Packages that use org.springframework.core | |
org.springframework.aop.framework | Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the AOP Alliance interfaces. |
org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter | SPI package allowing Spring AOP framework to handle arbitrary advice types. |
org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy | Bean post processors for use in ApplicationContexts to simplify AOP usage by automatically creating AOP proxies without the need to use a ProxyFactoryBean. |
org.springframework.beans | This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. |
org.springframework.beans.factory | The core package implementing Spring's lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.access | Helper infrastructure to locate and access bean factories. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.config | SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package. |
org.springframework.context | This package builds on the beans package to add support for message sources and for the Observer design pattern, and the ability for application objects to obtain resources using a consistent API. |
org.springframework.core | Basic classes facilitating exception handling, and providing core interfaces that are not specific to any part of the framework. |
org.springframework.dao | Exception hierarchy enabling sophisticated error handling independent of the data access approach in use. |
org.springframework.jdbc | The classes in this package make JDBC easier to use and reduce the likelihood of common errors. |
org.springframework.mail | Spring's generic mail infrastructure. |
org.springframework.metadata | Package defining a facade for accessing source-level metadata attributes at runtime. |
org.springframework.orm | Root package for Spring's O/R Mapping integration classes. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate | Package providing integration of Hibernate with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.jdo | Package providing integration of JDO with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.remoting | Exception hierarchy for Spring's remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system. |
org.springframework.scheduling.timer | Scheduling convenience classes for the J2SE Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.transaction | Exception hierarchy for Spring's transaction infrastructure, independent of any specific transaction management system. |
org.springframework.transaction.interceptor | AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.handler | Provides standard HandlerMapping implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.metadata | This package enables automatic web controller targeting. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt | Support classes for XSLT, providing a View implementation for XSLT stylesheets. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.aop.framework | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy | |
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.beans | |
Interface that can be implemented by exceptions etc that are error coded. |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.beans.factory | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.beans.factory.access | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.beans.factory.config | |
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.beans.factory.support | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.context | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.core | |
Exception thrown when the Constants class is asked for an invalid constant name. |
Interface to be implemented by objects that can return information about the current call stack. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.dao | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.jdbc | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.mail | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.metadata | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.orm | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.orm.hibernate | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.orm.jdo | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.remoting | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.scheduling.timer | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.transaction | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.transaction.interceptor | |
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler | |
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.metadata | |
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. |
Classes in org.springframework.core used by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt | |
Handy class for wrapping runtime Exceptions with a root cause. |