Spring Data Core

Uses of Class

Packages that use Revision
org.springframework.data.history Basic interfaces and value objects for historiography API. 
org.springframework.data.repository.history API for repositories using historiography. 

Uses of Revision in org.springframework.data.history

Methods in org.springframework.data.history that return Revision
 Revision<N,T> Revisions.getLatestRevision()
          Returns the latest revision of the revisions backing the wrapper independently of the order.

Methods in org.springframework.data.history that return types with arguments of type Revision
 List<Revision<N,T>> Revisions.getContent()
          Returns the content of the Revisions instance.
 Iterator<Revision<N,T>> Revisions.iterator()

Methods in org.springframework.data.history with parameters of type Revision
 int Revision.compareTo(Revision<N,?> that)

Constructor parameters in org.springframework.data.history with type arguments of type Revision
Revisions(List<? extends Revision<N,T>> revisions)
          Creates a new Revisions instance containing the given revisions.

Uses of Revision in org.springframework.data.repository.history

Methods in org.springframework.data.repository.history that return Revision
 Revision<N,T> RevisionRepository.findLastChangeRevision(ID id)
          Returns the revision of the entity it was last changed in.

Methods in org.springframework.data.repository.history that return types with arguments of type Revision
 Page<Revision<N,T>> RevisionRepository.findRevisions(ID id, Pageable pageable)
          Returns a Page of revisions for the entity with the given id.

Spring Data Core

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