The value-add provided by the Spring Framework JDBC abstraction is perhaps best shown by the sequence of actions outlined in the table below. The table shows what actions Spring will take care of and which actions are the responsibility of you, the application developer.
Table 19.1. Spring JDBC - who does what?
Action | Spring | You |
Define connection parameters. | X | |
Open the connection. | X | |
Specify the SQL statement. | X | |
Declare parameters and provide parameter values | X | |
Prepare and execute the statement. | X | |
Set up the loop to iterate through the results (if any). | X | |
Do the work for each iteration. | X | |
Process any exception. | X | |
Handle transactions. | X | |
Close the connection, statement and resultset. | X |
The Spring Framework takes care of all the low-level details that can make JDBC such a tedious API to develop with.
You can choose among several approaches to form the basis for your JDBC database access. In addition to three flavors of the JdbcTemplate, a new SimpleJdbcInsert and SimplejdbcCall approach optimizes database metadata, and the RDBMS Object style takes a more object-oriented approach similar to that of JDO Query design. Once you start using one of these approaches, you can still mix and match to include a feature from a different approach. All approaches require a JDBC 2.0-compliant driver, and some advanced features require a JDBC 3.0 driver.
to provide named parameters
instead of the traditional JDBC "?" placeholders. This approach provides better
documentation and ease of use when you have multiple parameters for an SQL statement.
The Spring Framework’s JDBC abstraction framework consists of four different packages,
namely core
, datasource
, object
, and support
The org.springframework.jdbc.core
package contains the JdbcTemplate
class and its
various callback interfaces, plus a variety of related classes. A subpackage named
contains the SimpleJdbcInsert
classes. Another subpackage named
contains the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class and the related support classes. See Section 19.2, “Using the JDBC core classes to control basic JDBC processing and error handling”, Section 19.4, “JDBC batch operations”, and
Section 19.5, “Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes”.
The org.springframework.jdbc.datasource
package contains a utility class for easy
access, and various simple DataSource
implementations that can be used for
testing and running unmodified JDBC code outside of a Java EE container. A subpackage
named org.springfamework.jdbc.datasource.embedded
provides support for creating
embedded databases using Java database engines such as HSQL, H2, and Derby. See
Section 19.3, “Controlling database connections” and Section 19.8, “Embedded database support”.
The org.springframework.jdbc.object
package contains classes that represent RDBMS
queries, updates, and stored procedures as thread-safe, reusable objects. See
Section 19.6, “Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects”. This approach is modeled by JDO, although objects returned by queries
are naturally disconnected from the database. This higher level of JDBC abstraction
depends on the lower-level abstraction in the org.springframework.jdbc.core
package provides SQLException
functionality and some utility classes. Exceptions thrown during JDBC processing are
translated to exceptions defined in the org.springframework.dao
package. This means
that code using the Spring JDBC abstraction layer does not need to implement JDBC or
RDBMS-specific error handling. All translated exceptions are unchecked, which gives you
the option of catching the exceptions from which you can recover while allowing other
exceptions to be propagated to the caller. See Section 19.2.3, “SQLExceptionTranslator”.
The JdbcTemplate
class is the central class in the JDBC core package. It handles the
creation and release of resources, which helps you avoid common errors such as
forgetting to close the connection. It performs the basic tasks of the core JDBC
workflow such as statement creation and execution, leaving application code to provide
SQL and extract results. The JdbcTemplate
class executes SQL queries, update
statements and stored procedure calls, performs iteration over ResultSet
s and
extraction of returned parameter values. It also catches JDBC exceptions and translates
them to the generic, more informative, exception hierarchy defined in the
When you use the JdbcTemplate
for your code, you only need to implement callback
interfaces, giving them a clearly defined contract. The PreparedStatementCreator
callback interface creates a prepared statement given a Connection
provided by this
class, providing SQL and any necessary parameters. The same is true for the
interface, which creates callable statements. The
interface extracts values from each row of a ResultSet
The JdbcTemplate
can be used within a DAO implementation through direct instantiation
with a DataSource
reference, or be configured in a Spring IoC container and given to
DAOs as a bean reference.
![]() | Note |
The |
All SQL issued by this class is logged at the DEBUG
level under the category
corresponding to the fully qualified class name of the template instance (typically
, but it may be different if you are using a custom subclass of the
This section provides some examples of JdbcTemplate
class usage. These examples are
not an exhaustive list of all of the functionality exposed by the JdbcTemplate
; see
the attendant javadocs for that.
Here is a simple query for getting the number of rows in a relation:
int rowCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor", Integer.class);
A simple query using a bind variable:
int countOfActorsNamedJoe = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select count(*) from t_actor where first_name = ?", Integer.class, "Joe");
Querying for a String
String lastName = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select last_name from t_actor where id = ?", new Object[]{1212L}, String.class);
Querying and populating a single domain object:
Actor actor = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?", new Object[]{1212L}, new RowMapper<Actor>() { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } });
Querying and populating a number of domain objects:
List<Actor> actors = this.jdbcTemplate.query( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor", new RowMapper<Actor>() { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } });
If the last two snippets of code actually existed in the same application, it would make
sense to remove the duplication present in the two RowMapper
anonymous inner classes,
and extract them out into a single class (typically a static
nested class) that can
then be referenced by DAO methods as needed. For example, it may be better to write the
last code snippet as follows:
public List<Actor> findAllActors() { return this.jdbcTemplate.query( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor", new ActorMapper()); } private static final class ActorMapper implements RowMapper<Actor> { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } }
You use the update(..)
method to perform insert, update and delete operations.
Parameter values are usually provided as var args or alternatively as an object array.
this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into t_actor (first_name, last_name) values (?, ?)", "Leonor", "Watling");
this.jdbcTemplate.update( "update t_actor set last_name = ? where id = ?", "Banjo", 5276L);
this.jdbcTemplate.update( "delete from actor where id = ?", Long.valueOf(actorId));
You can use the execute(..)
method to execute any arbitrary SQL, and as such the
method is often used for DDL statements. It is heavily overloaded with variants taking
callback interfaces, binding variable arrays, and so on.
this.jdbcTemplate.execute("create table mytable (id integer, name varchar(100))");
The following example invokes a simple stored procedure. More sophisticated stored procedure support is covered later.
this.jdbcTemplate.update( "call SUPPORT.REFRESH_ACTORS_SUMMARY(?)", Long.valueOf(unionId));
Instances of the JdbcTemplate
class are threadsafe once configured. This is
important because it means that you can configure a single instance of a JdbcTemplate
and then safely inject this shared reference into multiple DAOs (or repositories).
The JdbcTemplate
is stateful, in that it maintains a reference to a DataSource
, but
this state is not conversational state.
A common practice when using the JdbcTemplate
class (and the associated
classes) is to
configure a DataSource
in your Spring configuration file, and then dependency-inject
that shared DataSource
bean into your DAO classes; the JdbcTemplate
is created in
the setter for the DataSource
. This leads to DAOs that look in part like the following:
public class JdbcCorporateEventDao implements CorporateEventDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } // JDBC-backed implementations of the methods on the CorporateEventDao follow... }
The corresponding configuration might look like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean id="corporateEventDao" class="com.example.JdbcCorporateEventDao"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> </bean> <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/> <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <context:property-placeholder location=""/> </beans>
An alternative to explicit configuration is to use component-scanning and annotation
support for dependency injection. In this case you annotate the class with @Repository
(which makes it a candidate for component-scanning) and annotate the DataSource
method with @Autowired
@Repository public class JdbcCorporateEventDao implements CorporateEventDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } // JDBC-backed implementations of the methods on the CorporateEventDao follow... }
The corresponding XML configuration file would look like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <!-- Scans within the base package of the application for @Component classes to configure as beans --> <context:component-scan base-package="" /> <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/> <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <context:property-placeholder location=""/> </beans>
If you are using Spring’s JdbcDaoSupport
class, and your various JDBC-backed DAO classes
extend from it, then your sub-class inherits a setDataSource(..)
method from the
class. You can choose whether to inherit from this class. The
class is provided as a convenience only.
Regardless of which of the above template initialization styles you choose to use (or
not), it is seldom necessary to create a new instance of a JdbcTemplate
class each
time you want to execute SQL. Once configured, a JdbcTemplate
instance is threadsafe.
You may want multiple JdbcTemplate
instances if your application accesses multiple
databases, which requires multiple DataSources
, and subsequently multiple differently
configured JdbcTemplates
The NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class adds support for programming JDBC statements
using named parameters, as opposed to programming JDBC statements using only classic
placeholder ( '?'
) arguments. The NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class wraps a
, and delegates to the wrapped JdbcTemplate
to do much of its work. This
section describes only those areas of the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class that differ
from the JdbcTemplate
itself; namely, programming JDBC statements using named
// some JDBC-backed DAO class... private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int countOfActorsByFirstName(String firstName) { String sql = "select count(*) from T_ACTOR where first_name = :first_name"; SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("first_name", firstName); return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, namedParameters, Integer.class); }
Notice the use of the named parameter notation in the value assigned to the sql
variable, and the corresponding value that is plugged into the namedParameters
variable (of type MapSqlParameterSource
Alternatively, you can pass along named parameters and their corresponding values to a
instance by using the Map
-based style.The remaining
methods exposed by the NamedParameterJdbcOperations
and implemented by the
class follow a similar pattern and are not covered here.
The following example shows the use of the Map
-based style.
// some JDBC-backed DAO class... private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int countOfActorsByFirstName(String firstName) { String sql = "select count(*) from T_ACTOR where first_name = :first_name"; Map<String, String> namedParameters = Collections.singletonMap("first_name", firstName); return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, namedParameters, Integer.class); }
One nice feature related to the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
(and existing in the same
Java package) is the SqlParameterSource
interface. You have already seen an example of
an implementation of this interface in one of the previous code snippet (the
class). An SqlParameterSource
is a source of named parameter
values to a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
. The MapSqlParameterSource
class is a very
simple implementation that is simply an adapter around a java.util.Map
, where the keys
are the parameter names and the values are the parameter values.
Another SqlParameterSource
implementation is the BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
class. This class wraps an arbitrary JavaBean (that is, an instance of a class that
adheres to the
JavaBean conventions), and uses the properties of the wrapped JavaBean as the source
of named parameter values.
public class Actor { private Long id; private String firstName; private String lastName; public String getFirstName() { return this.firstName; } public String getLastName() { return this.lastName; } public Long getId() { return; } // setters omitted... }
// some JDBC-backed DAO class... private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int countOfActors(Actor exampleActor) { // notice how the named parameters match the properties of the above 'Actor' class String sql = "select count(*) from T_ACTOR where first_name = :firstName and last_name = :lastName"; SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(exampleActor); return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, namedParameters, Integer.class); }
Remember that the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class wraps a classic JdbcTemplate
template; if you need access to the wrapped JdbcTemplate
instance to access
functionality only present in the JdbcTemplate
class, you can use the
method to access the wrapped JdbcTemplate
through the
See also the section called “JdbcTemplate best practices” for guidelines on using the
class in the context of an application.
is an interface to be implemented by classes that can translate
between SQLExceptions
and Spring’s own org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
which is agnostic in regard to data access strategy. Implementations can be generic (for
example, using SQLState codes for JDBC) or proprietary (for example, using Oracle error
codes) for greater precision.
is the implementation of SQLExceptionTranslator
that is used by default. This implementation uses specific vendor codes. It is more
precise than the SQLState
implementation. The error code translations are based on
codes held in a JavaBean type class called SQLErrorCodes
. This class is created and
populated by an SQLErrorCodesFactory
which as the name suggests is a factory for
creating SQLErrorCodes
based on the contents of a configuration file named
. This file is populated with vendor codes and based on the
taken from the DatabaseMetaData
. The codes for the actual
database you are using are used.
The SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator
applies matching rules in the following sequence:
![]() | Note |
The |
is used so this rule does not apply. It only
applies if you have actually provided a subclass implementation.
interface that is provided
as the customSqlExceptionTranslator
property of the SQLErrorCodes
class, provided for the
property of the SQLErrorCodes
class, are searched for a match.
is the default fallback
translator. If this translation is not available then the next fallback translator is
the SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator
You can extend SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator:
public class CustomSQLErrorCodesTranslator extends SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator { protected DataAccessException customTranslate(String task, String sql, SQLException sqlex) { if (sqlex.getErrorCode() == -12345) { return new DeadlockLoserDataAccessException(task, sqlex); } return null; } }
In this example, the specific error code -12345
is translated and other errors are
left to be translated by the default translator implementation. To use this custom
translator, it is necessary to pass it to the JdbcTemplate
through the method
and to use this JdbcTemplate
for all of the data access
processing where this translator is needed. Here is an example of how this custom
translator can be used:
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { // create a JdbcTemplate and set data source this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(); this.jdbcTemplate.setDataSource(dataSource); // create a custom translator and set the DataSource for the default translation lookup CustomSQLErrorCodesTranslator tr = new CustomSQLErrorCodesTranslator(); tr.setDataSource(dataSource); this.jdbcTemplate.setExceptionTranslator(tr); } public void updateShippingCharge(long orderId, long pct) { // use the prepared JdbcTemplate for this update this.jdbcTemplate.update("update orders" + " set shipping_charge = shipping_charge * ? / 100" + " where id = ?", pct, orderId); }
The custom translator is passed a data source in order to look up the error codes in
Executing an SQL statement requires very little code. You need a DataSource
and a
, including the convenience methods that are provided with the
. The following example shows what you need to include for a minimal but
fully functional class that creates a new table:
import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; public class ExecuteAStatement { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public void doExecute() { this.jdbcTemplate.execute("create table mytable (id integer, name varchar(100))"); } }
Some query methods return a single value. To retrieve a count or a specific value from
one row, use queryForObject(..)
. The latter converts the returned JDBC Type
to the
Java class that is passed in as an argument. If the type conversion is invalid, then an
is thrown. Here is an example that contains two
query methods, one for an int
and one that queries for a String
import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; public class RunAQuery { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int getCount() { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from mytable", Integer.class); } public String getName() { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select name from mytable", String.class); } }
In addition to the single result query methods, several methods return a list with an
entry for each row that the query returned. The most generic method is
which returns a List
where each entry is a Map
with each entry in
the map representing the column value for that row. If you add a method to the above
example to retrieve a list of all the rows, it would look like this:
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public List<Map<String, Object>> getList() { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select * from mytable"); }
The list returned would look something like this:
[{name=Bob, id=1}, {name=Mary, id=2}]
The following example shows a column updated for a certain primary key. In this example, an SQL statement has placeholders for row parameters. The parameter values can be passed in as varargs or alternatively as an array of objects. Thus primitives should be wrapped in the primitive wrapper classes explicitly or using auto-boxing.
import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; public class ExecuteAnUpdate { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public void setName(int id, String name) { this.jdbcTemplate.update("update mytable set name = ? where id = ?", name, id); } }
An update()
convenience method supports the retrieval of primary keys generated by the
database. This support is part of the JDBC 3.0 standard; see Chapter 13.6 of the
specification for details. The method takes a PreparedStatementCreator
as its first
argument, and this is the way the required insert statement is specified. The other
argument is a KeyHolder
, which contains the generated key on successful return from the
update. There is not a standard single way to create an appropriate PreparedStatement
(which explains why the method signature is the way it is). The following example works
on Oracle but may not work on other platforms:
final String INSERT_SQL = "insert into my_test (name) values(?)"; final String name = "Rob"; KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); jdbcTemplate.update( new PreparedStatementCreator() { public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(INSERT_SQL, new String[] {"id"}); ps.setString(1, name); return ps; } }, keyHolder); // keyHolder.getKey() now contains the generated key
Spring obtains a connection to the database through a DataSource
. A DataSource
part of the JDBC specification and is a generalized connection factory. It allows a
container or a framework to hide connection pooling and transaction management issues
from the application code. As a developer, you need not know details about how to
connect to the database; that is the responsibility of the administrator that sets up
the datasource. You most likely fill both roles as you develop and test code, but you do
not necessarily have to know how the production data source is configured.
When using Spring’s JDBC layer, you obtain a data source from JNDI or you configure your own with a connection pool implementation provided by a third party. Popular implementations are Apache Jakarta Commons DBCP and C3P0. Implementations in the Spring distribution are meant only for testing purposes and do not provide pooling.
This section uses Spring’s DriverManagerDataSource
implementation, and several
additional implementations are covered later.
![]() | Note |
Only use the |
You obtain a connection with DriverManagerDataSource
as you typically obtain a JDBC
connection. Specify the fully qualified classname of the JDBC driver so that the
can load the driver class. Next, provide a URL that varies between JDBC
drivers. (Consult the documentation for your driver for the correct value.) Then provide
a username and a password to connect to the database. Here is an example of how to
configure a DriverManagerDataSource
in Java code:
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:"); dataSource.setUsername("sa"); dataSource.setPassword("");
Here is the corresponding XML configuration:
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/> <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <context:property-placeholder location=""/>
The following examples show the basic connectivity and configuration for DBCP and C3P0. To learn about more options that help control the pooling features, see the product documentation for the respective connection pooling implementations.
DBCP configuration:
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/> <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <context:property-placeholder location=""/>
C3P0 configuration:
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/> <property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="user" value="${jdbc.username}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <context:property-placeholder location=""/>
The DataSourceUtils
class is a convenient and powerful helper class that provides
methods to obtain connections from JNDI and close connections if necessary. It
supports thread-bound connections with, for example, DataSourceTransactionManager
The SmartDataSource
interface should be implemented by classes that can provide a
connection to a relational database. It extends the DataSource
interface to allow
classes using it to query whether the connection should be closed after a given
operation. This usage is efficient when you know that you will reuse a connection.
is an abstract
base class for Spring’s DataSource
implementations that implements code that is common to all DataSource
You extend the AbstractDataSource
class if you are writing your own DataSource
The SingleConnectionDataSource
class is an implementation of the SmartDataSource
interface that wraps a single Connection
that is not closed after each use.
Obviously, this is not multi-threading capable.
If any client code calls close
in the assumption of a pooled connection, as when using
persistence tools, set the suppressClose
property to true
. This setting returns a
close-suppressing proxy wrapping the physical connection. Be aware that you will not be
able to cast this to a native Oracle Connection
or the like anymore.
This is primarily a test class. For example, it enables easy testing of code outside an
application server, in conjunction with a simple JNDI environment. In contrast to
, it reuses the same connection all the time, avoiding
excessive creation of physical connections.
The DriverManagerDataSource
class is an implementation of the standard DataSource
interface that configures a plain JDBC driver through bean properties, and returns a new
every time.
This implementation is useful for test and stand-alone environments outside of a Java EE
container, either as a DataSource
bean in a Spring IoC container, or in conjunction
with a simple JNDI environment. Pool-assuming Connection.close()
calls will simply
close the connection, so any DataSource
-aware persistence code should work. However,
using JavaBean-style connection pools such as commons-dbcp
is so easy, even in a test
environment, that it is almost always preferable to use such a connection pool over
is a proxy for a target DataSource
, which wraps that
target DataSource
to add awareness of Spring-managed transactions. In this respect, it
is similar to a transactional JNDI DataSource
as provided by a Java EE server.
![]() | Note |
It is rarely desirable to use this class, except when already existing code that must be
called and passed a standard JDBC |
(See the TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
javadocs for more details.)
The DataSourceTransactionManager
class is a PlatformTransactionManager
implementation for single JDBC datasources. It binds a JDBC connection from the
specified data source to the currently executing thread, potentially allowing for one
thread connection per data source.
Application code is required to retrieve the JDBC connection through
instead of Java EE’s standard
. It throws unchecked org.springframework.dao
instead of checked SQLExceptions
. All framework classes like JdbcTemplate
use this
strategy implicitly. If not used with this transaction manager, the lookup strategy
behaves exactly like the common one - it can thus be used in any case.
The DataSourceTransactionManager
class supports custom isolation levels, and timeouts
that get applied as appropriate JDBC statement query timeouts. To support the latter,
application code must either use JdbcTemplate
or call the
method for each created statement.
This implementation can be used instead of JtaTransactionManager
in the single
resource case, as it does not require the container to support JTA. Switching between
both is just a matter of configuration, if you stick to the required connection lookup
pattern. JTA does not support custom isolation levels!
Sometimes you need to access vendor specific JDBC methods that differ from the standard
JDBC API. This can be problematic if you are running in an application server or with a
that wraps the Connection
, Statement
and ResultSet
objects with its
own wrapper objects. To gain access to the native objects you can configure your
or OracleLobHandler
with a NativeJdbcExtractor
The NativeJdbcExtractor
comes in a variety of flavors to match your execution
Usually the SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor
is sufficient for unwrapping a Connection
object in most environments. See the javadocs for more details.
Most JDBC drivers provide improved performance if you batch multiple calls to the same prepared statement. By grouping updates into batches you limit the number of round trips to the database.
You accomplish JdbcTemplate
batch processing by implementing two methods of a special
interface, BatchPreparedStatementSetter
, and passing that in as the second parameter
in your batchUpdate
method call. Use the getBatchSize
method to provide the size of
the current batch. Use the setValues
method to set the values for the parameters of
the prepared statement. This method will be called the number of times that you
specified in the getBatchSize
call. The following example updates the actor table
based on entries in a list. The entire list is used as the batch in this example:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int[] batchUpdate(final List<Actor> actors) { return this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update t_actor set first_name = ?, last_name = ? where id = ?", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { ps.setString(1, actors.get(i).getFirstName()); ps.setString(2, actors.get(i).getLastName()); ps.setLong(3, actors.get(i).getId().longValue()); } public int getBatchSize() { return actors.size(); } }); } // ... additional methods }
If you are processing a stream of updates or reading from a file, then you might have a
preferred batch size, but the last batch might not have that number of entries. In this
case you can use the InterruptibleBatchPreparedStatementSetter
interface, which allows
you to interrupt a batch once the input source is exhausted. The isBatchExhausted
allows you to signal the end of the batch.
Both the JdbcTemplate
and the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
provides an alternate way
of providing the batch update. Instead of implementing a special batch interface, you
provide all parameter values in the call as a list. The framework loops over these
values and uses an internal prepared statement setter. The API varies depending on
whether you use named parameters. For the named parameters you provide an array of
, one entry for each member of the batch. You can use the
convenience methods to create this array, passing
in an array of bean-style objects (with getter methods corresponding to parameters)
and/or String-keyed Maps (containing the corresponding parameters as values).
This example shows a batch update using named parameters:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private NamedParameterTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int[] batchUpdate(List<Actor> actors) { return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update t_actor set first_name = :firstName, last_name = :lastName where id = :id", SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(actors.toArray())); } // ... additional methods }
For an SQL statement using the classic "?" placeholders, you pass in a list containing an object array with the update values. This object array must have one entry for each placeholder in the SQL statement, and they must be in the same order as they are defined in the SQL statement.
The same example using classic JDBC "?" placeholders:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int[] batchUpdate(final List<Actor> actors) { List<Object[]> batch = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Actor actor : actors) { Object[] values = new Object[] { actor.getFirstName(), actor.getLastName(), actor.getId()}; batch.add(values); } return this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update t_actor set first_name = ?, last_name = ? where id = ?", batch); } // ... additional methods }
All of the above batch update methods return an int array containing the number of affected rows for each batch entry. This count is reported by the JDBC driver. If the count is not available, the JDBC driver returns a -2 value.
The last example of a batch update deals with batches that are so large that you want to
break them up into several smaller batches. You can of course do this with the methods
mentioned above by making multiple calls to the batchUpdate
method, but there is now a
more convenient method. This method takes, in addition to the SQL statement, a
Collection of objects containing the parameters, the number of updates to make for each
batch and a ParameterizedPreparedStatementSetter
to set the values for the parameters
of the prepared statement. The framework loops over the provided values and breaks the
update calls into batches of the size specified.
This example shows a batch update using a batch size of 100:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } public int[][] batchUpdate(final Collection<Actor> actors) { int[][] updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update t_actor set first_name = ?, last_name = ? where id = ?", actors, 100, new ParameterizedPreparedStatementSetter<Actor>() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, Actor argument) throws SQLException { ps.setString(1, argument.getFirstName()); ps.setString(2, argument.getLastName()); ps.setLong(3, argument.getId().longValue()); } }); return updateCounts; } // ... additional methods }
The batch update methods for this call returns an array of int arrays containing an array entry for each batch with an array of the number of affected rows for each update. The top level array’s length indicates the number of batches executed and the second level array’s length indicates the number of updates in that batch. The number of updates in each batch should be the batch size provided for all batches except for the last one that might be less, depending on the total number of update objects provided. The update count for each update statement is the one reported by the JDBC driver. If the count is not available, the JDBC driver returns a -2 value.
The SimpleJdbcInsert
and SimpleJdbcCall
classes provide a simplified configuration
by taking advantage of database metadata that can be retrieved through the JDBC driver.
This means there is less to configure up front, although you can override or turn off
the metadata processing if you prefer to provide all the details in your code.
Let’s start by looking at the SimpleJdbcInsert
class with the minimal amount of
configuration options. You should instantiate the SimpleJdbcInsert
in the data access
layer’s initialization method. For this example, the initializing method is the
method. You do not need to subclass the SimpleJdbcInsert
class; simply
create a new instance and set the table name using the withTableName
Configuration methods for this class follow the "fluid" style that returns the instance
of the SimpleJdbcInsert
, which allows you to chain all configuration methods. This
example uses only one configuration method; you will see examples of multiple ones later.
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName("t_actor"); } public void add(Actor actor) { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(3); parameters.put("id", actor.getId()); parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName()); parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName()); insertActor.execute(parameters); } // ... additional methods }
The execute method used here takes a plain java.utils.Map
as its only parameter. The
important thing to note here is that the keys used for the Map must match the column
names of the table as defined in the database. This is because we read the metadata in
order to construct the actual insert statement.
This example uses the same insert as the preceding, but instead of passing in the id it
retrieves the auto-generated key and sets it on the new Actor object. When you create
the SimpleJdbcInsert
, in addition to specifying the table name, you specify the name
of the generated key column with the usingGeneratedKeyColumns
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("t_actor") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); } public void add(Actor actor) { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName()); parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName()); Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters); actor.setId(newId.longValue()); } // ... additional methods }
The main difference when executing the insert by this second approach is that you do not
add the id to the Map and you call the executeAndReturnKey
method. This returns a
object with which you can create an instance of the numerical type that
is used in our domain class. You cannot rely on all databases to return a specific Java
class here; java.lang.Number
is the base class that you can rely on. If you have
multiple auto-generated columns, or the generated values are non-numeric, then you can
use a KeyHolder
that is returned from the executeAndReturnKeyHolder
You can limit the columns for an insert by specifying a list of column names with the
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("t_actor") .usingColumns("first_name", "last_name") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); } public void add(Actor actor) { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName()); parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName()); Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters); actor.setId(newId.longValue()); } // ... additional methods }
The execution of the insert is the same as if you had relied on the metadata to determine which columns to use.
Using a Map
to provide parameter values works fine, but it’s not the most convenient
class to use. Spring provides a couple of implementations of the SqlParameterSource
interface that can be used instead.The first one is BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
which is a very convenient class if you have a JavaBean-compliant class that contains
your values. It will use the corresponding getter method to extract the parameter
values. Here is an example:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("t_actor") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); } public void add(Actor actor) { SqlParameterSource parameters = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(actor); Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters); actor.setId(newId.longValue()); } // ... additional methods }
Another option is the MapSqlParameterSource
that resembles a Map but provides a more
convenient addValue
method that can be chained.
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("t_actor") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); } public void add(Actor actor) { SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("first_name", actor.getFirstName()) .addValue("last_name", actor.getLastName()); Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters); actor.setId(newId.longValue()); } // ... additional methods }
As you can see, the configuration is the same; only the executing code has to change to use these alternative input classes.
The SimpleJdbcCall
class leverages metadata in the database to look up names of in
and out
parameters, so that you do not have to declare them explicitly. You can
declare parameters if you prefer to do that, or if you have parameters such as ARRAY
that do not have an automatic mapping to a Java class. The first example
shows a simple procedure that returns only scalar values in VARCHAR
and DATE
from a MySQL database. The example procedure reads a specified actor entry and returns
, last_name
, and birth_date
columns in the form of out
CREATE PROCEDURE read_actor ( IN in_id INTEGER, OUT out_first_name VARCHAR(100), OUT out_last_name VARCHAR(100), OUT out_birth_date DATE) BEGIN SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date INTO out_first_name, out_last_name, out_birth_date FROM t_actor where id = in_id; END;
The in_id
parameter contains the id
of the actor you are looking up. The out
parameters return the data read from the table.
The SimpleJdbcCall
is declared in a similar manner to the SimpleJdbcInsert
. You
should instantiate and configure the class in the initialization method of your data
access layer. Compared to the StoredProcedure class, you don’t have to create a subclass
and you don’t have to declare parameters that can be looked up in the database metadata.
Following is an example of a SimpleJdbcCall configuration using the above stored
procedure. The only configuration option, in addition to the DataSource
, is the name
of the stored procedure.
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource) .withProcedureName("read_actor"); } public Actor readActor(Long id) { SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("in_id", id); Map out = procReadActor.execute(in); Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setId(id); actor.setFirstName((String) out.get("out_first_name")); actor.setLastName((String) out.get("out_last_name")); actor.setBirthDate((Date) out.get("out_birth_date")); return actor; } // ... additional methods }
The code you write for the execution of the call involves creating an SqlParameterSource
containing the IN parameter. It’s important to match the name provided for the input value
with that of the parameter name declared in the stored procedure. The case does not have
to match because you use metadata to determine how database objects should be referred to
in a stored procedure. What is specified in the source for the stored procedure is not
necessarily the way it is stored in the database. Some databases transform names to all
upper case while others use lower case or use the case as specified.
The execute
method takes the IN parameters and returns a Map containing any out
parameters keyed by the name as specified in the stored procedure. In this case they are
out_first_name, out_last_name
and out_birth_date
The last part of the execute
method creates an Actor instance to use to return the
data retrieved. Again, it is important to use the names of the out
parameters as they
are declared in the stored procedure. Also, the case in the names of the out
parameters stored in the results map matches that of the out
parameter names in the
database, which could vary between databases. To make your code more portable you should
do a case-insensitive lookup or instruct Spring to use a LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap
To do the latter, you create your own JdbcTemplate
and set the setResultsMapCaseInsensitive
property to true
. Then you pass this customized JdbcTemplate
instance into
the constructor of your SimpleJdbcCall
. Here is an example of this configuration:
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.setResultsMapCaseInsensitive(true); this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) .withProcedureName("read_actor"); } // ... additional methods }
By taking this action, you avoid conflicts in the case used for the names of your
returned out
You have seen how the parameters are deduced based on metadata, but you can declare then
explicitly if you wish. You do this by creating and configuring SimpleJdbcCall
the declareParameters
method, which takes a variable number of SqlParameter
as input. See the next section for details on how to define an SqlParameter
![]() | Note |
Explicit declarations are necessary if the database you use is not a Spring-supported database. Currently Spring supports metadata lookup of stored procedure calls for the following databases: Apache Derby, DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase. We also support metadata lookup of stored functions for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle. |
You can opt to declare one, some, or all the parameters explicitly. The parameter
metadata is still used where you do not declare parameters explicitly. To bypass all
processing of metadata lookups for potential parameters and only use the declared
parameters, you call the method withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess
as part of the
declaration. Suppose that you have two or more different call signatures declared for a
database function. In this case you call the useInParameterNames
to specify the list
of IN parameter names to include for a given signature.
The following example shows a fully declared procedure call, using the information from the preceding example.
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.setResultsMapCaseInsensitive(true); this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) .withProcedureName("read_actor") .withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess() .useInParameterNames("in_id") .declareParameters( new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC), new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR), new SqlOutParameter("out_last_name", Types.VARCHAR), new SqlOutParameter("out_birth_date", Types.DATE) ); } // ... additional methods }
The execution and end results of the two examples are the same; this one specifies all details explicitly rather than relying on metadata.
To define a parameter for the SimpleJdbc classes and also for the RDBMS operations
classes, covered in Section 19.6, “Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects”, you use an SqlParameter
or one of its subclasses.
You typically specify the parameter name and SQL type in the constructor. The SQL type
is specified using the java.sql.Types
constants. We have already seen declarations
new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC), new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),
The first line with the SqlParameter
declares an IN parameter. IN parameters can be
used for both stored procedure calls and for queries using the SqlQuery
and its
subclasses covered in the following section.
The second line with the SqlOutParameter
declares an out
parameter to be used in a
stored procedure call. There is also an SqlInOutParameter
for InOut
parameters that provide an IN
value to the procedure and that also return a value.
![]() | Note |
Only parameters declared as |
For IN parameters, in addition to the name and the SQL type, you can specify a scale for
numeric data or a type name for custom database types. For out
parameters, you can
provide a RowMapper
to handle mapping of rows returned from a REF
cursor. Another
option is to specify an SqlReturnType
that provides an opportunity to define
customized handling of the return values.
You call a stored function in almost the same way as you call a stored procedure, except
that you provide a function name rather than a procedure name. You use the
method as part of the configuration to indicate that we want to make
a call to a function, and the corresponding string for a function call is generated. A
specialized execute call, executeFunction,
is used to execute the function and it
returns the function return value as an object of a specified type, which means you do
not have to retrieve the return value from the results map. A similar convenience method
named executeObject
is also available for stored procedures that only have one out
parameter. The following example is based on a stored function named get_actor_name
that returns an actor’s full name. Here is the MySQL source for this function:
CREATE FUNCTION get_actor_name (in_id INTEGER) RETURNS VARCHAR(200) READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE out_name VARCHAR(200); SELECT concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) INTO out_name FROM t_actor where id = in_id; RETURN out_name; END;
To call this function we again create a SimpleJdbcCall
in the initialization method.
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcCall funcGetActorName; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.setResultsMapCaseInsensitive(true); this.funcGetActorName = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) .withFunctionName("get_actor_name"); } public String getActorName(Long id) { SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("in_id", id); String name = funcGetActorName.executeFunction(String.class, in); return name; } // ... additional methods }
The execute method used returns a String
containing the return value from the function
Calling a stored procedure or function that returns a result set is a bit tricky. Some
databases return result sets during the JDBC results processing while others require an
explicitly registered out
parameter of a specific type. Both approaches need
additional processing to loop over the result set and process the returned rows. With
the SimpleJdbcCall
you use the returningResultSet
method and declare a RowMapper
implementation to be used for a specific parameter. In the case where the result set is
returned during the results processing, there are no names defined, so the returned
results will have to match the order in which you declare the RowMapper
implementations. The name specified is still used to store the processed list of results
in the results map that is returned from the execute statement.
The next example uses a stored procedure that takes no IN parameters and returns all rows from the t_actor table. Here is the MySQL source for this procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE read_all_actors() BEGIN SELECT, a.first_name, a.last_name, a.birth_date FROM t_actor a; END;
To call this procedure you declare the RowMapper
. Because the class you want to map to
follows the JavaBean rules, you can use a BeanPropertyRowMapper
that is
created by passing in the required class to map to in the newInstance
public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private SimpleJdbcCall procReadAllActors; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.setResultsMapCaseInsensitive(true); this.procReadAllActors = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) .withProcedureName("read_all_actors") .returningResultSet("actors", BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(Actor.class)); } public List getActorsList() { Map m = procReadAllActors.execute(new HashMap<String, Object>(0)); return (List) m.get("actors"); } // ... additional methods }
The execute call passes in an empty Map because this call does not take any parameters. The list of Actors is then retrieved from the results map and returned to the caller.
The org.springframework.jdbc.object
package contains classes that allow you to access
the database in a more object-oriented manner. As an example, you can execute queries
and get the results back as a list containing business objects with the relational
column data mapped to the properties of the business object. You can also execute stored
procedures and run update, delete, and insert statements.
![]() | Note |
Many Spring developers believe that the various RDBMS operation classes described below
(with the exception of the However, if you are getting measurable value from using the RDBMS operation classes, continue using these classes. |
is a reusable, threadsafe class that encapsulates an SQL query. Subclasses
must implement the newRowMapper(..)
method to provide a RowMapper
instance that can
create one object per row obtained from iterating over the ResultSet
that is created
during the execution of the query. The SqlQuery
class is rarely used directly because
the MappingSqlQuery
subclass provides a much more convenient implementation for
mapping rows to Java classes. Other implementations that extend SqlQuery
and UpdatableSqlQuery
is a reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the
abstract mapRow(..)
method to convert each row of the supplied ResultSet
into an
object of the type specified. The following example shows a custom query that maps the
data from the t_actor
relation to an instance of the Actor
public class ActorMappingQuery extends MappingSqlQuery<Actor> { public ActorMappingQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select id, first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?"); super.declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.INTEGER)); compile(); } @Override protected Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNumber) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setId(rs.getLong("id")); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } }
The class extends MappingSqlQuery
parameterized with the Actor
type. The constructor
for this customer query takes the DataSource
as the only parameter. In this
constructor you call the constructor on the superclass with the DataSource
and the SQL
that should be executed to retrieve the rows for this query. This SQL will be used to
create a PreparedStatement
so it may contain place holders for any parameters to be
passed in during execution.You must declare each parameter using the declareParameter
method passing in an SqlParameter
. The SqlParameter
takes a name and the JDBC type
as defined in java.sql.Types
. After you define all parameters, you call the
method so the statement can be prepared and later executed. This class is
thread-safe after it is compiled, so as long as these instances are created when the DAO
is initialized they can be kept as instance variables and be reused.
private ActorMappingQuery actorMappingQuery; @Autowired public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.actorMappingQuery = new ActorMappingQuery(dataSource); } public Customer getCustomer(Long id) { return actorMappingQuery.findObject(id); }
The method in this example retrieves the customer with the id that is passed in as the
only parameter. Since we only want one object returned we simply call the convenience
method findObject
with the id as parameter. If we had instead a query that returned a
list of objects and took additional parameters then we would use one of the execute
methods that takes an array of parameter values passed in as varargs.
public List<Actor> searchForActors(int age, String namePattern) { List<Actor> actors = actorSearchMappingQuery.execute(age, namePattern); return actors; }
The SqlUpdate
class encapsulates an SQL update. Like a query, an update object is
reusable, and like all RdbmsOperation
classes, an update can have parameters and is
defined in SQL. This class provides a number of update(..)
methods analogous to the
methods of query objects. The SQLUpdate
class is concrete. It can be
subclassed, for example, to add a custom update method, as in the following snippet
where it’s simply called execute
. However, you don’t have to subclass the SqlUpdate
class since it can easily be parameterized by setting SQL and declaring parameters.
import java.sql.Types; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate; public class UpdateCreditRating extends SqlUpdate { public UpdateCreditRating(DataSource ds) { setDataSource(ds); setSql("update customer set credit_rating = ? where id = ?"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("creditRating", Types.NUMERIC)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.NUMERIC)); compile(); } /** * @param id for the Customer to be updated * @param rating the new value for credit rating * @return number of rows updated */ public int execute(int id, int rating) { return update(rating, id); } }
The StoredProcedure
class is a superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS stored
procedures. This class is abstract
, and its various execute(..)
methods have
access, preventing use other than through a subclass that offers tighter
The inherited sql
property will be the name of the stored procedure in the RDBMS.
To define a parameter for the StoredProcedure
class, you use an SqlParameter
or one
of its subclasses. You must specify the parameter name and SQL type in the constructor
like in the following code snippet. The SQL type is specified using the java.sql.Types
new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC), new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),
The first line with the SqlParameter
declares an IN parameter. IN parameters can be
used for both stored procedure calls and for queries using the SqlQuery
and its
subclasses covered in the following section.
The second line with the SqlOutParameter
declares an out
parameter to be used in the
stored procedure call. There is also an SqlInOutParameter
for I
parameters that provide an in
value to the procedure and that also return a value.
For i
parameters, in addition to the name and the SQL type, you can specify a
scale for numeric data or a type name for custom database types. For out
you can provide a RowMapper
to handle mapping of rows returned from a REF cursor.
Another option is to specify an SqlReturnType
that enables you to define customized
handling of the return values.
Here is an example of a simple DAO that uses a StoredProcedure
to call a function,
,which comes with any Oracle database. To use the stored procedure
functionality you have to create a class that extends StoredProcedure
. In this
example, the StoredProcedure
class is an inner class, but if you need to reuse the
you declare it as a top-level class. This example has no input
parameters, but an output parameter is declared as a date type using the class
. The execute()
method executes the procedure and extracts the
returned date from the results Map
. The results Map
has an entry for each declared
output parameter, in this case only one, using the parameter name as the key.
import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure; public class StoredProcedureDao { private GetSysdateProcedure getSysdate; @Autowired public void init(DataSource dataSource) { this.getSysdate = new GetSysdateProcedure(dataSource); } public Date getSysdate() { return getSysdate.execute(); } private class GetSysdateProcedure extends StoredProcedure { private static final String SQL = "sysdate"; public GetSysdateProcedure(DataSource dataSource) { setDataSource(dataSource); setFunction(true); setSql(SQL); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("date", Types.DATE)); compile(); } public Date execute() { // the 'sysdate' sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied... Map<String, Object> results = execute(new HashMap<String, Object>()); Date sysdate = (Date) results.get("date"); return sysdate; } } }
The following example of a StoredProcedure
has two output parameters (in this case,
Oracle REF cursors).
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure { private static final String SPROC_NAME = "AllTitlesAndGenres"; public TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) { super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper())); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("genres", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new GenreMapper())); compile(); } public Map<String, Object> execute() { // again, this sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied return super.execute(new HashMap<String, Object>()); } }
Notice how the overloaded variants of the declareParameter(..)
method that have been
used in the TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure
constructor are passed RowMapper
implementation instances; this is a very convenient and powerful way to reuse existing
functionality. The code for the two RowMapper
implementations is provided below.
The TitleMapper
class maps a ResultSet
to a Title
domain object for each row in
the supplied ResultSet
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import; public final class TitleMapper implements RowMapper<Title> { public Title mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Title title = new Title(); title.setId(rs.getLong("id")); title.setName(rs.getString("name")); return title; } }
The GenreMapper
class maps a ResultSet
to a Genre
domain object for each row in
the supplied ResultSet
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import; public final class GenreMapper implements RowMapper<Genre> { public Genre mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return new Genre(rs.getString("name")); } }
To pass parameters to a stored procedure that has one or more input parameters in its
definition in the RDBMS, you can code a strongly typed execute(..)
method that would
delegate to the superclass' untyped execute(Map parameters)
method (which has
access); for example:
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure { private static final String SPROC_NAME = "TitlesAfterDate"; private static final String CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM = "cutoffDate"; public TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) { super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME); declareParameter(new SqlParameter(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, Types.DATE); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper())); compile(); } public Map<String, Object> execute(Date cutoffDate) { Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); inputs.put(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, cutoffDate); return super.execute(inputs); } }
Common problems with parameters and data values exist in the different approaches provided by the Spring Framework JDBC.
Usually Spring determines the SQL type of the parameters based on the type of parameter passed in. It is possible to explicitly provide the SQL type to be used when setting parameter values. This is sometimes necessary to correctly set NULL values.
You can provide SQL type information in several ways:
take an additional parameter in
the form of an int
array. This array is used to indicate the SQL type of the
corresponding parameter using constant values from the java.sql.Types
class. Provide
one entry for each parameter.
class to wrap the parameter value that needs this
additional information.Create a new instance for each value and pass in the SQL type
and parameter value in the constructor. You can also provide an optional scale
parameter for numeric values.
or MapSqlParameterSource
. They both have methods
for registering the SQL type for any of the named parameter values.
You can store images, other binary data, and large chunks of text in the database. These
large objects are called BLOBs (Binary Large OBject) for binary data and CLOBs (Character
Large OBject) for character data. In Spring you can handle these large objects by using
the JdbcTemplate
directly and also when using the higher abstractions provided by RDBMS
Objects and the SimpleJdbc
classes. All of these approaches use an implementation of
the LobHandler
interface for the actual management of the LOB (Large OBject) data. The
provides access to a LobCreator
class, through the getLobCreator
used for creating new LOB objects to be inserted.
The LobCreator/LobHandler
provides the following support for LOB input and output:
— getBlobAsBytes
and setBlobAsBytes
— getBlobAsBinaryStream
and setBlobAsBinaryStream
— getClobAsString
and setClobAsString
— getClobAsAsciiStream
and setClobAsAsciiStream
— getClobAsCharacterStream
and setClobAsCharacterStream
The next example shows how to create and insert a BLOB. Later you will see how to read it back from the database.
This example uses a JdbcTemplate
and an implementation of the
. It implements one method,
. This method provides a LobCreator
that you use to set the values for the
LOB columns in your SQL insert statement.
For this example we assume that there is a variable, lobHandler
, that already is
set to an instance of a DefaultLobHandler
. You typically set this value through
dependency injection.
final File blobIn = new File("spring2004.jpg"); final InputStream blobIs = new FileInputStream(blobIn); final File clobIn = new File("large.txt"); final InputStream clobIs = new FileInputStream(clobIn); final InputStreamReader clobReader = new InputStreamReader(clobIs); jdbcTemplate.execute( "INSERT INTO lob_table (id, a_clob, a_blob) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", new AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback(lobHandler) {protected void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, LobCreator lobCreator) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1, 1L); lobCreator.setClobAsCharacterStream(ps, 2, clobReader, (int)clobIn.length());
lobCreator.setBlobAsBinaryStream(ps, 3, blobIs, (int)blobIn.length());
} } ); blobIs.close(); clobReader.close();
Pass in the | |
Using the method | |
Using the method |
![]() | Note |
If you invoke the Consult the documentation for the JDBC driver in use to verify support for streaming a LOB without providing the content length. |
Now it’s time to read the LOB data from the database. Again, you use a JdbcTemplate
with the same instance variable lobHandler
and a reference to a DefaultLobHandler
List<Map<String, Object>> l = jdbcTemplate.query("select id, a_clob, a_blob from lob_table", new RowMapper<Map<String, Object>>() { public Map<String, Object> mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException { Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String clobText = lobHandler.getClobAsString(rs, "a_clob");results.put("CLOB", clobText); byte[] blobBytes = lobHandler.getBlobAsBytes(rs, "a_blob");
results.put("BLOB", blobBytes); return results; } });
The SQL standard allows for selecting rows based on an expression that includes a
variable list of values. A typical example would be select * from T_ACTOR where id in
(1, 2, 3)
. This variable list is not directly supported for prepared statements by the
JDBC standard; you cannot declare a variable number of placeholders. You need a number
of variations with the desired number of placeholders prepared, or you need to generate
the SQL string dynamically once you know how many placeholders are required. The named
parameter support provided in the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
and JdbcTemplate
the latter approach. Pass in the values as a java.util.List
of primitive objects. This
list will be used to insert the required placeholders and pass in the values during the
statement execution.
![]() | Note |
Be careful when passing in many values. The JDBC standard does not guarantee that you
can use more than 100 values for an |
In addition to the primitive values in the value list, you can create a java.util.List
of object arrays. This list would support multiple expressions defined for the in
clause such as select * from T_ACTOR where (id, last_name) in ((1, 'Johnson'), (2,
. This of course requires that your database supports this syntax.
When you call stored procedures you can sometimes use complex types specific to the
database. To accommodate these types, Spring provides a SqlReturnType
for handling
them when they are returned from the stored procedure call and SqlTypeValue
when they
are passed in as a parameter to the stored procedure.
Here is an example of returning the value of an Oracle STRUCT
object of the user
declared type ITEM_TYPE
. The SqlReturnType
interface has a single method named
that must be implemented. This interface is used as part of the
declaration of an SqlOutParameter
final TestItem = new TestItem(123L, "A test item", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d").parse("2010-12-31")); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("item", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "ITEM_TYPE", new SqlReturnType() { public Object getTypeValue(CallableStatement cs, int colIndx, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException { STRUCT struct = (STRUCT) cs.getObject(colIndx); Object[] attr = struct.getAttributes(); TestItem item = new TestItem(); item.setId(((Number) attr[0]).longValue()); item.setDescription((String) attr[1]); item.setExpirationDate((java.util.Date) attr[2]); return item; } }));
You use the SqlTypeValue
to pass in the value of a Java object like TestItem
into a
stored procedure. The SqlTypeValue
interface has a single method named
that you must implement. The active connection is passed in, and you
can use it to create database-specific objects such as StructDescriptor
s, as shown in
the following example, or ArrayDescriptor
final TestItem = new TestItem(123L, "A test item", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d").parse("2010-12-31")); SqlTypeValue value = new AbstractSqlTypeValue() { protected Object createTypeValue(Connection conn, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException { StructDescriptor itemDescriptor = new StructDescriptor(typeName, conn); Struct item = new STRUCT(itemDescriptor, conn, new Object[] { testItem.getId(), testItem.getDescription(), new java.sql.Date(testItem.getExpirationDate().getTime()) }); return item; } };
This SqlTypeValue
can now be added to the Map containing the input parameters for the
execute call of the stored procedure.
Another use for the SqlTypeValue
is passing in an array of values to an Oracle stored
procedure. Oracle has its own internal ARRAY
class that must be used in this case, and
you can use the SqlTypeValue
to create an instance of the Oracle ARRAY
and populate
it with values from the Java ARRAY
final Long[] ids = new Long[] {1L, 2L}; SqlTypeValue value = new AbstractSqlTypeValue() { protected Object createTypeValue(Connection conn, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException { ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = new ArrayDescriptor(typeName, conn); ARRAY idArray = new ARRAY(arrayDescriptor, conn, ids); return idArray; } };
The org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded
package provides support for embedded
Java database engines. Support for HSQL,
H2, and Derby is provided
natively. You can also use an extensible API to plug in new embedded database types and
An embedded database is useful during the development phase of a project because of its lightweight nature. Benefits include ease of configuration, quick startup time, testability, and the ability to rapidly evolve SQL during development.
If you want to expose an embedded database instance as a bean in a Spring
, use the embedded-database
tag in the spring-jdbc
<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" generate-name="true"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:schema.sql"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/> </jdbc:embedded-database>
The preceding configuration creates an embedded HSQL database populated with SQL from
and test-data.sql
resources in the root of the classpath. In addition, as
a best practice, the embedded database will be assigned a uniquely generated name. The
embedded database is made available to the Spring container as a bean of type
which can then be injected into data access objects as needed.
The EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder
class provides a fluent API for constructing an embedded
database programmatically. Use this when you need to create an embedded database in a
standalone environment or in a standalone integration test like in the following example.
EmbeddedDatabase db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder() .generateUniqueName(true) .setType(H2) .setScriptEncoding("UTF-8") .ignoreFailedDrops(true) .addScript("schema.sql") .addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql") .build(); // perform actions against the db (EmbeddedDatabase extends javax.sql.DataSource) db.shutdown()
Consult the Javadoc for EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder
for further details on all supported
The EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder
can also be used to create an embedded database using Java
Config like in the following example.
@Configuration public class DataSourceConfig { @Bean public DataSource dataSource() { return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder() .generateUniqueName(true) .setType(H2) .setScriptEncoding("UTF-8") .ignoreFailedDrops(true) .addScript("schema.sql") .addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql") .build(); } }
Spring supports HSQL 1.8.0 and above. HSQL is the default embedded database if no type is
specified explicitly. To specify HSQL explicitly, set the type
attribute of the
tag to HSQL
. If you are using the builder API, call the
method with EmbeddedDatabaseType.HSQL
Spring supports the H2 database as well. To enable H2, set the type
attribute of the
tag to H2
. If you are using the builder API, call the
method with EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2
Embedded databases provide a lightweight way to test data access code. The following is a
data access integration test template that uses an embedded database. Using a template
like this can be useful for one-offs when the embedded database does not need to be
reused across test classes. However, if you wish to create an embedded database that is
shared within a test suite, consider using the Spring TestContext
Framework and configuring the embedded database as a bean in the Spring
as described in Section 19.8.2, “Creating an embedded database using Spring XML” and
Section 19.8.3, “Creating an embedded database programmatically”.
public class DataAccessIntegrationTestTemplate { private EmbeddedDatabase db; @Before public void setUp() { // creates an HSQL in-memory database populated from default scripts // classpath:schema.sql and classpath:data.sql db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder() .generateUniqueName(true) .addDefaultScripts() .build(); } @Test public void testDataAccess() { JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(db); template.query( /* ... */ ); } @After public void tearDown() { db.shutdown(); } }
Development teams often encounter errors with embedded databases if their test suite
inadvertently attempts to recreate additional instances of the same database. This can
happen quite easily if an XML configuration file or @Configuration
class is responsible
for creating an embedded database and the corresponding configuration is then reused
across multiple testing scenarios within the same test suite (i.e., within the same JVM
process) –- for example, integration tests against embedded databases whose
configuration only differs with regard to which bean definition
profiles are active.
The root cause of such errors is the fact that Spring’s EmbeddedDatabaseFactory
internally by both the <jdbc:embedded-database>
XML namespace element and the
for Java Config) will set the name of the embedded database to
if not otherwise specified. For the case of <jdbc:embedded-database>
, the
embedded database is typically assigned a name equal to the bean’s id
(i.e., often
something like "dataSource"
). Thus, subsequent attempts to create an embedded database
will not result in a new database. Instead, the same JDBC connection URL will be reused,
and attempts to create a new embedded database will actually point to an existing
embedded database created from the same configuration.
To address this common issue Spring Framework 4.2 provides support for generating unique names for embedded databases. To enable the use of generated names, use one of the following options.
<jdbc:embedded-database generate-name="true" … >
Spring JDBC embedded database support can be extended in two ways:
to support a new embedded database type.
to support a new DataSource
implementation, such as a
connection pool to manage embedded database connections.
You are encouraged to contribute back extensions to the Spring community at
The org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init
package provides support for initializing
an existing DataSource
. The embedded database support provides one option for creating
and initializing a DataSource
for an application, but sometimes you need to initialize
an instance running on a server somewhere.
If you want to initialize a database and you can provide a reference to a DataSource
bean, use the initialize-database
tag in the spring-jdbc
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-schema.sql"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data.sql"/> </jdbc:initialize-database>
The example above executes the two scripts specified against the database: the first
script creates a schema, and the second populates tables with a test data set. The script
locations can also be patterns with wildcards in the usual ant style used for resources
in Spring (e.g.
). If a
pattern is used, the scripts are executed in lexical order of their URL or filename.
The default behavior of the database initializer is to unconditionally execute the scripts provided. This will not always be what you want, for instance, if you are executing the scripts against a database that already has test data in it. The likelihood of accidentally deleting data is reduced by following the common pattern (as shown above) of creating the tables first and then inserting the data — the first step will fail if the tables already exist.
However, to gain more control over the creation and deletion of existing data, the XML namespace provides a few additional options. The first is a flag to switch the initialization on and off. This can be set according to the environment (e.g. to pull a boolean value from system properties or an environment bean), for example:
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" enabled="#{systemProperties.INITIALIZE_DATABASE}"> <jdbc:script location="..."/> </jdbc:initialize-database>
The second option to control what happens with existing data is to be more tolerant of failures. To this end you can control the ability of the initializer to ignore certain errors in the SQL it executes from the scripts, for example:
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" ignore-failures="DROPS"> <jdbc:script location="..."/> </jdbc:initialize-database>
In this example we are saying we expect that sometimes the scripts will be executed
against an empty database, and there are some DROP
statements in the scripts which
would therefore fail. So failed SQL DROP
statements will be ignored, but other failures
will cause an exception. This is useful if your SQL dialect doesn’t support DROP … IF
(or similar) but you want to unconditionally remove all test data before
re-creating it. In that case the first script is usually a set of DROP
followed by a set of CREATE
The ignore-failures
option can be set to NONE
(the default), DROPS
(ignore failed
drops), or ALL
(ignore all failures).
Each statement should be separated by ;
or a new line if the ;
character is not
present at all in the script. You can control that globally or script by script, for
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" separator="@@"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-schema.sql" separator=";"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data-1.sql"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data-2.sql"/> </jdbc:initialize-database>
In this example, the two test-data
scripts use @@
as statement separator and only
the db-schema.sql
uses ;
. This configuration specifies that the default separator
is @@
and override that default for the db-schema
If you need more control than you get from the XML namespace, you can simply use the
directly and define it as a component in your application.
A large class of applications can just use the database initializer with no further complications: those that do not use the database until after the Spring context has started. If your application is not one of those then you might need to read the rest of this section.
The database initializer depends on a DataSource
instance and executes the scripts
provided in its initialization callback (analogous to an init-method
in an XML bean
definition, a @PostConstruct
method in a component, or the afterPropertiesSet()
method in a component that implements InitializingBean
). If other beans depend on the
same data source and also use the data source in an initialization callback, then there
might be a problem because the data has not yet been initialized. A common example of
this is a cache that initializes eagerly and loads data from the database on application
To get around this issue you have two options: change your cache initialization strategy to a later phase, or ensure that the database initializer is initialized first.
The first option might be easy if the application is in your control, and not otherwise. Some suggestions for how to implement this include:
or SmartLifecycle
. When the application context starts up a
can be automatically started if its autoStartup
flag is set, and a
can be started manually by calling ConfigurableApplicationContext.start()
on the enclosing context.
or similar custom observer mechanism to trigger the
cache initialization. ContextRefreshedEvent
is always published by the context when
it is ready for use (after all beans have been initialized), so that is often a useful
hook (this is how the SmartLifecycle
works by default).
The second option can also be easy. Some suggestions on how to implement this include:
, which is that beans are
initialized in registration order. You can easily arrange that by adopting the common
practice of a set of <import/>
elements in XML configuration that order your
application modules, and ensure that the database and database initialization are
listed first.
and the business components that use it, and control their
startup order by putting them in separate ApplicationContext
instances (e.g. the
parent context contains the DataSource
, and child context contains the business
components). This structure is common in Spring web applications but can be more
generally applied.