Package org.springframework.orm.toplink

Package providing integration of Oracle TopLink with Spring concepts.


Interface Summary
SessionFactory The SessionFactory interface serves as factory for TopLink Sessions, allowing for dependency injection on thread-safe TopLink-based DAOs.
TopLinkCallback Callback interface for TopLink code.
TopLinkOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of TopLink operations.

Class Summary
AbstractSessionFactory Abstract SessionFactory implementation that creates proxies for "managed" client Sessions and transaction-aware Session references.
LocalSessionFactory Convenient JavaBean-style factory for a TopLink SessionFactory instance.
LocalSessionFactoryBean Factory bean that configures a TopLink SessionFactory and provides it as bean reference.
ServerSessionFactory Full-fledged default implementation of the SessionFactory interface: creates ClientSessions for a given ServerSession.
SessionBrokerSessionFactory Spring SessionFactory implementation allowing users to inject a TopLink Session built from a TopLink SessionBroker.
SessionFactoryUtils Helper class featuring methods for TopLink Session handling, allowing for reuse of TopLink Session instances within transactions.
SessionHolder Session holder, wrapping a TopLink Session.
SessionReadCallback Convenient abstract implementation of the TopLinkCallback interface, exposing either the plain TopLink Session or the TopLink UnitOfWork (which extends the Session interface) to code that reads persistent objects.
SingleSessionFactory Simple implementation of the SessionFactory interface: always returns the passed-in Session as-is.
TopLinkAccessor Base class for TopLinkTemplate and TopLinkInterceptor, defining common properties like SessionFactory and JDBC exception translator.
TopLinkInterceptor This interceptor binds a new TopLink Session to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome.
TopLinkTemplate Helper class that simplifies TopLink data access code, and converts TopLinkExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy.
TopLinkTransactionManager PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single TopLink SessionFactory.
UnitOfWorkCallback Convenient abstract implementation of the TopLinkCallback interface, exposing a UnitOfWork to perform write operations on.

Exception Summary
TopLinkJdbcException TopLink-specific subclass of DataAccessException, for JDBC exceptions that TopLink rethrew.
TopLinkOptimisticLockingFailureException TopLink-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
TopLinkQueryException TopLink-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException, thrown on invalid TopLik query syntax or behavior.
TopLinkSystemException TopLink-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for TopLink system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.

Package org.springframework.orm.toplink Description

Package providing integration of Oracle TopLink with Spring concepts.

Contains SessionFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for TopLink access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local TopLink transactions.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Spring Framework Project.