
Utility design to run an ApplicationContext and provide AssertJ style assertions. The test is best used as a field of a test class, describing the shared configuration required for the test:

public class MyContextTests {
    private final ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()

The initialization above makes sure to register MyConfiguration for all tests and set the spring.foo property to bar unless specified otherwise.

Based on the configuration above, a specific test can simulate what will happen when the context runs, perhaps with overridden property values:

public someTest() {
    this.contextRunner.withPropertyValues("spring.foo=biz").run((context) -> {
        // other assertions

The test above has changed the spring.foo property to biz and is asserting that the context contains a single MyBean bean. The run method takes a ContextConsumer that can apply assertions to the context. Upon completion, the context is automatically closed.

If the application context fails to start the #run(ContextConsumer) method is called with a "failed" application context. Calls to the context will throw an IllegalStateException and assertions that expect a running context will fail. The getFailure() assertion can be used if further checks are required on the cause of the failure:

public someTest() {
    this.context.withPropertyValues("spring.foo=fails").run((loaded) -> {
        // other assertions


Stephane Nicoll

Andy Wilkinson

Phillip Webb





the "self" type for this runner


the context type


the application context assertion provider

See also



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open fun prepare(consumer: ContextConsumer<in A>): SELF
Prepare a new ApplicationContext based on the current state of this loader.
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open fun run(consumer: ContextConsumer<in A>): SELF
Create and refresh a new ApplicationContext based on the current state of this loader.
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open fun with(customizer: (SELF) -> SELF): SELF
Apply customization to this runner.
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open fun withAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding(allowBeanDefinitionOverriding: Boolean): SELF
Specify if bean definition overriding, by registering a definition with the same name as an existing definition, should be allowed.
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open fun withAllowCircularReferences(allowCircularReferences: Boolean): SELF
Specify if circular references between beans should be allowed.
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open fun <T> withBean(type: Class<T>, constructorArgs: Array<Any>): SELF
open fun <T> withBean(type: Class<T>, supplier: Supplier<T>, customizers: Array<BeanDefinitionCustomizer>): SELF
open fun <T> withBean(name: String, type: Class<T>, constructorArgs: Array<Any>): SELF
open fun <T> withBean(name: String, type: Class<T>, supplier: Supplier<T>, customizers: Array<BeanDefinitionCustomizer>): SELF
Register the specified user bean with the ApplicationContext.
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open fun withClassLoader(classLoader: ClassLoader): SELF
Customize the ClassLoader that the ApplicationContext should use for resource loading and bean class loading.
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open fun withConfiguration(configurations: Configurations): SELF
Register the specified configuration classes with the ApplicationContext.
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Add an ApplicationContextInitializer to be called when the context is created.
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Configure the parent of the ApplicationContext.
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open fun withPropertyValues(pairs: Array<String>): SELF
Add the specified Environment property pairs.
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Add the specified System property pairs.
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open fun withUserConfiguration(configurationClasses: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
Register the specified user configuration classes with the ApplicationContext.