Package org.springframework.mock.web

A comprehensive set of Servlet API mock objects, targeted at usage with Spring's web MVC framework.


Class Summary
DelegatingServletInputStream Delegating implementation of ServletInputStream.
DelegatingServletOutputStream Delegating implementation of ServletOutputStream.
MockExpressionEvaluator Mock implementation of the JSP 2.0 ExpressionEvaluator interface, delegating to the Jakarta JSTL ExpressionEvaluatorManager.
MockFilterConfig Mock implementation of the FilterConfig interface.
MockHttpServletRequest Mock implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface.
MockHttpServletResponse Mock implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface.
MockHttpSession Mock implementation of the HttpSession interface.
MockPageContext Mock implementation of the PageContext interface.
MockRequestDispatcher Mock implementation of the RequestDispatcher interface.
MockServletConfig Mock implementation of the ServletConfig interface.
MockServletContext Mock implementation of the ServletContext interface.

Package org.springframework.mock.web Description

A comprehensive set of Servlet API mock objects, targeted at usage with Spring's web MVC framework. Useful for testing web contexts and controllers.

More convenient to use than dynamic mock objects (EasyMock) or existing Servlet API mock objects (MockObjects).

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