Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.util

Core utility APIs such as a type information framework to resolve generic types.


Interface Summary
ReflectionUtils.DescribedFieldFilter A ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter that has a description.
TypeInformation<S> Interface to access property types and resolving generics on the way.

Class Summary
AnnotationDetectionFieldCallback A ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback that will inspect each field for a given annotation.
ClassTypeInformation<S> TypeInformation for a plain Class.
ParentTypeAwareTypeInformation<S> Base class for TypeInformation implementations that need parent type awareness.
ReflectionUtils Spring Data specific reflection utility methods and classes.
ReflectionUtils.AnnotationFieldFilter A ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter for a given annotation.

Package org.springframework.data.util Description

Core utility APIs such as a type information framework to resolve generic types.

Spring Data Core

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