Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.web

Integration with Spring MVC.


Class Summary
HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver Extension of PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver that also supports enhancing URIs using Spring HATEOAS support.
HateoasSortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver Extension of SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver that also supports enhancing URIs using Spring HATEOAS support.
PageableArgumentResolver Deprecated. use PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver instead.
PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver Extracts paging information from web requests and thus allows injecting Pageable instances into controller methods.
PagedResourcesAssembler<T> ResourceAssembler to easily convert Page instances into PagedResources.
PagedResourcesAssemblerArgumentResolver HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to allow injection of PagedResourcesAssembler into Spring MVC controller methods.
SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to automatically create Sort instances from request parameters or SortDefault annotations.

Annotation Types Summary
PageableDefault Annotation to set defaults when injecting a Pageable into a controller method.
PageableDefaults Deprecated. use PageableDefault instead.
SortDefault Annotation to define the default Sort options to be used when injecting a Sort instance into a controller handler method.
SortDefault.SortDefaults Wrapper annotation to allow declaring multiple SortDefault annotations on a method parameter.

Package org.springframework.data.web Description

Integration with Spring MVC.

Spring Data Core

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