This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data Elasticsearch 5.4.3!

Scripted and runtime fields

Spring Data Elasticsearch supports scripted fields and runtime fields. Please refer to the Elasticsearch documentation about scripting ( and runtime fields ( for detailed information about this. In the context of Spring Data Elasticsearch you can use

  • scripted fields that are used to return fields that are calculated on the result documents and added to the returned document.

  • runtime fields that are calculated on the stored documents and can be used in a query and/or be returned in the search result.

The following code snippets will show what you can do (these show imperative code, but the reactive implementation works similar).

The person entity

The enity that is used in these examples is a Person entity. This entity has a birthDate and an age property. Whereas the birthdate is fix, the age depends on the time when a query is issued and needs to be calculated dynamically.

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import static*;

import java.lang.Integer;

@Document(indexName = "persons")
public record Person(
        String id,
        @Field(type = Text)
        String lastName,
        @Field(type = Text)
        String firstName,
        @Field(type = Keyword)
        String gender,
        @Field(type = Date, format = DateFormat.basic_date)
        LocalDate birthDate,
        @ScriptedField Integer age                   (1)
) {
    public Person(String id,String lastName, String firstName, String gender, String birthDate) {
        this(id,                                     (2)
            LocalDate.parse(birthDate, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE),
1 the age property will be calculated and filled in search results.
2 a convenience constructor to set up the test data.

Note that the age property is annotated with @ScriptedField. This inhibits the writing of a corresponding entry in the index mapping and marks the property as a target to put a calculated field from a search response.

The repository interface

The repository used in this example:

public interface PersonRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Person, String> {

    SearchHits<Person> findAllBy(ScriptedField scriptedField);

    SearchHits<Person> findByGenderAndAgeLessThanEqual(String gender, Integer age, RuntimeField runtimeField);

The service class

The service class has a repository injected and an ElasticsearchOperations instance to show several ways of populating and using the age property. We show the code split up in different pieces to put the explanations in

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

public class PersonService {
    private final ElasticsearchOperations operations;
    private final PersonRepository repository;

    public PersonService(ElasticsearchOperations operations, SaRPersonRepository repository) {
        this.operations = operations;
        this.repository = repository;

    public void save() { (1)
        List<Person> persons = List.of(
                new Person("1", "Smith", "Mary", "f", "1987-05-03"),
                new Person("2", "Smith", "Joshua", "m", "1982-11-17"),
                new Person("3", "Smith", "Joanna", "f", "2018-03-27"),
                new Person("4", "Smith", "Alex", "m", "2020-08-01"),
                new Person("5", "McNeill", "Fiona", "f", "1989-04-07"),
                new Person("6", "McNeill", "Michael", "m", "1984-10-20"),
                new Person("7", "McNeill", "Geraldine", "f", "2020-03-02"),
                new Person("8", "McNeill", "Patrick", "m", "2022-07-04"));

1 a utility method to store some data in Elasticsearch.

Scripted fields

The next piece shows how to use a scripted field to calculate and return the age of the persons. Scripted fields can only add something to the returned data, the age cannot be used in the query (see runtime fields for that).

    public SearchHits<Person> findAllWithAge() {

        var scriptedField = ScriptedField.of("age",                               (1)
                ScriptData.of(b -> b
                                Instant currentDate = Instant.ofEpochMilli(new Date().getTime());
                                Instant startDate = doc['birth-date'].value.toInstant();
                                return (ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, currentDate) / 365);

        // version 1: use a direct query
        var query = new StringQuery("""
                { "match_all": {} }
        query.addScriptedField(scriptedField);                                    (2)
        query.addSourceFilter(FetchSourceFilter.of(b -> b.withIncludes("*")));    (3)

        var result1 =, Person.class);                     (4)

        // version 2: use the repository
        var result2 = repository.findAllBy(scriptedField);                        (5)

        return result1;
1 define the ScriptedField that calculates the age of a person.
2 when using a Query, add the scripted field to the query.
3 when adding a scripted field to a Query, an additional source filter is needed to also retrieve the normal fields from the document source.
4 get the data where the Person entities now have the values set in their age property.
5 when using the repository, all that needs to be done is adding the scripted field as method parameter.

Runtime fields

When using runtime fields, the calculated value can be used in the query itself. In the following code this is used to run a query for a given gender and maximum age of persons:

    public SearchHits<Person> findWithGenderAndMaxAge(String gender, Integer maxAge) {

        var runtimeField = new RuntimeField("age", "long", """                    (1)
                                Instant currentDate = Instant.ofEpochMilli(new Date().getTime());
                                Instant startDate = doc['birthDate'].value.toInstant();
                                emit (ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, currentDate) / 365);

        // variant 1 : use a direct query
        var query = CriteriaQuery.builder(Criteria
                .withRuntimeFields(List.of(runtimeField))                         (2)
                .withFields("age")                                                (3)
                .withSourceFilter(FetchSourceFilter.of(b -> b.withIncludes("*"))) (4)

        var result1 =, Person.class);                     (5)

        // variant 2: use the repository                                          (6)
        var result2 = repository.findByGenderAndAgeLessThanEqual(gender, maxAge, runtimeField);

        return result1;
1 define the runtime field that calculates the age of a person. // see for builtin attributes.
2 when using Query, add the runtime field.
3 when adding a scripted field to a Query, an additional field parameter is needed to have the calculated value returned.
4 when adding a scripted field to a Query, an additional source filter is needed to also retrieve the normal fields from the document source.
5 get the data filtered with the query and where the returned entites have the age property set.
6 when using the repository, all that needs to be done is adding the runtime field as method parameter.

In addition to define a runtime fields on a query, they can also be defined in the index by setting the runtimeFieldsPath property of the @Mapping annotation to point to a JSON file that contains the runtime field definitions.