Class H2Dialect

All Implemented Interfaces:
R2dbcDialect, Dialect

public class H2Dialect extends H2Dialect implements R2dbcDialect
R2DBC dialect for H2.
Mark Paluch, Jens Schauder, Diego Krupitza, Kurt Niemi
  • Field Details


      public static final H2Dialect INSTANCE
      Singleton instance.
  • Constructor Details

    • H2Dialect

      public H2Dialect()
  • Method Details

    • getBindMarkersFactory

      public org.springframework.r2dbc.core.binding.BindMarkersFactory getBindMarkersFactory()
      Description copied from interface: R2dbcDialect
      Returns the BindMarkersFactory used by this dialect.
      Specified by:
      getBindMarkersFactory in interface R2dbcDialect
      the BindMarkersFactory used by this dialect.
    • renderForGeneratedValues

      public String renderForGeneratedValues(SqlIdentifier identifier)
      Description copied from interface: R2dbcDialect
      Render a SqlIdentifier in a way suitable for registering it as a generated key with a statement through Statement#returnGeneratedValues. The default implementation renders it as it would render a SQL representation of the identifier, i.e. with quotes where applicable.
      Specified by:
      renderForGeneratedValues in interface R2dbcDialect
      identifier - to render. Must not be null.
      rendered identifier. Guaranteed to be not null.
    • getArraySupport

      public ArrayColumns getArraySupport()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns the array support object that describes how array-typed columns are supported by this dialect.
      Specified by:
      getArraySupport in interface Dialect
      getArraySupport in class H2Dialect
      the array support object that describes how array-typed columns are supported by this dialect.