This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data MongoDB 4.4.3!

MongoDB Search

MongoDB enables users to do keyword or lexical search as well as vector search data using dedicated search indexes.

Vector Search

MongoDB Vector Search uses the $vectorSearch aggregation stage to run queries against specialized indexes. Please refer to the MongoDB documentation to learn more about requirements and restrictions of vectorSearch indexes.

Managing Vector Indexes

SearchIndexOperationsProvider implemented by MongoTemplate are the entrypoint to SearchIndexOperations offering various methods for managing vector indexes.

The following snippet shows how to create a vector index for a collection

Create a Vector Index
  • Java

  • Mongo Shell

VectorIndex index = new VectorIndex("vector_index")
  .addVector("plotEmbedding"), vector -> vector.dimensions(1536).similarity(COSINE)) (1)
  .addFilter("year"); (2)

mongoTemplate.searchIndexOps(Movie.class) (3)
1 A vector index may cover multiple vector embeddings that can be added via the addVector method.
2 Vector indexes can contain additional fields to narrow down search results when running queries.
3 Obtain SearchIndexOperations bound to the Movie type which is used for field name mapping."movie", "vector_index",
    "fields": [
        "type": "vector",
        "numDimensions": 1536,
        "path": "plot_embedding", (1)
        "similarity": "cosine"
        "type": "filter",
        "path": "year"
1 Field name plotEmbedding got mapped to plot_embedding considering a @Field(name = "…​") annotation.

Once created, vector indexes are not immediately ready to use although the exists check returns true. The actual status of a search index can be obtained via SearchIndexOperations#status(…​). The READY state indicates the index is ready to accept queries.

Querying Vector Indexes

Vector indexes can be queried by issuing an aggregation using a VectorSearchOperation via MongoOperations as shown in the following example

Query a Vector Index
  • Java

  • Mongo Shell

VectorSearchOperation search ="vector_index") (1)
  .path("plotEmbedding") (2)
  .vector( ... )
  .withSearchScore("score"); (3)

AggregationResults<MovieWithSearchScore> results = mongoTemplate
  .aggregate(newAggregation(Movie.class, search), MovieWithSearchScore.class);
1 Provide the name of the vector index to query since a collection may hold multiple ones.
2 The name of the path used for comparison.
3 Optionally add the search score with given name to the result document.
    "$vectorSearch": {
      "index": "vector_index",
      "path": "plot_embedding", (1)
      "queryVector": [ ... ],
      "numCandidates": 150,
      "limit": 10,
      "quantization": "scalar"
    "$addFields": {
      "score": { $meta: "vectorSearchScore" }
1 Field name plotEmbedding got mapped to plot_embedding considering a @Field(name = "…​") annotation.