Uses of Class

Packages that use Query MongoDB core support. MongoDB specific query and update support. MongoDB specific repository implementation. 

Uses of Query in

Methods in with parameters of type Query
protected  com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoTemplate.doUpdate(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, Update update, java.lang.Class<?> entityClass, boolean upsert, boolean multi)
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoTemplate.find(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoOperations.find(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a List of the specified type.
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoTemplate.find(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoOperations.find(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a List of the specified type.
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoTemplate.find(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass, CursorPreparer preparer)
<T> java.util.List<T>
MongoOperations.find(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass, CursorPreparer preparer)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a List of the specified type.
<T> T
MongoTemplate.findAndRemove(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> T
MongoOperations.findAndRemove(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
<T> T
MongoTemplate.findAndRemove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> T
MongoOperations.findAndRemove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
<T> T
MongoTemplate.findOne(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> T
MongoOperations.findOne(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
<T> T
MongoTemplate.findOne(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> T
MongoOperations.findOne(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
 void MongoTemplate.remove(Query query)
 void MongoOperations.remove(Query query)
          Remove all documents from the default collection that match the provided query document criteria.
<T> void
MongoTemplate.remove(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> void
MongoOperations.remove(Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Remove all documents from the default collection that match the provided query document criteria.
 void MongoTemplate.remove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query)
 void MongoOperations.remove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query)
          Remove all documents from the specified collection that match the provided query document criteria.
<T> void
MongoTemplate.remove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
<T> void
MongoOperations.remove(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, java.lang.Class<T> targetClass)
          Remove all documents from the specified collection that match the provided query document criteria.
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoTemplate.updateFirst(java.lang.Class<?> entityClass, Query query, Update update)
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoOperations.updateFirst(java.lang.Class<?> entityClass, Query query, Update update)
          Updates the first object that is found in the default collection that matches the query document with the provided updated document.
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoTemplate.updateFirst(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, Update update)
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoOperations.updateFirst(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, Update update)
          Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoTemplate.updateMulti(java.lang.Class<?> entityClass, Query query, Update update)
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoOperations.updateMulti(java.lang.Class<?> entityClass, Query query, Update update)
          Updates all objects that are found in the default collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoTemplate.updateMulti(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, Update update)
 com.mongodb.WriteResult MongoOperations.updateMulti(java.lang.String collectionName, Query query, Update update)
          Updates all objects that are found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.

Uses of Query in

Subclasses of Query in
 class BasicQuery
 class NorQuery
 class OrQuery

Methods in that return Query
 Query BasicQuery.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 Query Query.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 Query Query.limit(int limit)
 Query Query.nor(Query... queries)
 Query Query.or(Query... queries)
static Query Query.query(Criteria critera)
          Static factory method to create a Query using the provided criteria
 Query Query.skip(int skip)

Methods in with parameters of type Query
 Query Query.nor(Query... queries)
 Query Query.or(Query... queries)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Query
 void Criteria.or(java.util.List<Query> queries)
          Creates an or query using the $or operator for all of the provided queries

Constructors in with parameters of type Query
NorCriteria(Query[] queries)
NorQuery(Query... q)
OrCriteria(Query[] queries)
OrQuery(Query... q)

Uses of Query in

Methods in that return Query
protected abstract  Query AbstractMongoQuery.createQuery(ConvertingParameterAccessor accessor)
          Create a Query instance using the given ParameterAccessor
protected  Query PartTreeMongoQuery.createQuery(ConvertingParameterAccessor accessor)
protected  Query StringBasedMongoQuery.createQuery(ConvertingParameterAccessor accessor)

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