
org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat callback concerns.
org.springframework.batch.repeat.context |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat context concerns.
org.springframework.batch.repeat.exception |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat exception handler concerns.
org.springframework.batch.repeat.listener |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat interceptor concerns.
org.springframework.batch.repeat.policy |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat policy concerns.
| |
Infrastructure implementations of repeat support concerns.
| | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RepeatContext |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context) |
boolean |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result) |
RepeatContext |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent) |
void |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.update(RepeatContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract RepeatStatus |
StepContextRepeatCallback.doInChunkContext(RepeatContext context,
ChunkContext chunkContext)
Do the work required for this chunk of the step.
RepeatStatus |
StepContextRepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Manage the
StepContext lifecycle. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SimpleRetryExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Check if the exception is going to be retried, and veto the handling if
it is.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RepeatContext |
If batches are nested, then the inner batch will be created with the
outer one as a parent.
RepeatContext |
CompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent)
Create a new context for the execution of a batch.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RepeatListener.after(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
Called by the framework after each item has been processed, unless the
item processing results in an exception.
void |
RepeatListener.before(RepeatContext context)
Called by the framework before each batch item.
void |
RepeatListener.close(RepeatContext context)
Called once at the end of a complete batch, after normal or abnormal
completion (i.e.
RepeatStatus |
RepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Implementations return true if they can continue processing - e.g.
boolean |
CompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Allow policy to signal completion according to internal state, without
having to wait for the callback to complete.
boolean |
CompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
Determine whether a batch is complete given the latest result from the
void |
RepeatListener.onError(RepeatContext context,
Throwable e)
Called when a repeat callback fails by throwing an exception.
void | context)
Called once at the start of a complete batch, before any items are
RepeatContext |
CompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent)
Create a new context for the execution of a batch.
void |
CompletionPolicy.update(RepeatContext context)
Give implementations the opportunity to update the state of the current
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RepeatStatus |
NestedRepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Simply calls template.execute(callback).
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RepeatContextSupport |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RepeatContext |
RepeatContextSupport.getParent() |
Constructor and Description |
RepeatContextCounter(RepeatContext context,
String countKey)
Convenience constructor with useParent=false.
RepeatContextCounter(RepeatContext context,
String countKey,
boolean useParent)
Construct a new
RepeatContextCounter . |
RepeatContextSupport(RepeatContext parent)
Constructor for
RepeatContextSupport . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SimpleLimitExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Rethrows only if the limit is breached for this context on the exception
type specified.
void |
RethrowOnThresholdExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Classify the throwables and decide whether to re-throw based on the
void |
LogOrRethrowExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Classify the throwables and decide whether to rethrow based on the
void |
ExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Deal with a Throwable during a batch - decide whether it should be
re-thrown in the first place.
void |
DefaultExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Re-throw the throwable.
void |
CompositeExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable)
Iterate over the handlers delegating the call to each in turn.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RepeatListenerSupport.after(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result) |
void |
CompositeRepeatListener.after(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result) |
void |
RepeatListenerSupport.before(RepeatContext context) |
void |
CompositeRepeatListener.before(RepeatContext context) |
void |
RepeatListenerSupport.close(RepeatContext context) |
void |
CompositeRepeatListener.close(RepeatContext context) |
void |
RepeatListenerSupport.onError(RepeatContext context,
Throwable e) |
void |
CompositeRepeatListener.onError(RepeatContext context,
Throwable e) |
void | context) |
void | context) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
protected class |
Composite context that knows about the policies and contexts is was
created with.
protected class |
CountingCompletionPolicy.CountingBatchContext |
protected class |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.SimpleTerminationContext |
protected class |
TimeoutTerminationPolicy.TimeoutBatchContext |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RepeatContext |
TimeoutTerminationPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Start the clock on the timeout.
RepeatContext |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Reset the counter.
RepeatContext |
CountingCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent) |
RepeatContext |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Create a new composite context from all the available policies.
RepeatContext |
CompletionPolicySupport.start(RepeatContext context)
Build a new
RepeatContextSupport and return it. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
CountingCompletionPolicy.doUpdate(RepeatContext context)
Extension point for subclasses.
protected abstract int |
CountingCompletionPolicy.getCount(RepeatContext context)
Extension point for subclasses.
boolean |
TimeoutTerminationPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Check the timeout and complete gracefully if it has expires.
boolean |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Terminate if the chunk size has been reached.
boolean |
DefaultResultCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Always false.
boolean |
CountingCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context) |
boolean |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
This policy is complete if any of the composed policies is complete.
boolean |
CompletionPolicySupport.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Always true.
boolean |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
Terminate if the chunk size has been reached, or the result is null.
boolean |
DefaultResultCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
True if the result is null, or a
RepeatStatus indicating
completion. |
boolean |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
This policy is complete if any of the composed policies is complete.
boolean |
CompletionPolicySupport.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
If exit status is not continuable return
true , otherwise
delegate to CompletionPolicySupport.isComplete(RepeatContext) . |
RepeatContext |
TimeoutTerminationPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Start the clock on the timeout.
RepeatContext |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Reset the counter.
RepeatContext |
CountingCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext parent) |
RepeatContext |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.start(RepeatContext context)
Create a new composite context from all the available policies.
RepeatContext |
CompletionPolicySupport.start(RepeatContext context)
Build a new
RepeatContextSupport and return it. |
void |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.update(RepeatContext context)
Increment the counter in the context.
void |
CountingCompletionPolicy.update(RepeatContext context) |
void |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.update(RepeatContext context)
Update all the composed contexts, and also increment the parent context.
void |
CompletionPolicySupport.update(RepeatContext context)
Increment the context so the counter is up to date.
Constructor and Description |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.CompositeBatchContext(RepeatContext context,
List<RepeatContext> contexts) |
CountingCompletionPolicy.CountingBatchContext(RepeatContext parent) |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.SimpleTerminationContext(RepeatContext context) |
TimeoutTerminationPolicy.TimeoutBatchContext(RepeatContext context) |
Constructor and Description |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.CompositeBatchContext(RepeatContext context,
List<RepeatContext> contexts) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RepeatContext |
Clear the current context at the end of a batch - should only be used by
RepeatOperations implementations. |
static RepeatContext |
Getter for the current context.
static RepeatContext |
RepeatSynchronizationManager.register(RepeatContext context)
Method for registering a context - should only be used by
RepeatOperations implementations to ensure that
RepeatSynchronizationManager.getContext() always returns the correct value. |
protected RepeatContext |
Delegate to the
CompletionPolicy . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected RepeatInternalState |
TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate.createInternalState(RepeatContext context) |
protected RepeatInternalState |
RepeatTemplate.createInternalState(RepeatContext context)
Create an internal state object that is used to store data needed
internally in the scope of an iteration.
protected void |
RepeatTemplate.executeAfterInterceptors(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus value)
Convenience method to execute after interceptors on a callback result.
protected RepeatStatus |
TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate.getNextResult(RepeatContext context,
RepeatCallback callback,
RepeatInternalState state)
Use the
TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate.setTaskExecutor(TaskExecutor) to generate a result. |
protected RepeatStatus |
RepeatTemplate.getNextResult(RepeatContext context,
RepeatCallback callback,
RepeatInternalState state)
Get the next completed result, possibly executing several callbacks until
one finally finishes.
protected boolean |
RepeatTemplate.isComplete(RepeatContext context)
Delegate to
CompletionPolicy . |
protected boolean |
RepeatTemplate.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result)
Delegate to the
CompletionPolicy . |
static RepeatContext |
RepeatSynchronizationManager.register(RepeatContext context)
Method for registering a context - should only be used by
RepeatOperations implementations to ensure that
RepeatSynchronizationManager.getContext() always returns the correct value. |
protected void |
RepeatTemplate.update(RepeatContext context)
Delegate to the
CompletionPolicy . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FootballExceptionHandler.handleException(RepeatContext context,
Throwable throwable) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HibernateCreditDao.after(RepeatContext context,
RepeatStatus result) |
void |
HibernateCreditDao.before(RepeatContext context) |
void |
HibernateCreditDao.close(RepeatContext context) |
void |
HibernateCreditDao.onError(RepeatContext context,
Throwable e) |
void | context) |
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