For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data MongoDB 4.4.2! |
Using DBRefs
The mapping framework does not have to store child objects embedded within the document.
You can also store them separately and use a DBRef
to refer to that document.
When the object is loaded from MongoDB, those references are eagerly resolved so that you get back a mapped object that looks the same as if it had been stored embedded within your top-level document.
The following example uses a DBRef to refer to a specific document that exists independently of the object in which it is referenced (both classes are shown in-line for brevity’s sake):
public class Account {
private ObjectId id;
private Float total;
public class Person {
private ObjectId id;
private Integer ssn;
private List<Account> accounts;
You need not use @OneToMany
or similar mechanisms because the List of objects tells the mapping framework that you want a one-to-many relationship.
When the object is stored in MongoDB, there is a list of DBRefs rather than the Account
objects themselves.
When it comes to loading collections of DBRef
s it is advisable to restrict references held in collection types to a specific MongoDB collection.
This allows bulk loading of all references, whereas references pointing to different MongoDB collections need to be resolved one by one.
The mapping framework does not handle cascading saves.
If you change an Account object that is referenced by a Person object, you must save the Account object separately.
Calling save on the Person object does not automatically save the Account objects in the accounts property.
s can also be resolved lazily.
In this case the actual Object
or Collection
of references is resolved on first access of the property.
Use the lazy
attribute of @DBRef
to specify this.
Required properties that are also defined as lazy loading DBRef
and used as constructor arguments are also decorated with the lazy loading proxy making sure to put as little pressure on the database and network as possible.
Lazily loaded DBRef s can be hard to debug.
Make sure tooling does not accidentally trigger proxy resolution by e.g. calling toString() or some inline debug rendering invoking property getters.
Please consider to enable trace logging for to gain insight on DBRef resolution.
Lazy loading may require class proxies, that in turn, might need access to jdk internals, that are not open, starting with Java 16+, due to JEP 396: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default.
For those cases please consider falling back to an interface type (eg. switch from ArrayList to List ) or provide the required --add-opens argument.
Using Document References
Using @DocumentReference
offers a flexible way of referencing entities in MongoDB.
While the goal is the same as when using DBRefs, the store representation is different.
resolves to a document with a fixed structure as outlined in the MongoDB Reference documentation.
Document references, do not follow a specific format.
They can be literally anything, a single value, an entire document, basically everything that can be stored in MongoDB.
By default, the mapping layer will use the referenced entities id value for storage and retrieval, like in the sample below.
class Account {
String id;
Float total;
class Person {
String id;
@DocumentReference (1)
List<Account> accounts;
Account account = …
template.insert(account); (2)
.apply(new Update().push("accounts").value(account)) (3)
"_id" : …,
"accounts" : [ "6509b9e" … ] (4)
1 | Mark the collection of Account values to be referenced. |
2 | The mapping framework does not handle cascading saves, so make sure to persist the referenced entity individually. |
3 | Add the reference to the existing entity. |
4 | Referenced Account entities are represented as an array of their _id values. |
The sample above uses an _id
-based fetch query ({ '_id' : ?#{#target} }
) for data retrieval and resolves linked entities eagerly.
It is possible to alter resolution defaults (listed below) using the attributes of @DocumentReference
Attribute | Description | Default |
The target database name for collection lookup. |
The target collection name. |
The annotated property’s domain type, respectively the value type in case of |
The single document lookup query evaluating placeholders via SpEL expressions using |
An |
Used for sorting result documents on server side. |
None by default.
Result order of |
If set to |
Resolves properties eagerly by default. |
Lazy loading may require class proxies, that in turn, might need access to jdk internals, that are not open, starting with Java 16+, due to JEP 396: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default.
For those cases please consider falling back to an interface type (eg. switch from ArrayList to List ) or provide the required --add-opens argument.
allows defining filter queries that can be different from the _id
field and therefore offer a flexible way of defining references between entities as demonstrated in the sample below, where the Publisher
of a book is referenced by its acronym instead of the internal id
class Book {
ObjectId id;
String title;
List<String> author;
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ 'acronym' : ?#{#target} }") (1)
Publisher publisher;
class Publisher {
ObjectId id;
String acronym; (1)
String name;
@DocumentReference(lazy = true) (2)
List<Book> books;
"_id" : 9a48e32,
"title" : "The Warded Man",
"author" : ["Peter V. Brett"],
"publisher_ac" : "DR"
"_id" : 1a23e45,
"acronym" : "DR",
"name" : "Del Rey",
1 | Use the acronym field to query for entities in the Publisher collection. |
2 | Lazy load back references to the Book collection. |
The above snippet shows the reading side of things when working with custom referenced objects.
Writing requires a bit of additional setup as the mapping information do not express where #target
stems from.
The mapping layer requires registration of a Converter
between the target document and DocumentPointer
, like the one below:
class PublisherReferenceConverter implements Converter<Publisher, DocumentPointer<String>> {
public DocumentPointer<String> convert(Publisher source) {
return () -> source.getAcronym();
If no DocumentPointer
converter is provided the target reference document can be computed based on the given lookup query.
In this case the association target properties are evaluated as shown in the following sample.
class Book {
ObjectId id;
String title;
List<String> author;
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ 'acronym' : ?#{acc} }") (1) (2)
Publisher publisher;
class Publisher {
ObjectId id;
String acronym; (1)
String name;
// ...
"_id" : 9a48e32,
"title" : "The Warded Man",
"author" : ["Peter V. Brett"],
"publisher" : {
"acc" : "DOC"
1 | Use the acronym field to query for entities in the Publisher collection. |
2 | The field value placeholders of the lookup query (like acc ) is used to form the reference document. |
It is also possible to model relational style One-To-Many references using a combination of @ReadonlyProperty
and @DocumentReference
This approach allows link types without storing the linking values within the owning document but rather on the referencing document as shown in the example below.
class Book {
ObjectId id;
String title;
List<String> author;
ObjectId publisherId; (1)
class Publisher {
ObjectId id;
String acronym;
String name;
@ReadOnlyProperty (2)
@DocumentReference(lookup="{'publisherId':?#{#self._id} }") (3)
List<Book> books;
"_id" : 9a48e32,
"title" : "The Warded Man",
"author" : ["Peter V. Brett"],
"publisherId" : 8cfb002
"_id" : 8cfb002,
"acronym" : "DR",
"name" : "Del Rey"
1 | Set up the link from Book (reference) to Publisher (owner) by storing the within the Book document. |
2 | Mark the property holding the references to be readonly.
This prevents storing references to individual Book s with the Publisher document. |
3 | Use the #self variable to access values within the Publisher document and in this retrieve Books with matching publisherId . |
With all the above in place it is possible to model all kind of associations between entities. Have a look at the non-exhaustive list of samples below to get feeling for what is possible.
class Entity {
ReferencedObject ref;
// entity
"_id" : "8cfb002",
"ref" : "9a48e32" (1)
// referenced object
"_id" : "9a48e32" (1)
1 | MongoDB simple type can be directly used without further configuration. |
class Entity {
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ '_id' : '?#{#target}' }") (1)
ReferencedObject ref;
// entity
"_id" : "8cfb002",
"ref" : "9a48e32" (1)
// referenced object
"_id" : "9a48e32"
1 | target defines the reference value itself. |
field for the lookup queryclass Entity {
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ '_id' : '?#{refKey}' }") (1) (2)
private ReferencedObject ref;
class ToDocumentPointerConverter implements Converter<ReferencedObject, DocumentPointer<Document>> {
public DocumentPointer<Document> convert(ReferencedObject source) {
return () -> new Document("refKey",; (1)
// entity
"_id" : "8cfb002",
"ref" : {
"refKey" : "9a48e32" (1)
// referenced object
"_id" : "9a48e32"
1 | The key used for obtaining the reference value must be the one used during write. |
2 | refKey is short for target.refKey . |
class Entity {
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ 'firstname' : '?#{fn}', 'lastname' : '?#{ln}' }") (1) (2)
ReferencedObject ref;
// entity
"_id" : "8cfb002",
"ref" : {
"fn" : "Josh", (1)
"ln" : "Long" (1)
// referenced object
"_id" : "9a48e32",
"firstname" : "Josh", (2)
"lastname" : "Long", (2)
1 | Read/write the keys fn & ln from/to the linkage document based on the lookup query. |
2 | Use non id fields for the lookup of the target documents. |
class Entity {
@DocumentReference(lookup = "{ '_id' : '?#{id}' }", collection = "?#{collection}") (2)
private ReferencedObject ref;
class ToDocumentPointerConverter implements Converter<ReferencedObject, DocumentPointer<Document>> {
public DocumentPointer<Document> convert(ReferencedObject source) {
return () -> new Document("id", (1)
.append("collection", … ); (2)
// entity
"_id" : "8cfb002",
"ref" : {
"id" : "9a48e32", (1)
"collection" : "…" (2)
1 | Read/write the keys _id from/to the reference document to use them in the lookup query. |
2 | The collection name can be read from the reference document using its key. |
We know it is tempting to use all kinds of MongoDB query operators in the lookup query and this is fine. But there a few aspects to consider:
A few more general remarks: