The Spring Framework


Support classes for the org.springframework.transaction package.


Interface Summary
CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager Extension of the PlatformTransactionManager interface, exposing a method for executing a given callback within a transaction.
SmartTransactionObject Interface to be implemented by transaction objects that are able to return an internal rollback-only marker, typically from a another transaction that has participated and marked it as rollback-only.
TransactionCallback Callback interface for transactional code.
TransactionSynchronization Interface for transaction synchronization callbacks.

Class Summary
AbstractPlatformTransactionManager Abstract base class that implements Spring's standard transaction workflow, serving as basis for concrete platform transaction managers like JtaTransactionManager and DataSourceTransactionManager.
AbstractTransactionStatus Abstract base implementation of the TransactionStatus interface.
DefaultTransactionDefinition Default implementation of the TransactionDefinition interface, offering bean-style configuration and sensible default values (PROPAGATION_REQUIRED, ISOLATION_DEFAULT, TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, readOnly=false).
DefaultTransactionStatus Default implementation of the TransactionStatus interface, used by AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.
ResourceHolderSupport Convenient base class for resource holders.
SimpleTransactionStatus A simple TransactionStatus implementation.
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult Simple convenience class for TransactionCallback implementation.
TransactionSynchronizationAdapter Simple TransactionSynchronization adapter containing empty method implementations, for easier overriding of single methods.
TransactionSynchronizationManager Central helper that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per thread.
TransactionSynchronizationUtils Utility methods for triggering specific TransactionSynchronization callback methods on all currently registered synchronizations.
TransactionTemplate Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.

Package Description

Support classes for the org.springframework.transaction package. Provides an abstract base class for transaction manager implementations, and a template plus callback for transaction demarcation.

The Spring Framework

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