This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data Cassandra 4.3.5!

Migration Guide from 2.x to 3.x

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 3.0 introduces a set of breaking changes when upgrading from earlier versions.

Review dependencies

Upgrading to Spring Data Cassandra requires an upgrade to the DataStax Driver version 4. Upgrading to the new driver comes with transitive dependency changes, most notably, Google Guava is bundled and shaded by the driver. Check out the DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra 4 Upgrade Guide for details on the Driver-related changes.

Adapt Configuration

DataStax Java Driver 4 merges Cluster and Session objects into a single CqlSession object, therefore, all Cluster-related API was removed. The configuration was revised in large parts by removing most configuration items that were moved into DriverConfigLoader that is mostly file-based. This means that SocketOptions, AddressTranslator and many more options are configured now through other means.

If you’re using XML-based configuration, make sure to migrate all configuration files from the cql namespace ( to the cassandra namespace (

To reflect the change in configuration builders, ClusterBuilderConfigurer was renamed to SessionBuilderConfigurer accepting now CqlSessionBuilder instead of the Cluster.Builder. Make sure to also provide the local data center in your configuration as it is required to properly configure load balancing.


The configuration elements for Cluster (cassandra:cluster) and Session (cassandra:session) were merged into a single CqlSession (cassandra:session) element that configures both, the keyspace and endpoints.

With the upgrade, schema support was moved to a new namespace element: cassandra:session-factory that provides a SessionFactory bean.

Example 1. Cluster, Session and Schema Configuration in version 2:
<cassandra:cluster contact-points="localhost" port="9042">
  <cassandra:keyspace action="CREATE_DROP" name="mykeyspace" />

<cassandra:session keyspace-name="mykeyspace" schema-action="CREATE">
  <cassandra:startup-cql>CREATE TABLE …</cassandra:startup-cql>
Example 2. Session and Schema Configuration in version 3:
<cassandra:session contact-points="localhost" port="9042" keyspace="mykeyspace" local-datacenter="datacenter1">
  <cassandra:keyspace action="CREATE_DROP" name="mykeyspace" />

<cassandra:session-factory schema-action="CREATE">
  <cassandra:script location="classpath:/schema.cql"/>
Spring Data Cassandra 3.0 no longer registers default Mapping Context, Context and Template API beans when using XML namespace configuration. The defaulting should be applied on application or Spring Boot level.

Template API

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra encapsulates most of the changes that come with the driver upgrade as the Template API and repository support if your application mainly interacts with mapped entities or primitive Java types.

We generally recommend to create CqlTemplate and CassandraTemplate objects by using SessionFactory as the factory usage allows synchronization for schema creation and introduces a level of flexibility when working with multiple databases.

Example 3. Template API configuration in version 2:
<cql:template session-ref="…" />

<cassandra:template session-ref="…" cassandra-converter-ref="…"/>
Example 4. Template API configuration in version 3:
<cassandra:session-factory />

<cassandra:cql-template session-factory-ref="…" />

<cassandra:template session-factory-ref="…" cassandra-converter-ref="…"/>

You will have to adapt your code in all places, where you use DataStax driver API directly. Typical cases include:

  • Implementations of ResultSetExtractor

  • Implementations of RowCallbackHandler

  • Implementations of RowMapper

  • Implementations of PreparedStatementCreator including async and reactive variants

  • Calls to CqlTemplate.queryForResultSet(…)

  • Calling methods that accept Statement

Changes in AsyncCqlTemplate

DataStax driver 4 has changed the result type of queries that are run asynchronously. To reflect these changes, you need to adapt your code that provides:

  • Implementations of AsyncSessionCallback

  • Implementations of AsyncPreparedStatementCreator

Result set extraction requires a new interface for DataStax' AsyncResultSet. AsyncCqlTemplate now uses AsyncResultSetExtractor in places where it used previously ResultSetExtractor. Note that AsyncResultSetExtractor.extractData(…) returns a Future instead of a scalar object so a migration of code comes with the possibility to use fully non-blocking code in the extractor.

Data model migrations

Your data model may require updates if you use the following features:

  • @CassandraType

  • forceQuote in @Table, @Column, @PrimaryKeyColumn, @PrimaryKey and @UserDefinedType

  • Properties using java.lang.Date

  • Properties using UDTValue or TupleValue


DataStax driver 4 no longer ships with a Name enumeration to describe the Cassandra type. We decided to re-introduce the enumeration with CassandraType.Name. Make sure to update your imports to use the newly introduced replacement type.

Force Quote

This flag is now deprecated, and we recommend not to use it any longer. Spring Data for Apache Cassandra internally uses the driver’s CqlIdentifier that ensures quoting where it’s required.

Property Types

DataStax driver 4 no longer uses java.lang.Date. Please upgrade your data model to use java.time.LocalDateTime. Please also migrate raw UDT and tuple types to the new driver types UdtValue respective TupleValue.

Other changes

  • Driver’s ConsistencyLevel constant class was removed and reintroduced as DefaultConsistencyLevel. @Consistency was adapted to DefaultConsistencyLevel.

  • RetryPolicy on QueryOptions and …CqlTemplate types was removed without replacement.

  • Drivers’s PagingState type was removed. Paging state now uses ByteBuffer.

  • SimpleUserTypeResolver accepts CqlSession instead of Cluster.

  • SimpleTupleTypeFactory was migrated to enum. SimpleTupleTypeFactory.INSTANCE no longer requires a Cluster/CqlSession context.

  • Introduction of StatementBuilder to functionally build statements as the QueryBuilder API uses immutable statement types.

  • Session bean renamed from session to cassandraSession and SessionFactory bean renamed from sessionFactory to cassandraSessionFactory.

  • ReactiveSession bean renamed from reactiveSession to reactiveCassandraSession and ReactiveSessionFactory bean renamed from reactiveSessionFactory to reactiveCassandraSessionFactory.

  • ReactiveSessionFactory.getSession() now returns a Mono<ReactiveSession>. Previously it returned just ReactiveSession.

  • Data type resolution was moved into ColumnTypeResolver so all DataType-related methods were moved from CassandraPersistentEntity/CassandraPersistentProperty into ColumnTypeResolver (affected methods are MappingContext.getDataType(…), CassandraPersistentProperty.getDataType(), CassandraPersistentEntity.getUserType(), and CassandraPersistentEntity.getTupleType()).

  • Schema creation was moved from MappingContext to SchemaFactory (affected methods are CassandraMappingContext.getCreateTableSpecificationFor(…), CassandraMappingContext.getCreateIndexSpecificationsFor(…), and CassandraMappingContext.getCreateUserTypeSpecificationFor(…)).


  • CassandraCqlSessionFactoryBean, use CqlSessionFactoryBean instead.

  • KeyspaceIdentifier and CqlIdentifier, use com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlIdentifier instead.

  • CassandraSessionFactoryBean, use CqlSessionFactoryBean instead.

  • AbstractCqlTemplateConfiguration, use AbstractSessionConfiguration instead.

  • AbstractSessionConfiguration.getClusterName(), use AbstractSessionConfiguration.getSessionName() instead.

  • CodecRegistryTupleTypeFactory, use SimpleTupleTypeFactory instead.

  • Spring Data’s CqlIdentifier, use the driver CqlIdentifier instead.

  • forceQuote attributes as quoting is no longer required. CqlIdentifier properly escapes reserved keywords and takes care of case-sensitivity.

  • fetchSize on QueryOptions and …CqlTemplate types was deprecated, use pageSize instead

  • CassandraMappingContext.setUserTypeResolver(…), CassandraMappingContext.setCodecRegistry(…), and CassandraMappingContext.setCustomConversions(…): Configure these properties on CassandraConverter.

  • TupleTypeFactory and CassandraMappingContext.setTupleTypeFactory(…): TupleTypeFactory is no longer used as the Cassandra driver ships with a DataTypes.tupleOf(…) factory method.

  • Schema creation via CqlSessionFactoryBean (cassandra:session) is deprecated. Keyspace creation via CqlSessionFactoryBean (cassandra:session) is not affected.


Configuration API

  • PoolingOptionsFactoryBean

  • SocketOptionsFactoryBean

  • CassandraClusterFactoryBean

  • CassandraClusterParser

  • CassandraCqlClusterFactoryBean

  • CassandraCqlClusterParser

  • CassandraCqlSessionParser

  • AbstractClusterConfiguration

  • ClusterBuilderConfigurer (use SessionBuilderConfigurer instead


  • GuavaListenableFutureAdapter

  • QueryOptions and WriteOptions constructor taking ConsistencyLevel and RetryPolicy arguments. Use the builder in conjunction of execution profiles as replacement.

  • CassandraAccessor.setRetryPolicy(…) and ReactiveCqlTemplate.setRetryPolicy(…) methods. Use execution profiles as replacement.

Namespace support


Configuration API

  • CqlSessionFactoryBean

  • InitializeKeyspaceBeanDefinitionParser

  • SessionFactoryFactoryBean including schema creation via KeyspacePopulator

  • KeyspacePopulator and SessionFactoryInitializer to initialize a keyspace

Namespace support

  • cassandra:cluster (endpoint properties merged to cassandra:session)

  • cassandra:initialize-keyspace namespace support

  • cassandra:session-factory with cassandra:script support