This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data MongoDB 4.4.4! |
Kotlin Coroutines are instances of suspendable computations allowing to write non-blocking code imperatively.
On language side, suspend
functions provides an abstraction for asynchronous operations while on library side kotlinx.coroutines provides functions like async { }
and types like Flow
Spring Data modules provide support for Coroutines on the following scope:
Coroutines support is enabled when kotlinx-coroutines-core
, kotlinx-coroutines-reactive
and kotlinx-coroutines-reactor
dependencies are in the classpath:
Supported versions 1.3.0 and above.
How Reactive translates to Coroutines?
For return values, the translation from Reactive to Coroutines APIs is the following:
fun handler(): Mono<Void>
becomessuspend fun handler()
fun handler(): Mono<T>
becomessuspend fun handler(): T
orsuspend fun handler(): T?
depending on if theMono
can be empty or not (with the advantage of being more statically typed) -
fun handler(): Flux<T>
becomesfun handler(): Flow<T>
is Flux
equivalent in Coroutines world, suitable for hot or cold stream, finite or infinite streams, with the following main differences:
is push-based whileFlux
is push-pull hybrid -
Backpressure is implemented via suspending functions
has only a single suspendingcollect
method and operators are implemented as extensions -
Operators are easy to implement thanks to Coroutines
Extensions allow adding custom operators to
Collect operations are suspending functions
operator supports asynchronous operation (no need forflatMap
) since it takes a suspending function parameter
Read this blog post about Going Reactive with Spring, Coroutines and Kotlin Flow for more details, including how to run code concurrently with Coroutines.
Here is an example of a Coroutines repository:
interface CoroutineRepository : CoroutineCrudRepository<User, String> {
suspend fun findOne(id: String): User
fun findByFirstname(firstname: String): Flow<User>
suspend fun findAllByFirstname(id: String): List<User>
Coroutines repositories are built on reactive repositories to expose the non-blocking nature of data access through Kotlin’s Coroutines.
Methods on a Coroutines repository can be backed either by a query method or a custom implementation.
Invoking a custom implementation method propagates the Coroutines invocation to the actual implementation method if the custom method is suspend
-able without requiring the implementation method to return a reactive type such as Mono
or Flux
Note that depending on the method declaration the coroutine context may or may not be available.
To retain access to the context, either declare your method using suspend
or return a type that enables context propagation such as Flow
suspend fun findOne(id: String): User
: Retrieve the data once and synchronously by suspending. -
fun findByFirstname(firstname: String): Flow<User>
: Retrieve a stream of data. TheFlow
is created eagerly while data is fetched uponFlow
interaction (Flow.collect(…)
). -
fun getUser(): User
: Retrieve data once blocking the thread and without context propagation. This should be avoided.
Coroutines repositories are only discovered when the repository extends the CoroutineCrudRepository interface.