Spring Data Core

Class PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

  extended by org.springframework.data.web.PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
extends Object
implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver

Extracts paging information from web requests and thus allows injecting Pageable instances into controller methods. Request properties to be parsed can be configured. Default configuration uses request parameters beginning with DEFAULT_PAGE_PARAMETERDEFAULT_QUALIFIER_DELIMITER.

Oliver Gierke, Nick Williams

Field Summary
static PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver LEGACY
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an instance of this resolved with a default SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver(SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver sortResolver)
          Constructs an instance of this resolver with the specified SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Method Summary
protected  int getMaxPageSize()
          Retrieves the maximum page size to be accepted.
protected  String getPageParameterName()
          Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request.
protected  String getParameterNameToUse(String source, MethodParameter parameter)
          Returns the name of the request parameter to find the Pageable information in.
protected  String getSizeParameterName()
          Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request.
protected  boolean isOneIndexedParameters()
          Indicates whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters.
 Pageable resolveArgument(MethodParameter methodParameter, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory)
 void setFallbackPageable(Pageable fallbackPageable)
          Configures the Pageable to be used as fallback in case no PageableDefault or PageableDefaults (the latter only supported in legacy mode) can be found at the method parameter to be resolved.
 void setMaxPageSize(int maxPageSize)
          Configures the maximum page size to be accepted.
 void setOneIndexedParameters(boolean oneIndexedParameters)
          Configures whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters.
 void setPageParameterName(String pageParameterName)
          Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request.
 void setPrefix(String prefix)
          Configures a general prefix to be prepended to the page number and page size parameters.
 void setQualifierDelimiter(String qualifierDelimiter)
          The delimiter to be used between the qualifier and the actual page number and size properties.
 void setSizeParameterName(String sizeParameterName)
          Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request.
 boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver LEGACY
A PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver preconfigured to the setup of PageableArgumentResolver. Use that if you need to stick to the former request parameters an 1-indexed behavior. This will be removed in the next major version (1.7). So consider migrating to the new way of exposing request parameters.

Constructor Detail


public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver()
Constructs an instance of this resolved with a default SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.


public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver(SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver sortResolver)
Constructs an instance of this resolver with the specified SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.

sortResolver - The sort resolver to use
Method Detail


public void setFallbackPageable(Pageable fallbackPageable)
Configures the Pageable to be used as fallback in case no PageableDefault or PageableDefaults (the latter only supported in legacy mode) can be found at the method parameter to be resolved.

If you set this to null, be aware that you controller methods will get null handed into them in case no Pageable data can be found in the request.

fallbackPageable - the Pageable to be used as general fallback.


public void setMaxPageSize(int maxPageSize)
Configures the maximum page size to be accepted. This allows to put an upper boundary of the page size to prevent potential attacks trying to issue an OutOfMemoryError. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_SIZE.

maxPageSize - the maxPageSize to set


protected int getMaxPageSize()
Retrieves the maximum page size to be accepted. This allows to put an upper boundary of the page size to prevent potential attacks trying to issue an OutOfMemoryError. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_SIZE.

the maximum page size allowed.


public void setPageParameterName(String pageParameterName)
Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request. Defaults to page.

pageParameterName - the parameter name to be used, must not be null or empty.


protected String getPageParameterName()
Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request. Defaults to page.

the parameter name to be used, never null or empty.


public void setSizeParameterName(String sizeParameterName)
Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request. Defaults to size.

sizeParameterName - the parameter name to be used, must not be null or empty.


protected String getSizeParameterName()
Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request. Defaults to size.

the parameter name to be used, never null or empty.


public void setPrefix(String prefix)
Configures a general prefix to be prepended to the page number and page size parameters. Useful to namespace the property names used in case they are clashing with ones used by your application. By default, no prefix is used.

prefix - the prefix to be used or null to reset to the default.


public void setQualifierDelimiter(String qualifierDelimiter)
The delimiter to be used between the qualifier and the actual page number and size properties. Defaults to _. So a qualifier of foo will result in a page number parameter of foo_page.

qualifierDelimiter - the delimter to be used or null to reset to the default.


public void setOneIndexedParameters(boolean oneIndexedParameters)
Configures whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters. Defaults to false, meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page. If this is set to true, a page number of 1 in the request will be considered the first page.

oneIndexedParameters - the oneIndexedParameters to set


protected boolean isOneIndexedParameters()
Indicates whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters. Defaults to false, meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page. If this is set to true, a page number of 1 in the request will be considered the first page.

whether to assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters.


public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter)
Specified by:
supportsParameter in interface HandlerMethodArgumentResolver


public Pageable resolveArgument(MethodParameter methodParameter,
                                ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
                                NativeWebRequest webRequest,
                                WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory)
                         throws Exception
Specified by:
resolveArgument in interface HandlerMethodArgumentResolver


protected String getParameterNameToUse(String source,
                                       MethodParameter parameter)
Returns the name of the request parameter to find the Pageable information in. Inspects the given MethodParameter for Qualifier present and prefixes the given source parameter name with it.

source - the basic parameter name.
parameter - the MethodParameter potentially qualified.
the name of the request parameter.

Spring Data Core

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