Spring Data Core

Spring Data Core 1.6.1.RELEASE API

org.springframework.data.annotation Core annotations being used by Spring Data.
org.springframework.data.auditing General support for entity auditing.
org.springframework.data.authentication Types to abstract authentication concepts.
org.springframework.data.config Basic support for creating custom Spring namespaces and JavaConfig.
org.springframework.data.convert General purpose conversion framework to read objects from a data store abstraction and write it back.
org.springframework.data.crossstore Support for cross-store persistence.
org.springframework.data.domain Central domain abstractions especially to be used in combination with the Repository abstraction.
org.springframework.data.domain.jaxb Central domain abstractions especially to be used in combination with the Repository abstraction.
org.springframework.data.history Basic interfaces and value objects for historiography API.
org.springframework.data.mapping Base package for the mapping subsystem.
org.springframework.data.mapping.context Mapping context API and implementation base classes.
org.springframework.data.mapping.model Core implementation of the mapping subsystem's model.
org.springframework.data.querydsl Querydsl integration support classes.
org.springframework.data.repository Central interfaces for repository abstraction.
org.springframework.data.repository.cdi Base classes to implement CDI support for repositories.
org.springframework.data.repository.config Support classes for repository namespace and JavaConfig integration.
org.springframework.data.repository.core Core abstractions for repository implementation.
org.springframework.data.repository.core.support Base classes to implement repositories for various data stores.
org.springframework.data.repository.history API for repositories using historiography.
org.springframework.data.repository.history.support Value objects to implement core repository interfaces for historiography.
org.springframework.data.repository.init Support for repository initialization using XML and JSON.
org.springframework.data.repository.query Support classes to work with query methods.
org.springframework.data.repository.query.parser Support classes for parsing queries from method names.
org.springframework.data.repository.support Support classes for integration of the repository programming model with 3rd party frameworks.
org.springframework.data.repository.util Utility classes for repository implementations.
org.springframework.data.support Core support classes.
org.springframework.data.transaction Contains advanced support for transactions, e.g. a best-effort delegating transaction manager.
org.springframework.data.util Core utility APIs such as a type information framework to resolve generic types.
org.springframework.data.web Integration with Spring MVC.


Spring Data Core

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