For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data Elasticsearch 5.3.5!

Upgrading from 4.4.x to 5.0.x

This section describes breaking changes from version 4.4.x to 5.0.x and how removed features can be replaced by new introduced features.


Custom trace level logging

Logging by setting the property is deprecated now, the Elasticsearch RestClient provides a better solution that can be activated by setting the logging level of the tracer package to "trace". package

See Package changes, all classes in this package have been deprecated, as the default client implementations to use are the ones based on the new Java Client from Elasticsearch, see New Elasticsearch client

Removal of deprecated code

DateFormat.none and DateFormat.custom had been deprecated since version 4.2 and have been removed.

The properties of @Document that were deprecated since 4.2 have been removed. Use the @Settings annotation for these.

@DynamicMapping and @DynamicMappingValue have been removed. Use @Document.dynamic or @Field.dynamic instead.

Breaking Changes

Removal of deprecated calls

suggest calls in operations interfaces have been removed

Both SearchOperations and ReactiveSearchOperations had deprecated calls that were using Elasticsearch classes as parameters. These now have been removed and so the dependency on Elasticsearch classes in these APIs has been cleaned.

Package changes

All the classes that are using or depend on the deprecated Elasticsearch RestHighLevelClient have been moved to the package By this change we now have a clear separation of code using the old deprecated Elasticsearch libraries, code using the new Elasticsearch client and code that is independent of the client implementation. Also the reactive implementation that was provided up to now has been moved here, as this implementation contains code that was copied and adapted from Elasticsearch libraries.

If you are using ElasticsearchRestTemplate directly and not the ElasticsearchOperations interface you’ll need to adjust your imports as well.

When working with the NativeSearchQuery class, you’ll need to switch to the NativeQuery class, which can take a Query instance comign from the new Elasticsearch client libraries. You’ll find plenty of examples in the test code.

Conversion to Java 17 records

The following classes have been converted to Record, you might need to adjust the use of getter methods from getProp() to prop():







New HttpHeaders class

Until version 4.4 the client configuration used the HttpHeaders class from the org.springframework:spring-web project. This introduces a dependency on that artifact. Users that do not use spring-web then face an error as this class cannot be found.

In version 5.0 we introduce our own HttpHeaders to configure the clients.

So if you are using headers in the client configuration, you need to replace org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders with

Hint: You can pass a org.springframework.http .HttpHeaders to the addAll() method of

New Elasticsearch client

Spring Data Elasticsearch now uses the new ElasticsearchClient and has deprecated the use of the previous RestHighLevelClient.

Imperative style configuration

To configure Spring Data Elasticsearch to use the new client, it is necessary to create a configuration bean that derives from

public class NewRestClientConfig extends ElasticsearchConfiguration {

	public ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration() {
		return ClientConfiguration.builder() //
			.connectedTo("localhost:9200") //

The configuration is done in the same way as with the old client, but it is not necessary anymore to create more than the configuration bean. With this configuration, the following beans will be available in the Spring application context:

  • a RestClient bean, that is the configured low level RestClient that is used by the Elasticsearch client

  • an ElasticsearchClient bean, this is the new client that uses the RestClient

  • an ElasticsearchOperations bean, available with the bean names elasticsearchOperations and elasticsearchTemplate, this uses the ElasticsearchClient

Reactive style configuration

To use the new client in a reactive environment the only difference is the class from which to derive the configuration:

public class NewRestClientConfig extends ReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration {

	public ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration() {
		return ClientConfiguration.builder() //
			.connectedTo("localhost:9200") //

With this configuration, the following beans will be available in the Spring application context:

  • a RestClient bean, that is the configured low level RestClient that is used by the Elasticsearch client

  • an ReactiveElasticsearchClient bean, this is the new reactive client that uses the RestClient

  • an ReactiveElasticsearchOperations bean, available with the bean names reactiveElasticsearchOperations and reactiveElasticsearchTemplate, this uses the ReactiveElasticsearchClient

Still want to use the old client?

The old deprecated RestHighLevelClient can still be used, but you will need to add the dependency explicitly to your application as Spring Data Elasticsearch does not pull it in automatically anymore:

<!-- include the RHLC, specify version explicitly	-->

Make sure to specify the version 7.17.6 explicitly, otherwise maven will resolve to 8.5.0, and this does not exist.