Class LocalSessionFactory

  extended by org.springframework.orm.toplink.LocalSessionFactory
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LocalSessionFactory
extends Object

Convenient JavaBean-style factory for a TopLink SessionFactory instance. Loads a TopLink sessions.xml file from the class path, exposing a specific TopLink Session defined there (usually a ServerSession).

TopLink Session configuration is done using a sessions.xml file. The most convenient way to create the sessions.xml file is to use the Oracle TopLink SessionsEditor workbench. The sessions.xml file contains all runtime configuration and points to a second XML or Class resource from which to load the actual TopLink project metadata (which defines mappings).

LocalSessionFactory loads the sessions.xml file during initialization in order to bootstrap the specified TopLink (Server)Session. The name of the actual config resource and the name of the Session to be loaded, if different from sessions.xml and "Session", respectively, can be configured through bean properties.

All resources (sessions.xml and Mapping Workbench metadata) are loaded using ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream calls by TopLink, so users may need to configure a ClassLoader with appropriate visibility. This is particularly important in J2EE environments where the TopLink metadata might be deployed to a different location than the Spring configuration. The ClassLoader used to search for the TopLink metadata and to load the persistent classes defined there will default to the the context ClassLoader for the current Thread.

TopLink's debug logging can be redirected to Commons Logging by passing a CommonsLoggingSessionLog to the "sessionLog" bean property. Otherwise, TopLink uses it's own DefaultSessionLog, whose levels are configured in the sessions.xml file.

This class has been tested against both TopLink 9.0.4 and TopLink 10.1.3. It will automatically adapt to the TopLink version encountered: for example, using an XMLSessionConfigLoader on 10.1.3, but an XMLLoader on 9.0.4.

NOTE: When defining a TopLink SessionFactory in a Spring application context, you will usually define a bean of type LocalSessionFactoryBean. LocalSessionFactoryBean is a subclass of this factory, which will automatically expose the created TopLink SessionFactory instance as bean reference.

Juergen Hoeller, James Clark
See Also:
LocalSessionFactoryBean, TopLinkAccessor.setSessionFactory(org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), TopLinkTransactionManager.setSessionFactory(org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), SingleSessionFactory, ServerSessionFactory, ServerSession, XMLLoader, XMLSessionConfigLoader

Field Summary
          The default session name to look for in the sessions.xml: "Session".
          The default location of the sessions.xml TopLink configuration file: "sessions.xml" in the class path.
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 SessionFactory createSessionFactory()
          Create a TopLink SessionFactory according to the configuration settings.
protected getSessionManager()
          Return the TopLink SessionManager to use for loading DatabaseSessions.
protected  oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseSession loadDatabaseSession(String configLocation, String sessionName, ClassLoader sessionClassLoader)
          Load the specified DatabaseSession from the TopLink sessions.xml configuration file.
protected  SessionFactory newSessionFactory(oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseSession session)
          Create a new SessionFactory for the given TopLink DatabaseSession.
 void setConfigLocation(String configLocation)
          Set the TopLink sessions.xml configuration file that defines TopLink Sessions, as class path resource location.
 void setDatabaseLogin(oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin databaseLogin)
          Specify the DatabaseLogin instance that carries the TopLink database configuration to use.
 void setDatabasePlatform(oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform databasePlatform)
          Specify the TopLink DatabasePlatform instance that the Session should use: for example, HSQLPlatform.
 void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
          Specify a standard JDBC DataSource that TopLink should use as connection pool.
 void setSessionClassLoader(ClassLoader sessionClassLoader)
          Set the ClassLoader that should be used to lookup the config resources.
 void setSessionLog(oracle.toplink.sessions.SessionLog sessionLog)
          Specify a TopLink SessionLog instance to use for detailed logging of the Session's activities: for example, DefaultSessionLog (which logs to the console), JavaLog (which logs through JDK 1.4'S java.util.logging, available as of TopLink 10.1.3), or CommonsLoggingSessionLog / CommonsLoggingSessionLog904 (which logs through Commons Logging, on TopLink 10.1.3 and 9.0.4, respectively).
 void setSessionName(String sessionName)
          Set the name of the TopLink Session, as defined in TopLink's sessions.xml configuration file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_SESSIONS_XML
The default location of the sessions.xml TopLink configuration file: "sessions.xml" in the class path.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_SESSION_NAME
The default session name to look for in the sessions.xml: "Session".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Constructor Detail


public LocalSessionFactory()
Method Detail


public void setConfigLocation(String configLocation)
Set the TopLink sessions.xml configuration file that defines TopLink Sessions, as class path resource location.

The sessions.xml file will usually be placed in the META-INF directory or root path of a JAR file, or the WEB-INF/classes directory of a WAR file (specifying "META-INF/toplink-sessions.xml" or simply "toplink-sessions.xml" as config location, respectively).

The default config location is "sessions.xml" in the root of the class path.

configLocation - the class path location of the sessions.xml file


public void setSessionName(String sessionName)
Set the name of the TopLink Session, as defined in TopLink's sessions.xml configuration file. The default session name is "Session".


public void setSessionClassLoader(ClassLoader sessionClassLoader)
Set the ClassLoader that should be used to lookup the config resources. If nothing is set here, then we will try to use the Thread context ClassLoader and the ClassLoader that loaded this factory class, in that order.

This ClassLoader will be used to load the TopLink configuration files and the project metadata. Furthermore, the TopLink ConversionManager will use this ClassLoader to load all TopLink entity classes. If the latter is not appropriate, users can configure a pre-login SessionEvent to alter the ConversionManager ClassLoader that TopLink will use at runtime.


public void setDatabaseLogin(oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin databaseLogin)
Specify the DatabaseLogin instance that carries the TopLink database configuration to use. This is an alternative to specifying that information in a <login> tag in the sessions.xml configuration file, allowing for configuring a DatabaseLogin instance as standard Spring bean definition (being able to leverage Spring's placeholder mechanism, etc).

The DatabaseLogin instance can either carry traditional JDBC config properties or hold a nested TopLink Connector instance, pointing to the connection pool to use. DatabaseLogin also holds the TopLink DatabasePlatform instance that defines the database product that TopLink is talking to (for example, HSQLPlatform).

See Also:
DatabaseLogin.setDriverClassName(String), DatabaseLogin.setDatabaseURL(String), DatabaseLogin.setConnector(oracle.toplink.sessions.Connector), DatabaseLogin.setUsesExternalConnectionPooling(boolean), DatabaseLogin.usePlatform(oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform)


public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
Specify a standard JDBC DataSource that TopLink should use as connection pool. This allows for using a shared DataSource definition instead of TopLink's own connection pool.

A passed-in DataSource will be wrapped in an appropriate TopLink Connector and registered with the TopLink DatabaseLogin instance (either the default instance or one passed in through the "databaseLogin" property). The "usesExternalConnectionPooling" flag will automatically be set to "true".

See Also:
DatabaseLogin.setConnector(oracle.toplink.sessions.Connector), DatabaseLogin.setUsesExternalConnectionPooling(boolean), setDatabaseLogin(oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin)


public void setDatabasePlatform(oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform databasePlatform)
Specify the TopLink DatabasePlatform instance that the Session should use: for example, HSQLPlatform. This is an alternative to specifying the platform in a <login> tag in the sessions.xml configuration file.

A passed-in DatabasePlatform will be registered with the TopLink DatabaseLogin instance (either the default instance or one passed in through the "databaseLogin" property).

See Also:
HSQLPlatform, oracle.toplink.platform.database.HSQLPlatform


public void setSessionLog(oracle.toplink.sessions.SessionLog sessionLog)
Specify a TopLink SessionLog instance to use for detailed logging of the Session's activities: for example, DefaultSessionLog (which logs to the console), JavaLog (which logs through JDK 1.4'S java.util.logging, available as of TopLink 10.1.3), or CommonsLoggingSessionLog / CommonsLoggingSessionLog904 (which logs through Commons Logging, on TopLink 10.1.3 and 9.0.4, respectively).

Note that detailed Session logging is usually only useful for debug logging, with adjustable detail level. As of TopLink 10.1.3, TopLink also uses different log categories, which allows for fine-grained filtering of log messages. For standard execution, no SessionLog needs to be specified.

See Also:
DefaultSessionLog, oracle.toplink.logging.DefaultSessionLog, oracle.toplink.logging.JavaLog, CommonsLoggingSessionLog, CommonsLoggingSessionLog904


public SessionFactory createSessionFactory()
                                    throws oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException
Create a TopLink SessionFactory according to the configuration settings.

the new TopLink SessionFactory
oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException - in case of errors


protected oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseSession loadDatabaseSession(String configLocation,
                                                                      String sessionName,
                                                                      ClassLoader sessionClassLoader)
                                                               throws oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException
Load the specified DatabaseSession from the TopLink sessions.xml configuration file.

configLocation - the class path location of the sessions.xml file
sessionName - the name of the TopLink Session in the configuration file
sessionClassLoader - the class loader to use
the DatabaseSession instance
oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException - in case of errors


protected getSessionManager()
Return the TopLink SessionManager to use for loading DatabaseSessions.

The default implementation creates a new plain SessionManager instance, leading to completely independent TopLink Session instances. Could be overridden to return a shared or pre-configured SessionManager.


protected SessionFactory newSessionFactory(oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseSession session)
Create a new SessionFactory for the given TopLink DatabaseSession.

The default implementation creates a ServerSessionFactory for a ServerSession and a SingleSessionFactory for a plain DatabaseSession.

session - the TopLink DatabaseSession to create a SessionFactory for
the SessionFactory
oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException - in case of errors
See Also:
ServerSessionFactory, SingleSessionFactory, ServerSession, DatabaseSession

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