AssertJ assertions that can be applied to an ApplicationContext.
Phillip Webb
Andy Wilkinson
the application context type
See also
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Verifies that the application context (or ancestors) does not contain any beans of the given type.
Verifies that the application context does not contain a beans of the given name.
open fun doesNotHaveBean(type: Class<out Any>, scope: ApplicationContextAssert.Scope): ApplicationContextAssert<C>
Verifies that the application context does not contain any beans of the given type.
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Obtain a single bean of the given type from the application context (or ancestors), the bean becoming the object under test.
Obtain a single bean of the given name from the application context, the bean becoming the object under test.
open fun <T> getBean(type: Class<T>, scope: ApplicationContextAssert.Scope): AbstractObjectAssert<out Any, T>
Obtain a single bean of the given type from the application context, the bean becoming the object under test.
Obtain a single bean of the given name and type from the application context, the bean becoming the object under test.
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Obtain a map bean names and instances of the given type from the application context (or ancestors), the map becoming the object under test.
Obtain a map bean names and instances of the given type from the application context, the map becoming the object under test.
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Obtain the failure that stopped the application context from running, the failure becoming the object under test.
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Verifies that the application context contains a bean with the given name.
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Verifies that the application has failed to start.
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Verifies that the application has not failed to start.
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Verifies that the application context (or ancestors) contains a single bean with the given type.
open fun hasSingleBean(type: Class<out Any>, scope: ApplicationContextAssert.Scope): ApplicationContextAssert<C>
Verifies that the application context contains a single bean with the given type.
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