This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data Redis 3.4.4!


Keyspaces define prefixes used to create the actual key for the Redis Hash. By default, the prefix is set to getClass().getName(). You can alter this default by setting @RedisHash on the aggregate root level or by setting up a programmatic configuration. However, the annotated keyspace supersedes any other configuration.

The following example shows how to set the keyspace configuration with the @EnableRedisRepositories annotation:

Example 1. Keyspace Setup via @EnableRedisRepositories
@EnableRedisRepositories(keyspaceConfiguration = MyKeyspaceConfiguration.class)
public class ApplicationConfig {

  //... RedisConnectionFactory and RedisTemplate Bean definitions omitted

  public static class MyKeyspaceConfiguration extends KeyspaceConfiguration {

    protected Iterable<KeyspaceSettings> initialConfiguration() {
      return Collections.singleton(new KeyspaceSettings(Person.class, "people"));

The following example shows how to programmatically set the keyspace:

Example 2. Programmatic Keyspace setup
public class ApplicationConfig {

  //... RedisConnectionFactory and RedisTemplate Bean definitions omitted

  public RedisMappingContext keyValueMappingContext() {
    return new RedisMappingContext(
      new MappingConfiguration(new IndexConfiguration(), new MyKeyspaceConfiguration()));

  public static class MyKeyspaceConfiguration extends KeyspaceConfiguration {

    protected Iterable<KeyspaceSettings> initialConfiguration() {
      return Collections.singleton(new KeyspaceSettings(Person.class, "people"));