Package org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init

Provides extensible support for initializing databases through scripts.


Interface Summary
DatabasePopulator Strategy used to populate a database during initialization.

Class Summary
CompositeDatabasePopulator DatabasePopulator implementation that delegates to a list of other DatabasePopulator implementations, executing all scripts.
DatabasePopulatorUtils Utility methods for executing a DatabasePopulator.
DataSourceInitializer Used to populate a database during initialization.
ResourceDatabasePopulator Populates a database from SQL scripts defined in external resources.

Exception Summary
CannotReadScriptException Thrown by ResourceDatabasePopulator if one of its SQL scripts cannot be read during population.
ScriptStatementFailedException Thrown by ResourceDatabasePopulator if a statement in one of its SQL scripts failed when executing it against the target database.

Package org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init Description

Provides extensible support for initializing databases through scripts.