Class WebContentGenerator

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractController, WebContentInterceptor

public abstract class WebContentGenerator
extends WebApplicationObjectSupport

Convenient superclass for any kind of web content generator, like AbstractController and WebContentInterceptor. Can also be used for custom handlers that have their own HandlerAdapter.

Supports HTTP cache control options. The usage of corresponding HTTP headers can be determined via the "useExpiresHeader" and "userCacheControlHeader" properties.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
setUseExpiresHeader(boolean), setUseCacheControlHeader(boolean), AbstractController, WebContentInterceptor

Field Summary
static String HEADER_EXPIRES
static String HEADER_PRAGMA
static String METHOD_GET
static String METHOD_HEAD
static String METHOD_POST
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void applyCacheSeconds(HttpServletResponse response, int seconds)
          Apply the given cache seconds and generate corresponding HTTP headers, i.e. allow caching for the given number of seconds in case of a positive value, prevent caching if given a 0 value, do nothing else.
protected  void applyCacheSeconds(HttpServletResponse response, int seconds, boolean mustRevalidate)
          Apply the given cache seconds and generate respective HTTP headers, i.e. allow caching for the given number of seconds in case of a positive value, prevent caching if given a 0 value, do nothing else.
protected  void cacheForSeconds(HttpServletResponse response, int seconds)
          Set HTTP headers to allow caching for the given number of seconds.
protected  void cacheForSeconds(HttpServletResponse response, int seconds, boolean mustRevalidate)
          Set HTTP headers to allow caching for the given number of seconds.
protected  void checkAndPrepare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean lastModified)
          Check and prepare the given request and response according to the settings of this generator.
protected  void checkAndPrepare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int cacheSeconds, boolean lastModified)
          Check and prepare the given request and response according to the settings of this generator.
 int getCacheSeconds()
          Return the number of seconds that content is cached.
 String[] getSupportedMethods()
          Return the HTTP methods that this content generator supports.
 boolean isRequireSession()
          Return whether a session is required to handle requests.
 boolean isUseCacheControlHeader()
          Return whether the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header is used.
 boolean isUseExpiresHeader()
          Return whether the HTTP 1.0 expires header is used.
protected  void preventCaching(HttpServletResponse response)
          Prevent the response from being cached.
 void setCacheSeconds(int seconds)
          Cache content for the given number of seconds.
 void setRequireSession(boolean requireSession)
          Set whether a session should be required to handle requests.
 void setSupportedMethods(String[] methods)
          Set the HTTP methods that this content generator should support.
 void setUseCacheControlHeader(boolean useCacheControlHeader)
          Set whether to use the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header.
 void setUseExpiresHeader(boolean useExpiresHeader)
          Set whether to use the HTTP 1.0 expires header.
Methods inherited from class
getServletContext, getTempDir, getWebApplicationContext, isContextRequired
Methods inherited from class
getApplicationContext, getMessageSourceAccessor, initApplicationContext, requiredContextClass, setApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String METHOD_HEAD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String METHOD_GET
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String METHOD_POST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HEADER_PRAGMA
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HEADER_EXPIRES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public WebContentGenerator()
Method Detail


public final void setSupportedMethods(String[] methods)
Set the HTTP methods that this content generator should support. Default is HEAD, GET and POST.


public final String[] getSupportedMethods()
Return the HTTP methods that this content generator supports.


public final void setRequireSession(boolean requireSession)
Set whether a session should be required to handle requests.


public final boolean isRequireSession()
Return whether a session is required to handle requests.


public final void setUseExpiresHeader(boolean useExpiresHeader)
Set whether to use the HTTP 1.0 expires header. Default is "true".

Note: Cache headers will only get applied if caching is enabled for the current request.


public final boolean isUseExpiresHeader()
Return whether the HTTP 1.0 expires header is used.


public final void setUseCacheControlHeader(boolean useCacheControlHeader)
Set whether to use the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header. Default is "true".

Note: Cache headers will only get applied if caching is enabled for the current request.


public final boolean isUseCacheControlHeader()
Return whether the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header is used.


public final void setCacheSeconds(int seconds)
Cache content for the given number of seconds. Default is -1, indicating no generation of cache-related headers.

Only if this is set to 0 (no cache) or a positive value (cache for this many seconds) will this class generate cache headers.

The headers can be overwritten by subclasses, before content is generated.


public final int getCacheSeconds()
Return the number of seconds that content is cached.


protected final void checkAndPrepare(HttpServletRequest request,
                                     HttpServletResponse response,
                                     boolean lastModified)
                              throws ServletException
Check and prepare the given request and response according to the settings of this generator. Checks for supported methods and a required session, and applies the number of cache seconds specified for this generator.

request - current HTTP request
response - current HTTP response
lastModified - if the mapped handler provides Last-Modified support
ServletException - if the request cannot be handled because a check failed


protected final void checkAndPrepare(HttpServletRequest request,
                                     HttpServletResponse response,
                                     int cacheSeconds,
                                     boolean lastModified)
                              throws ServletException
Check and prepare the given request and response according to the settings of this generator. Checks for supported methods and a required session, and applies the given number of cache seconds.

request - current HTTP request
response - current HTTP response
cacheSeconds - positive number of seconds into the future that the response should be cacheable for, 0 to prevent caching
lastModified - if the mapped handler provides Last-Modified support
ServletException - if the request cannot be handled because a check failed


protected final void preventCaching(HttpServletResponse response)
Prevent the response from being cached. See docs.


protected final void cacheForSeconds(HttpServletResponse response,
                                     int seconds)
Set HTTP headers to allow caching for the given number of seconds. Does not tell the browser to revalidate the resource.

response - current HTTP response
seconds - number of seconds into the future that the response should be cacheable for
See Also:
cacheForSeconds(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, int, boolean)


protected final void cacheForSeconds(HttpServletResponse response,
                                     int seconds,
                                     boolean mustRevalidate)
Set HTTP headers to allow caching for the given number of seconds. Tells the browser to revalidate the resource if mustRevalidate is true.

response - current HTTP response
seconds - number of seconds into the future that the response should be cacheable for
mustRevalidate - whether the client should revalidate the resource (typically only necessary for controllers with last-modified support)


protected final void applyCacheSeconds(HttpServletResponse response,
                                       int seconds)
Apply the given cache seconds and generate corresponding HTTP headers, i.e. allow caching for the given number of seconds in case of a positive value, prevent caching if given a 0 value, do nothing else. Does not tell the browser to revalidate the resource.

response - current HTTP response
seconds - positive number of seconds into the future that the response should be cacheable for, 0 to prevent caching
See Also:
cacheForSeconds(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, int, boolean)


protected final void applyCacheSeconds(HttpServletResponse response,
                                       int seconds,
                                       boolean mustRevalidate)
Apply the given cache seconds and generate respective HTTP headers, i.e. allow caching for the given number of seconds in case of a positive value, prevent caching if given a 0 value, do nothing else.

response - current HTTP response
seconds - positive number of seconds into the future that the response should be cacheable for, 0 to prevent caching
mustRevalidate - whether the client should revalidate the resource (typically only necessary for controllers with last-modified support)

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Spring Framework Project.